The largest hospital in Dhofar is the capital hospital in Salalah.

The next day, Mr. Alef, the dean of the capital hospital, got the news that several top surgeons in the world had gathered in his hospital.

Mr. Dean was ecstatic, especially when he learned that one of them turned out to be the chief surgeon of mirror surgery at IMC Hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

The dean, who was born as a thoracic surgeon, is an elite in the medical field in Oman. He once went to Australia for advanced studies. A friend of the IMC Hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia told him about the operation on the Yemeni baby.

So he knew about this rare operation, but he didn't expect that when he woke up, the legendary chief surgeon was now in his hospital.

Aleph immediately called the doctor who provided the information to the office. This doctor was Dr. Oman who knew Li Zehui, and his name was Oude. day time.

The capital hospital will provide the best medical conditions for the Chinese wounded. Although in some respects it is inferior to the IMC hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in some respects, the IMC hospital in Jeddah is also inferior to the capital hospital.

In the end, the dean decided to go out in person. In the ICU doctor's duty room, the dean saw Yang Ping and Li Zehui who had just finished breakfast.

The dean has studied in Australia, so he is fluent in English.

Dr. Ode had no time to introduce.

The dean was very excited, and immediately held Li Zehui's hand: Professor Yang from China, I am very happy to meet you, I am very excited, the capital hospital will provide the best medical conditions for your wounded, and you can freely guide treatment.

The dean is eloquent and eloquent.

Probably Yang Ping looked too young to be regarded as an assistant by the dean.

The dean took Yang Ping's hand again: Young people, stay together until the wounded pass through the critical period. The air in Salalah is hundreds of times better than that in Jeddah. It is especially suitable for the recuperation of the wounded. Many Saudis People even came to us to recuperate. Our neighbors are fighting, but we are still peaceful and quiet, listen, there are no gunshots.

In short, Jeddah in Saudi Arabia is a place with serious air pollution. The air here is fresh, peaceful and beautiful, and it is the place closest to nature.

True or not, that's what the dean said anyway.

This is Professor Yang!

Li Zehui was finally let go by the dean and had a chance to clarify.

The embarrassing expression of the dean flashed across: Look, I'm too excited, sorry, Professor Yang, the artificial heart-lung machine in our ICU is the latest, just introduced, we have what Jeddah IMC Hospital has, and we don't lack it, and our There are enough manpower and beds, you should know that in ancient China, a navigator named Zheng He visited Salalah, and we have been friends for a long time.”

Yang Ping thought, it would be better if he could stay and stop making troubles!

If what the dean said is true, staying is also a good thing.

At least let the wounded survive the dangerous period before being transported. Mr. Dean tried his best to persuade him to stay.

The dean wants to keep these top doctors, especially Yang Ping, to help give lectures and improve the technical strength of the hospital doctors. Although it is not very useful for technical improvement in a short period of time, it can broaden the doctors' horizons and improve their ideas.

More importantly, establish a friendship and pave the way for the future development of the hospital.

These few people, the dean has heard from Jeddah's classmates that they are all top guys in the world, and they can't be invited normally.

At this time, how could it be easy to let go.

It only takes a few days, in addition to giving lectures, to conduct free clinics and build friendships.

Then Dhofar Capital Hospital will get reliable technical support, will have a good reputation, and will develop better and better in the future.

The capital hospital has only over 400 beds, but it is considered a large hospital in Oman.

There are no more than 10,000 hospital beds in the whole of Oman. This scale may not be comparable to a hospital in China.

For example, a hospital in our country is known as the largest hospital in the world, with more than 10,000 beds, which properly exceeds the number of beds in the entire country of Oman.

However, the population of Salalah is only 10,000, which is about the same size as a town in China.

In a city with a population of 10,000, a hospital with 400 beds is more than enough to undertake medical tasks.

The entire population of Dhofar is only over 200,000, and the work of several hospitals is very easy.

Ode, how is breakfast going?

The dean is impatient. After letting the professors have breakfast, he wants to take a few professors to visit the hospital to show their strength.

I've eaten! Yang Ping had just finished his breakfast.

Well, oh, I'm going to see the wounded, how is it?

Mr. Dean acted immediately, put on the gown, mask and hat, and went to visit Dashun by the bedside.

