The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 456 German Palace

After the meal, President Cai called and asked Dr. Wan to send the patient to the operating room to start preoperative preparation.

Yang Ping prefers to watch the patient complete the preparation work in the operating room. He doesn't like to enter the operating room and see the patient who has already laid out the order, so only the operating area is exposed outside, and he feels uneasy.

Boss Cheng and President Cai both knew Yang Ping's habits, so they did not start anesthesia and disinfection too early.

The patient has been moved to the operating bed, the nurse has connected the venous access, and hung a bottle of 500ml 0.9% sodium chloride injection to maintain the venous access.

This is a special patient. The doctors and nurses are very careful when they cross the bed, for fear of breaking a bone.

The anesthesiologist examines the teeth in the patient's mouth, one by one, to determine whether they are loose. Once the loose teeth fall out, they may fall into the trachea, causing suffocation and life-threatening.

In patients with brittle bone disease, teeth will fall out prematurely. This patient is no exception. Many teeth have been loose and fallen out and have been replaced with implants.

After confirming that there are no loose teeth, the anesthesiologist will check his hearing aids. Because of his hearing impairment, he relies on hearing aids to complete his normal hearing function.

Don't take it off! I can't hear it, I'm scared. The patient panicked.

The anesthesiologist explained: Wait for you to sleep during the operation, how about you wake up and the operation is over.

Even if the choice is not general anesthesia, but combined spinal and epidural anesthesia, in order to reduce the bad experience of the patient, most anesthesiologists will use drugs to put the patient into sleep.

Otherwise, the patient will hear the operation of all metal instruments during the operation, leaving an indelible bad memory for himself.

The patient shook his head: Don't! Don't, keep me awake throughout the operation.

Yang Ping sat aside and waited for them to prepare: Don't take off the hearing aid, let him wear it, wake up or sleep, as he likes.

If the patient remains awake, the patient will suddenly be unable to hear the surrounding sounds, and will fall into a state of isolation and helplessness, and the entire operation will be very depressing and fearful.

Hearing aids do not have much effect if they are not removed. Always pay attention to them, and don't fall out.

The anesthesiologist, the nurse, and several other doctors carefully place the patient in the lateral position.

Doctor, take it easy. I heard that after lumbar anesthesia, there will be back pain in the future. Is this true?

Patients talk a lot and always want to chat with doctors.

Don't move around, bow your head, bow your waist, bend your knees, and bow your waist like shrimp, so that I can give you anesthesia. The anesthesiologist is starting to disinfect the sheets for lumbar puncture.

I'm panicking, you haven't answered my question yet? The patient was very persistent.

In the past, the needles used for spinal anesthesia were very thick. There is such a possibility. Now they are all thin needles, and the possibility is very small. The anesthesiologist had to answer him.

Be careful with me, how old is your child? If you learn painting skills in the future, come to me, don't look at my thighs and arms, you are an expert in teaching painting. The patient kept talking.

In patients with brittle bone disease, due to the disorder of osteogenesis in the long periosteum of the limbs, the long bones are dysplastic and very slender.

The anesthesiologist positioned himself and said, My child is still in his arms, and it's early.

Ah——, doctor, do you have enough experience, wouldn't you be an intern apprentice?

Don't move! Second child, the eldest is in high school!


I had an operation in Yunjian Hospital and when I was under anesthesia, there was a special nurse who chatted with me to ease my tension. In this regard, your work was not in place. The patient complained a little.

Boss Cheng stood up, walked to the patient, and chatted with him: I want a nurse who specializes in chatting, no problem, we have a package that is better than Yunjian's service, Ronaldo's reinforced anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, cost Starting at 600,000, would you like it? If possible, I will immediately call two nurses to chat with you.

600,000, so expensive? No, no, cried the patient.

Play music, relax. Boss Cheng instructed the nurse to play music.

Why have I forgotten the most important thing, now that patients undergoing surgery can listen to music, and they can choose the music themselves.

What kind of music do you like to listen to? the nurse asked, citing several pieces of music.

Patient Says: Rock! Metal Rock!

Boss Cheng smiled and said, We are all soothing songs to ease your nervous mood. There is no metal rock. What rock do you listen to during surgery? Are you not afraid that the doctor will be excited and the scalpel will rock twice?

You're right. I once sang rock and roll, and I was so violent that I broke a bone. The patient really had such an experience.

The speakers of this multi-functional operating room cost Boss Cheng's capital, and the German Hall Audio cost hundreds of thousands.

