After closing the chest, I was observed in the emergency operating room for a few minutes, and the heartbeat was always there, but it was weak.

No matter how weak, it means she is still alive.

Liang Fatzi was guiding the anesthesiologist in the emergency operating room to take medication.

After the operation, Yang Ping and Song Zimo took off their surgical gowns. Director Ouyang and others woke up like a dream—the operation was over, and people had come back to life.

How about it?

Director Zhao has been waiting at the door of the operating room.

Heartbeat! Director Han nodded.

Director Zhao smiled.

The two walked to the door of the emergency operating room together.

Bang Bang Bang, someone was banging on the door, and, judging from the sound, there was also the sound of kicking.

Director Zhao pressed the switch, and the door slid open to both sides.

At the door, the lady was crying and screaming, How is my daughter now? What have you done to her?

She was about to rush in and was pulled by two people.

Director Zhao can't wait to step forward and kick her: What can we do to her? It's in the rescue! Your behavior seriously interferes with the rescue, and the consequences are at your own risk!

Mom pull a slap!

Director Zhao scolded in his heart that he had never seen such a selfish person. Her daughter injured so many people, and one died on the spot. So far, she has not said a word of greeting to others.

Throughout the rescue, she punched and kicked the door of the operating room several times.

When the lady was screaming, the female driver was pushed out.

Zhang Lin, Xiao Wu, Fatty Liang, and Dr. Lu pushed the cart, followed by Yang Ping and Song Zimo.

The lady and other family members rushed up, and the attendants, in order to show their loyalty, seemed very concerned, and even rushed faster than the family members of the female driver, their faces showed extreme sadness, and some people were already crying.

The lady grabbed the guardrail of the cart and accused the doctor of doing it like this, and then the others followed suit and babbled.

Get out of the way, out of the way! Don't put your hand on her oxygen tube! You don't hold my car! You don't touch the machine!--

Do you want to kill people?

Zhang Lin roared, and Xiao Wu was protecting the oxygen tube.

The lady, entourage, and other family members let go of their hands in fright. The father of the female driver grabbed the lady and tried his best to control her crazy behavior.

What did you say, doctor? I'm her mother! The lady wiped away tears and was furious.

Zhang Lin roared while pushing the cart: Pinch the oxygen tube, hold my car to keep me from going, mess with the machine at will, what is not murder? Do you know that pressing the oxygen tube will kill you, and just flipping a switch will kill you. , a few seconds of delay is also fatal? You are her mother, and you are pinching her oxygen tube?

The lady wasn't sure if she was really pressing down on the oxygen tube just now. Anyway, she did get too close and grabbed with both hands. Now Zhang Lin was sprayed with nothing to say. to the point of.

After Zhang Lin said this, no one dared to surround the cart again, and the cart successfully rushed to the emergency elevator.

After all, there is still a certain distance from the emergency operating room to the trauma ICU. In case of cardiac arrest on the way and insufficient equipment, it is very troublesome to rescue.

President Sun accompanied the commissioner of the municipal government, the police of the Public Security Bureau, and the heads of various departments. He was in the emergency room just now. He wanted to go around and say a few words, but he was so frightened by the young doctor that he was too scared to approach. Everyone Keep a distance from the cart, symbolically following a segment. Then he turned to Director Han to inquire about the specific situation. Dean Sun has been worrying about it all the time, his thinning hair, wet with sweat, sticks to his smooth scalp.

I heard that there is still a breath, and the several wounded sent here are all alive and finally safe.

He stroked his thinning hair, and was glad that when he was watching the house, there was no trouble.


Just after coming out of the operating room, Yang Ping met Professor Huang Zhong.

Professor Huang admired this young man very much, and since he was President Su's quick son-in-law, he was naturally a little more enthusiastic.

Professor Huang? Yang Ping shook hands immediately, one of the great King Kong under his father-in-law in the future, how could he dare to neglect.

The injury is too serious. Although it was rescued, the heartbeat is too weak and life is in danger at any time. It is currently maintained by ECMO. Yang Ping briefly introduced the condition.

Huang Zhong gave a thumbs up: Miracle! It is a miracle to be rescued!

It's not a compliment, it's the truth.

