The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 503: Son-in-law

In the past few days, after Yang Ping got off work, he followed Xiao Su to make pineapple cakes in his newly bought house.

Yang Ping doesn't know anything about pineapple cakes, so he can only help out, as long as Xiao Su understands.

Xiao Su seems to be very proficient in this, how to prepare ingredients, how to match them, and how to bake them.

Every step was very careful, until the pineapple cakes were taken out of the oven, and each one was complete in color and fragrance, Yang Ping realized that the girl in front of him, who would become his wife in the future, could go out of the hall and into the kitchen.

She took care of the things she was too lazy to do in order.

Not only the presents were prepared, but even Yang Ping's clothes matching, Xiao Su had already thought about it, Yang Ping didn't need to use his brain at all, he just had to follow suit.

It's not that Yang Ping deliberately doesn't care about details, but that people's energy is limited. When all energy is devoted to medicine, the energy allocated to other affairs will naturally decrease.

Xiao Su's gentleness and care greatly relieved Yang Ping's tension.

However, I was still a little nervous. I met my future father-in-law and mother-in-law for the first time. After the meeting, it was considered as a formal confirmation of the relationship between the two in terms of traditional etiquette.

Afterwards, getting married and having children, an important part of life finally came to him.

Yang Ping thought a lot, staring at Xiao Su who was packing up his things, the male hormones burst out again uncontrollably.

Beautiful face, tall figure, fair skin, perfect curves.

Why are you staring at me? Xiao Su felt that Yang Ping's eyes were wrong.

Yang Ping shook his head: It's okay, I'm thirsty.

Pour you a glass of water? Xiao Su asked.

Well, it's ice! Yang Ping took a deep breath.

Little Su couldn't see this little thought.

Keep going, after meeting my parents this time - I won't let you drink ice water in the future, okay? Xiao Su lowered her head shyly and said softly.

Yang Ping looked at this lovely girl, held back his laughter, and said seriously: Really?

Really! Xiao Su also looked serious.

A few days later, Yang Ping officially came to the door for the first time as Su Yixuan's boyfriend.

It was still the villa on Shuangsha Island. The last time I came here, I was Su Nanchen's good friend, but this time it was Su Nanchen's future brother-in-law and Professor Su's future son-in-law.

This wonderful relationship made Yang Ping feel that Professor Su and Su Nanchen were both familiar and unfamiliar.

The villa on Shuangsha Island was bought by Xiao Su's uncle Su Qinghe as a gift to his second brother Su Qingyun.

Both Su Yixuan's grandfather and grandmother were high-achieving students who studied in the Soviet Union, and their four sons are all top students with PhDs from prestigious schools.

The eldest, Su Qingshan, who is good at learning, becomes an official, and has been promoted to the imperial capital; the second, Su Qingyun, is already an academician; the third, Su Qingyu, is a business tycoon in the medical field; So the outside world rarely knows.

At that time, Mr. Su hoped that all four sons would become doctors, but everyone has their own ambitions, and children and grandchildren have their own blessings.

Su Qingyun's lineage can be regarded as inheriting the inheritance of the medical family, and Su Nanchen still maintains the inheritance.

The stubborn Mr. Su threatened that his grandson-in-law must be a surgeon, otherwise he would not be admitted.

Of course, this is just a sentence. As a scholar, Mr. Su would not do such rude feudal things.

From the side, his love and dedication to surgeons.

Now Su Yixuan's boyfriend and future husband is not only a surgeon, but also the best surgeon.

Old man Su was naturally happy, smiling from ear to ear, wearing a Tang suit early in the morning, waiting for his future grandson-in-law at home.

You said that he won the Golden Knife Award as a young master? the old man asked.

Professor Su nodded: Yes! He is the champion, Nan Chen is the runner-up, and Nan Chen has a very good personal relationship with him.

He performed Feng Tiancheng's surgery in the magical capital? The old man was thinking strangely.

Professor Su smiled: Yes! This time I went to Japan, the surgery that neither the University of Tokyo Hospital nor the Juntendo Hospital could handle was done by him.