Yang Ping, Li Zehui, and all the ICU doctors followed.

Dashun was still in a coma, and there was an ice cap and blanket to physically cool him down, so he was fine.

Although the white blood cells were elevated, the procalcitonin was within the normal range, indicating that the fever was not caused by systemic infection.

You organize a special team to take care of the Chinese wounded, and use the green channel for all inspections, and try to do it whenever you want.

The dean began to arrange work at the bedside, and the director of the ICU took the lead in person, calling on the spot to set up a medical team to take care of Dashun.

However, there seemed to be no patients in the ICU, except Dashun, and there was another patient who was yelling at the nurse for porridge.

The dean waved, and the director of the ICU stepped forward. The dean said, What's the matter with that patient? The one who yells to eat porridge, seems to be very stable?

For those with hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage, the bleeding in the basal ganglia is only a few milliliters, and they have been in the hospital for three weeks. They can be transferred back to the general ward. The director of the ICU was quite embarrassed.

This patient can already be transferred out of the ICU, but if transferred out, the ICU will be empty and unsightly, so it will be kept temporarily.

In this case, let's transfer it out. The dean thought it was best.

At least for the time being, the entire ICU is used for the wounded, and the IMC Hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia cannot do it anyway.

Oman implements free medical care, and these patients do not consider money when they are hospitalized, so communication is very convenient.

He is willing to transfer him to any department, anyway, he will go home after healed.

However, the patient said that he would go back after eating porridge, and he wanted to walk back to the general ward by himself, rather than lying on the bed and being pushed.

Doctors and nurses resolutely rejected his unreasonable request.

Professor Yang, you see, our ICU beds, doctors and nurses are very sufficient. This is not comparable to Jeddah. Now that the wounded have undergone surgery, what they need is an excellent recovery environment. This is our strength. There are also several hospitals in several cities, all of which have ICU beds, so the medical pressure is almost zero. Oh, and there is also the cost, we treat the wounded for free. There are also medicines, what do you need, though, if there is not enough, we can go to the Royal According to the hospital, it is best to let the wounded recover to the point where he can eat porridge, and it will not be too late for him to be transported.

Mr. Dean was crackling and talking at length, he adjusted his glasses.

Besides, you can also use your free time to help improve our medical skills. This is a good thing for Dhofar, for the people of Oman. We urgently need the world's advanced medical technology, Dhofar People, the people of Oman will thank you.

The dean held Yang Ping's hand with an excited tone.

Yang Ping felt that the conditions in the ICU ward were really good. The key was that there was no pressure from medical staff and beds. He believed that staying here would be more beneficial to Dashun's recovery.

At the beginning, I decided to go to Jeddah IMC Hospital because of the safe environment, advanced medical technology and equipment there.

Here, although the medical technology and equipment are insufficient, the manpower is more sufficient.

At this time, two nurses just started to suck Dashun's sputum, and after sucking the sputum, they began to turn over.

The dean said: Four nurses, no, six nurses to help turn over.

six! This number really has an impact on Yang Ping, which is the advantage of manpower.

Mr. Dean, I am very grateful for your enthusiasm. If we stay, it will add trouble to you.

Yang Ping decides to stay, but he has to discuss with Er Shun, after all the plan has changed.

No, no, look, it's not troublesome at all.

The dean looked very relaxed.

The six nurses began to turn over, and then wiped Dashun's body with warm water.

Then, with the assistance of two nurses, the two doctors began to change Dashun's dressing very seriously.

Keep the wound absolutely clean, and change it immediately if there is leakage.

The dean kept reminding him.

In the end, Dashun's sheets and blankets were all replaced with new, dry ones.

A doctor and a nurse were at the bedside when everyone left.

Back at the doctor's office, Yang Ping called Ershun. Ershun, Robert, Dodge, and Amin were already in the family waiting area outside the ICU ward.

Yang Ping asked the dean to wait a moment, he wanted to discuss with the family members.

Ten minutes later, Yang Ping gave the dean an affirmative answer: stay!

The shrewd Arab successfully achieved his goal, and he shook Yang Ping's hand again:

Forgot to tell you my name, I'm Alef and I'm short-tempered.

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