The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 529 Unforeseen circumstances

The convoy stopped and went, and after about an hour, it was only halfway there.

It was already late at night, but there were more and more people on the street.

The crisp and dense gunshots became clearer and clearer. Suddenly, there was a rush of shelling, the roar of fighter jets, and then flames and explosions.

It is not known where the explosion occurred, but the crowd in the street panicked and ran in different directions.

In fact, the explosion was far away, and the crowd found that nothing happened and continued on their way.

The convoy suddenly stopped moving, Yang Ping looked ahead, someone patted on the car door, and Er Shun opened the rear door.

Manager Qiu poked his head in and said to Yang Ping:

The air strikes by the Saudi coalition forces began, and the planes were unable to take off. From now on, any plane flying in Yemen's airspace must be approved by the coalition forces, otherwise it will be shot down. If it is reported to the past, the approval process is very long, at least a few days .”

The explosion just heard was caused by an air strike by coalition aircraft.

At this time, Yemen's airspace became a de facto no-fly.

This is also the reason why the plane cannot be transferred, and no one dares to take the risk to come here.

The northern armed forces are also preparing to go south to Aden, and the war here is imminent.

The Yemeni military officer also got out of the car and came to tell Manager Qiu that he could not go to the airport anymore. The plane could not take off and might be shot down. He asked Manager Qiu about his next plan. Their people could escort the car out of the city, and it would be better to go east. Going north is very risky.

Out of Aden, some places are not under the armed control of the government, and the armed forces are very complicated. There are three major factions, and they open fire on each other. These Yemeni government army escort convoys are inconvenient, so it is more beneficial to go out of Aden and be escorted by Chinese security companies.

There are unpredictable things in the sky, but people must plan ahead.

Manager Qiu took out a map for research. Manager Qiu and the others were all soldiers. After retiring, they joined the security company and are the backbone of protecting Chinese-funded enterprises. Their plans are made after careful consideration and are very mature.

And before departure, ABCD has prepared several plans.

In such a situation, the two sides are at war, and there are many large and small armed forces. Every place may be a battlefield.

There are two routes to send out, one goes north and goes directly to Saudi Arabia; the other goes east and goes to Oman.

The north is full of war zones, and that is the key area of ​​future firefights, definitely not.

Only go east!

Manager Qiu made a decisive decision and transported it from land, across the desert, and sent it to Oman, where a medical plane was waiting.

Manager Qiu drew a line on the map with his finger, and called Ershun: You and the Yemeni brothers follow the second plan and go east all the way to the territory of Oman.

Er Shun already knew several plans by heart. The truck for plan B was ready, with a refrigerator fixed in the truck compartment, and the power supply line was installed.

Ordinary station wagons and the like carry less material and less space. Once an accident occurs, rescue cannot be carried out.

Manager Qiu was fearless in the face of danger, and immediately notified the Yemeni military officer to change the route and turn to the place where the truck was waiting.

The convoy immediately diverted, moving through the crowd, and finally came to where the trucks were waiting.

Everyone loaded Dashun and medical supplies onto the truck. The driver was a veteran with very good driving skills.

In addition to the two pick-up trucks in Yemen, Manager Qiu asked Er to take four members of the security company, an interpreter, and a commercial vehicle to escort the truck.

He really couldn't get too many people out, even the people from the embassy were dispatched to actively prepare for the evacuation of overseas Chinese.

A convoy of a truck, a commercial vehicle, and two pickups is preparing to cross the desert from land to the east and arrive in Oman.

At this time, Manager Qiu came to the truck where Yang Ping was sitting. He brought a middle-aged man in a suit, gentle and elegant. Although he was a little tired, his eyes were still bright.

Professor Yang, this is the Consul General of the Aden Consulate General of our country, Comrade Li, he must come to see you off.

Manager Qiu introduced this elegant man.