Oh! -- so powerful? The old man was a little unbelievable.

Xiao Su's voice came from outside the door, under the leadership of Su Nanchen.

Xiao Su took Yang Ping's hand and led Yang Ping into the living room. The two presented the exquisitely packaged pineapple cakes, and Professor Su and Mrs. Su who came to greet them immediately caught them.

Come in and sit down, Xiao Yang. Professor Su and Mrs. Su were very polite.

The grandparents who were sitting on the sofa also came out.

Under Xiao Su's introduction, Yang Ping bowed and greeted them one by one.

Come, come, sit, you're welcome.

Professor Su has known Yang Ping for a long time. Before that, he always loved talent and always regretted that Yang Ping was not his student.

The world is strange, and now this young man has become his future son-in-law.

Mrs. Su didn't know as much about Yang Ping as Professor Su did, but when Yang Ping went to perform surgery with a flying knife, Mrs. Su concluded that this young man was extraordinary, and urged Su Nanchen to connect with him, but she didn't expect to get her wish now.

You guys have tea, and I'll go to the kitchen to prepare it. Mrs. Su arranged enthusiastically, and went to the kitchen to prepare a sumptuous lunch by herself.

Today, Mrs. Su will display her superb cooking skills and cook a sumptuous family banquet.

Young man, are you the one who hugged Xiaoxuan at that time? Grandpa Su sat on the sofa and pointed to the piano in the living room.

Yang Ping blushed and his neck turned red.

Look at you embarrassing the child, child, sit down. Grandma Su said kindly.

Su Nanchen hurriedly poured tea for Yang Ping, and then whispered to Xiao Su: You go to the kitchen to help, I'm here.


Xiao Su glanced at Yang Ping, full of confidence, and turned to help in the kitchen.

Xiao Yang, come and drink tea.

Professor Su poured tea for Yang Ping again. Yang Ping picked up the teacup with both hands and got up, not knowing what to do.

Sitting, sitting, how's the progress of scoliosis with external fixation recently?

The animal experiments are progressing very smoothly. As of yesterday's data, all the experimental monkeys have corrected to varying degrees, and some have been completely corrected, and there has been no rebound.

Oh—you still use external fixators to treat scoliosis, which is a bit difficult. Irizarov's theory of distraction osteogenesis is well applied. How effective is it when applied to the spine? Grandpa Su is also very interested.

Currently, the effect of orthopedic surgery is very good. The biggest disadvantage is that there is an external fixator on the back, which affects life to some extent. The external fixator is too close to the skin and easily compresses the skin. If it is too far, the section is too high, which affects life. Yang Ping Answer seriously, dare not perfunctory.

Step by step, any technology is constantly developing and maturing, and it is impossible to reach the sky in one step. If the animal experiment is successful, it will be epoch-making. Professor Su encouraged.

Xiao Yang, I heard that I went to Japan this time for a tumor operation on the upper cervical spinal cord and medulla oblongata? What's the specific situation?

Grandpa Su was born in neurosurgery and was very concerned about Yang Ping's case.

Add some tea, Nan Chen, add some tea to Xiao Yang.

Grandpa Su must learn more about this case and wait for Yang Ping's answer.

I have the data of this case on my computer, do you want to take a look? Su Nanchen suggested.

Grandpa was quite dissatisfied with Su Nanchen's slowness: My child, hurry up, hurry up! I'll see what's going on with the meningioma in the medulla oblongata and upper cervical cord.

When Grandpa Su was practicing medicine, brainstem tumors were a forbidden area. Grandpa Su returned from studying in the Soviet Union and mastered microsurgery techniques. He began to march towards the brainstem. However, due to the limitations of medical technology at that time, no progress was made.

Su Nanchen carried the laptop down from his study upstairs, and opened Fujiwara Tani's file.

Glasses! Grandpa Su stretched out his hand.

Grandma has already handed over the prepared reading glasses.

Grandpa put on his glasses, leaned forward, and waited for the screen with great concentration, looking at the images one by one without blinking his eyes.

This operation? Have you done it?

Grandpa Su is skeptical.