This is Dr. Yang Ping from Sanbo Hospital, the champion of this year's Golden Knife Award for orthopedics, the only attending physician in history to win the champion——

Only then did Professor Huang remember to introduce Yang Ping to two other fellow experts.

Although they are not in the same major, the two experts have also heard about Yang Ping. After all, in the same city, Yang Ping also went to Fuyi for surgery.

The driver's father heard the words and immediately realized that this young man was the key to saving his daughter.

Thank you, Dr. Yang!

The driver's father bowed.

You're welcome, it's your duty! This is the result of everyone's hard work, thank you everyone.

Yang Ping is neither humble nor silent, these so-called characters, in front of him, are purely family members of patients.

This is---

The man in the suit next to the female driver's father just wanted to introduce Yang Ping. He probably wanted to say that he was the chairman of a certain group or something.

But Yang Ping ignored them and turned to chat only with Professor Huang Zhong.

If it weren't for Dr. Yang, there would be no hope for your daughter's injury. As family members, you must cooperate with the doctor. In such an emergency rescue just now, your wife was crying and making trouble, and knocked on the door of the operating room, do you know that? This is very dangerous. , this kind of behavior will directly interfere with the rescue, this kind of rescue is racing against time and must not be interfered. Huang Zhong said quickly, accusing the female driver's mother.

We must cooperate. Just now we were in a hurry and our behavior was out of control. Please forgive me. The father of the female driver nodded and apologized.

Professor Huang, let's go to the ICU together? Instruct and guide postoperative treatment. Yang Ping didn't want to delay too long.

Huang Zhongzheng had this intention: Okay, let's go together.

Now that he is here, he is entrusted by others, and naturally he must fulfill his responsibilities. It is very necessary to go to the ICU to see the wounded.

The trauma ICU is very busy every day. As an important part of the trauma emergency center of Sanbo Hospital, almost all critically ill patients spend some time here, either before or after surgery.

Thanks to the efforts of the blood bank, the follow-up AB blood supply is very timely, and the vital signs of Yang Ping's student are stable at present.

Repeat red blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, etc., have been rising.

This shows that the hemostasis is very complete, and the transfused blood does not continue to be lost.

The female driver is not so lucky, and still relies on ECMO to maintain her life. Some important organs suffer from impossibility of cell necrosis due to hypoxia. After blood transfusion, ischemia-reperfusion injury will occur again. Therefore, even if it is, she can survive the danger. There will also be some serious sequelae.

This is the second time! Last year, when I was drinking and driving, my BMW car ran into the roadside crowd, hit a tree and was stopped, and no passers-by were injured. She had multiple fractures all over her body. I had surgery. Twenty-something years old. This little girl is lawless and doesn’t know how high the sky is, this time it is self-reliant.” Huang Zhong heard that he was driving drunk again, and he couldn’t help but get angry, this behavior is a complete disregard for life.

Six of them were knocked down this time, one died at the scene, and all five were seriously injured, some with amputations, some with liver and splenectomy, and some with craniotomy—

Dr. Lu from the emergency department also came to understand the patient's postoperative condition, and said in the crowd.

Those who have no reverence will have an accident sooner or later.

Huang Zhong looked at the urine in the urine bag, there was not much.

Acute renal dysfunction is currently under close observation. After blood transfusion and rehydration, if there is no improvement, I am afraid the situation is not good and may need to go to bedside hemofiltration. Director Pan of the ICU said with a frown.

Once kidney failure occurs, it may lead to multiple organ failure, and the entire human body will collapse like a domino.

Hyperkalemia, high creatinine, trouble!

Director Pan asked the doctor to call up the latest blood draw results on the screen beside the bed.

With such a blood transfusion, the kidney function is not good, and the blood potassium must be high! Prepare for bedside hemofiltration. The veteran of the ICU, Director Pan is not surprised.

The patients who can live here are all stepping on the gate of hell with one foot.

It's ECMO again, and bedside hemofiltration, and it's really a near-death experience.

Director Pan, the heartbeat of bed 7 stopped, and he is trying to rescue him.

A young doctor came and called Lao Pan.

The rescue is the rescue. What are you yelling for? I'll go over there to see. Lao Pan was calm and composed, and there are rescues here every day.

The person who just called Lao Pan was a Gu Pearson. Not long after he came to the trauma ICU, the doctor who taught him was busy with the rescue. He asked him to call Director Pan to have a look. He was so frightened that he screamed.