Comrade Li held Yang Ping's hand: I've been busy for the past few days, so I didn't go to see Professor Yang. I'm sorry. I'm very grateful for the help you provided at this time. The situation is chaotic now. Chen Dashun has to move and can't evacuate with us, so please trouble Yang Ping. Professor, we have fully communicated along the way, and they will let them pass along the way, feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Comrade Li's voice was hoarse. In this short period of time, no matter whether it was the embassy in Sanaa or the consulate general in Aden, the staff forgot to eat and sleep, and made phone calls one by one to contact all Chinese citizens in Yemen, and none of them could be missed.

They determined the coordinates of all Chinese citizens and sent those coordinates to the coalition command so that in the event of an air strike, those coordinates would be safe.

Moreover, they have to find out the situation in all aspects, prepare for the evacuation of overseas Chinese at any time, and feed back the information to their superiors so that they can make decisions on the timing and method of evacuating overseas Chinese.

If overseas Chinese are evacuated, Aden in the south and Hudaydah in the west are the two seaports of choice.

Once the specific date of evacuation is determined, they will transfer these people to two ports. Now, some people have already been transferred.

When Comrade Li saw foreigners in the car, he was keenly aware of some problems, so he asked, Who are they?

Because along the way, you will encounter many checkpoints set up by armed forces. The troops belonging to these checkpoints, the embassy has communicated with their superiors, so these armed forces will be very friendly to the Chinese, but only limited to the Chinese.

Manager Qiu was not aware of this problem at the time.

My name is Robert. I'm an American. I'm a student of Professor Yang. These guys came from the IMC Hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to help transport the wounded. We brought a medical plane, but the plane couldn't take off at the airport. Robert said in Chinese .

Yes, they are here to help us. Yang Ping replied.

Manager Qiu immediately explained: Yes, they are Professor Yang's friends, and they specially sent the plane for medical treatment. Unfortunately, they can't take off now, so they can only divert to Oman.

Comrade Li just wanted these foreigners to stay, but if so, he could only let them go with the convoy.

Others took the risk to send a medical plane, and now the plane can't take off, so we can't ignore them.

Where's the crew? Comrade Li asked cordially.

Manager Qiu said: It has been arranged. I asked them to evacuate with the International Red Cross.

Well, pay attention to safety on the road, remember, you are Professor Yang's friends, you are the medical staff responsible for transporting the wounded. Comrade Li urged a few words.

The matter was urgent, and Comrade Li felt that there was nothing else to explain, so he held Yang Ping's hand tightly: Take care, see you in China!

Manager Qiu also said emotionally to Yang Ping: Take care, see you in China!

Take care, see you in China!

Yang Ping waved his hand, and the convoy started to move forward slowly.

I don't feel much at ordinary times, but now I think the word China is so kind!

The convoy drove out slowly, and Comrade Li led the others, still waving.

Before, we were strangers to each other, but now we all have a common identity - Chinese.

As the night deepened, Li Dashun was still running a fever.

The sound of gunfire in my ears has not stopped.

Er Shun said, even if there is no war, gunshots can often be heard here, which is similar to firecrackers heard in China.

Yemen is known as the country with the largest number of guns, with three guns per capita. They have a custom that they like to shoot guns at any wedding. The louder the gunfire and the longer it lasts, the more powerful and powerful the host family is.

Moreover, the various villages sometimes engage in gun battles in order to compete for territory.

It took a long time for the convoy to move out of the city, and the road started to become potholed.

But the driver's skills are very good, try to keep the truck as stable as possible.

Yang Ping checked Dashun's pupils, the reflex was very good.

I have a fever all the time, but my body temperature hovers around 38.5, and the complexion of my pale lips has improved compared to before.

There is no detection capability of any instrument on the truck, everything depends on Yang Ping's experience.

The equipment at hand is an ECG monitor, an oxygen tank, a stethoscope, and a flashlight.

Professor Yang, we will be fine, right?

Li Zehui was quite worried.

Dodge and Amin huddled in the carriage, not daring to speak.

Robert said casually in Chinese: Soldiers come to block the water and cover it with soil!

Robert seemed relaxed.

But Dodge couldn't understand Chinese, and Robert said it again in English.

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