Even the top hospitals and neurosurgeons in the world cannot complete this kind of surgery.

The neurosurgery department of the Mayo Clinic in the United States can be said to be the top team for this kind of case study, but it is also unable to complete this kind of operation.

It can be said that no one in the world can perform this kind of surgery.

Did the young man in front of him really complete the operation?

Grandpa, not only did he do it successfully, but the patient is now living well. At that time, the patient had coagulation dysfunction, and the heartbeat and breathing during the operation were on the verge of arrest. Su Nanchen explained.

Can this tumor be cut out?

How to solve the entrance?

How to stop the bleeding?

How to solve the interference to the heartbeat center?

Grandpa takes off his glasses, a barrage of questions.

Grandpa, here is the video of the surgery—

These questions cannot be answered with words, but the surgical video at that time can answer all the questions.

have a look---

Grandpa, who was just about to take a break, immediately put on his glasses and started watching the video.

As a leading figure in domestic neurosurgery, Grandpa Su couldn't help sweating on his forehead after watching the video.

He stared at Yang Ping for more than ten seconds before speaking:

Xiao Yang! What a marvel; young man! What a marvel.

Come on, grandpa pour you a cup of tea?

Grandpa Su immediately poured tea for Yang Ping, which made Yang Ping completely flustered and flustered.

Grandpa, I'll do it myself!

It's the first time I come to see my parents at home, how dare I ask my grandpa to pour tea.

sit down!

Grandpa Su was not happy.

This time, even Professor Su and Su Nanchen were in a mess, and the hot tea was not easy to push around, so they had to make do with grandpa.

Why haven't I seen this approach in the literature?

Grandpa now reads neurosurgery journals every day and pays attention to professional developments.

After Grandpa Su finished pouring the tea, Yang Ping refused to sit down while holding the teacup.

This child, sit down! Grandma said with a smile.

This is my own design. Yang Ping sat down and said.

This approach really solves the historical problem. It requires a breakthrough in the study of brainstem local anatomy to design such a scientific approach; and this hemostasis is completely done by bipolar coagulation? The technique is so perfect that it has been used for a lifetime. Doctor, I have never seen bipolar coagulation used to this level. Grandpa praised.

Grandpa won the prize. Yang Ping said modestly.

Seek truth from facts!

Grandpa Su said angrily.

Academically, don't be too humble.

This approach is all in the gaps of the nerve nuclei, which shows that your research on the anatomy and function of the brainstem is quite thorough. Are you ready for your thesis?

The thesis has been written and is being revised for submission. Yang Ping replied respectfully.

Let grandpa take a look at it when you have time. I didn't expect you, young man, to be an orthopedic surgeon, and you have a deep knowledge of neurosurgery. Grandpa was quite surprised.

Yang Ping hurriedly explained: Because we often encounter tumors of the upper cervical spinal cord, which grow into the cranium and invade the medulla oblongata, so there is also research on the brain stem.

The resection of the tumor at this location greatly interferes with the heartbeat center. In theory, it is impossible to completely separate the tumor from the normal brainstem tissue without stopping the patient's heartbeat. How did you do it? Grandpa completely forgot Yang Ping is the guest, the future grandson-in-law who came to the house for the first time.

A family gathering turned into a case discussion.

Professor Su encouraged: Xiao Yang, grandpa is so interested, please talk to grandpa.

Yang Ping would feel a little nervous if he questioned others.

Now I'm asking how the operation was done, isn't this what I'm good at?

So he took a sip of tea and spoke slowly.

Professor Su smiled. He was very satisfied with this son-in-law.

But Professor Su is most worried about the big brother and his wife. Although she is her own daughter, Su Yixuan is the only girl of this generation in the big family. The four brothers all attach great importance to it. He is the son of a high official.

Now that the old man loves Yang Ping so much, Professor Su feels at ease. There is no need to worry about the big brother and sister-in-law, the old man will take care of it.

While Yang Ping was explaining the operation, Professor Su quietly refilled him with tea.

In his eyes, it's not a future son-in-law, but a son-in-law!

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