This is a car accident patient admitted a few days ago, the pancreas was injured, causing hemorrhagic necrotizing pancreatitis.

Dr. Yang, you guys are busy. I'll go back first. Let's have a seat when I have time. Professor Su is always talking about you.

I'll send you off. Yang Ping asked Song Zimo to stay, explained the precautions to the ICU doctor, and sent Professor Huang himself.

The two got out of the ICU, and the other two experts in Attached One followed behind.

Just after coming out of the ICU, the father of the female driver was waiting at the door: Professor Huang, I will send someone to take you back?

You're welcome, I'll go back by myself. Professor Huang dodged.

In an emergency, Professor Huang was taken to Sanbo Hospital by helicopter. Going back now, there is no urgency to save lives, and using helicopters is a waste of resources.

How about that, we'll take you back in the car. The female driver's father winked, and the secretary beside him immediately understood and led the way.

Go to Japan, get ready, this time is a big deal, both sides have a huge lineup, and the competition will be fierce. After all, the competition is for academic dominance in the Asia-Pacific region, so you can't take it lightly, I have seen you The topics of the lectures reported are very good. The topics involve spine, trauma, joint and sports medicine, bone tumors, etc. Many techniques are heavyweight. There will be some difficult cases to discuss at the meeting. This is also a very sharp link. Be fully prepared and don't underestimate the enemy, after all, they are the home court. Huang Zhong told Yang Ping while waiting for the elevator.

Thank you, Professor Huang, for the reminder.

Yang Ping has been sending Huang Zhong to the car. Along the way, Huang Zhong repeatedly urged Yang Ping to be well prepared, especially for some recent top international journals, he must take the time to read and master the latest knowledge, which is very useful in case discussions.

In fact, Yang Ping can almost recite these journals.

In the library of the system space, he often reads in it. Almost all journals, when a new issue appears, is instantly read by him, and the knowledge above is immediately mastered by him.

What he is thinking about now is whether to take his team to Japan.

Ning Qi's younger brother cannot be transported by air, and the operation can only be done in Japan.

This extremely high-risk operation, if a little wrong, will fail.

Surgery is a team behavior, and a temporary surgical team is prone to accidents.

What? Are you thinking, take me with you?

When returning to the department, Song Zimo smiled.

Are you quite confident? Yang Ping was surprised, he guessed what he was thinking.

Song Zimo said proudly: In the whole of Japan, I'm afraid you can't find a qualified assistant like me?

This seems to be fine.

Brother Ning Qi's surgery must be done in Japan. I have been thinking about how to arrange the appropriate manpower. Yang Ping revealed his current thoughts.

At this time, Xiao Wu and Zhang Lin came over.

Take us with you? How about it? Speaking of retractors, in Japan, can you find qualified retractor experts like us? Not bragging, we are all people who want to publish monographs. Zhang Lin came over.

Xiao Wu was also eager: It takes a thousand days to support soldiers, and the more high-risk surgery is, the more important the hook is. You have to let the Japanese pull the hook. With a shake of his hand, it's over!

It's nothing to think about, of course, it's the Tiantuan Dongdu, pushing it all the way!

I don't know when, Fatty also joined the group chat and made a flat push gesture.

Let's go, what to do at home? Yang Ping was worried.

Zhang Lin was very relaxed: Xu - stutter!

He turned his head and saw that Xu Zhiliang just came in.

Zhang Lin stuttered abruptly and said, Professor Xu, he said he wouldn't go, he said he wouldn't be able to take a third step within three years.

One husband is the gatekeeper and ten thousand husbands can't open it. With General Xu in the battle, and Li Guodong under his command, the country is stable!

Xiao Wu was afraid that he and Zhang Lin would be left behind.

I think about it, General Xu, come and come, discuss and discuss together. Yang Ping beckoned.

Now the doctor in the department calls Xu Zhiliang General Xu in private. I heard that Xu Zhiliang was talking in his sleep when he took a nap in the duty room and kept saying, General, general, general——

When he woke up and someone asked him, he said that in a dream he was playing chess with Song Zimo, and he was going to be a general, but the chess was nailed to the chessboard and could not be moved, so he was sweating profusely.

Yang Ping thought it was a good name, so he also called it General Xu.

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