The excellent sound quality is not comparable to those of ordinary goods. The music sounded, and the patient immediately closed his mouth and felt relaxed.

Shit? Now I'm not afraid, you can do anesthesia at will. The patient's nervousness was completely relaxed.

The anesthesiologist lifted the disposable perforated towel: Finished!

Together, everyone turned the patient into a supine position.

When changing positions, everyone was extremely careful, for fear of accidentally breaking a bone.

In this kind of patient, the fracture cannot be shaken off like a spell.

This patient fractures almost once a year for a variety of reasons.

So happy, laughing so hard that it broke a rib.

In the morning, I rushed to the bathroom and walked too fast, sprained my ankle and fractured my ankle.

When the two were in the world, the movement was slightly out of control, and the femoral shaft was fractured.

When sitting on the sofa, I moved too fast, sat down with one buttocks, and fractured my lumbar spine.

In his own words, he has broken bones once a year and is unstoppable. One year, on New Year's Eve, he didn't have a broken bone. He was so happy that he finally didn't have a broken bone. He was happy, but when he smiled, there was a sharp pain in his chest—a rib was fractured.

When he saw the speed bump in front of the car, he sweated and the car shook, for fear of breaking a bone.

Fractures have become a part of his life, and he is used to it. He treats fractures the same way that ordinary people treat a cold.

Dr. Wan completed the disinfection and laying, and Yang Ping took Su Nanchen to the stage.

Music regulates emotions very well, the patient is no longer nervous, and the operation begins.

Yang Ping's movements are extremely gentle, and now the object of operation is fragile and diseased bone tissue, which is like dry biscuits.

During the intra-knee examination, the probe traveled through the gap without a trace of collision.

The posterior side of the medial knee space is the most difficult to expose, and now even the medial knee space is opened without applying any stress.

Usually, when dealing with the medial joint space of the knee joint, the knee joint should be flexed 20-40 degrees, and a certain amount of stress should be applied to make the knee joint abduct and externally rotate.

Now if you try to open the medial gap with force, it will easily lead to fractures. Otherwise, why is this kind of patient still called a porcelain doll?

When opening the tunnel, we are also careful. The drill bit goes in a little, pauses, and then continues. This alternately and steadily moves forward, which can avoid excessive vibration of the rotating drill bit on the bone, and the vibration will also cause fractures.

Surgery is a process that is like walking on thin ice, and awe can make doctors be as careful as possible.

If the doctor does not have the heart of awe, it is a very terrifying thing for the patient.

Do unto others, do not impose on others! This sentence is most suitable for doctors.

Does this patient have surgery, or not?

Surgery, good or bad?

Just ask, if the patient were you, would you use it?

This kind of reflexive questioning is a question that goes straight to the bottom of my heart.

If the doctor was lying on the operating table by himself, he hoped that the doctor in charge would be careful and strive for the perfection of the process and results for himself, rather than be careful.

Yang Ping often asks himself this question, and every time he asks this question, the choice between all the dilemmas is naturally clear and clear.

This patient, no matter how deceived he was by others, his thoughts never changed, that is, he wanted to cure his own disease.

Healing is the most fundamental need of patients.

All other needs are derived from the fundamental needs and cannot be caused by the end.

The drill was advancing, pausing, and working rhythmically, and the tibial tunnel was opened without the slightest sign of fracture.

In this operation, Yang Ping does not pursue the speed of the operation. In fact, he never pursues the speed of the operation. Whether it is fast or slow, it is not a problem in itself, but the needs of the patient and the condition.

After the tibial tunnel was opened, he began to open the femoral tunnel. Because of the narrow operating space, he tried to keep the instrument from causing any compression to the surrounding bone tissue.

The patient's lower limbs hang down on the edge of the operating bed, and the posture is as natural as possible, and there is no shear stress with the edge of the operating bed.

The sterile liquid collection bag, a little water that seeped out, was sucked away by the suction device, and there was not a drop of water on the floor of the operating room, which was very clean.

The femoral tunnel was also gently opened, and the allogeneic tendon, which had been braided, was implanted into the bone tunnel and fixed with button plates at both ends.

This is almost the only fixation method for this patient, because the compression fixation will collapse the fragile bone tissue due to the compression of the screw and the expansion stress.

Although the action is relatively slow, because the entire surgical process is connected with the flow, there are no repeated and invalid actions.

In less than half an hour, the operation was over.

When the sterile sheet was opened, the patient's face was pale, with a look of resignation, and sighed: Did it go wrong again?

How do you know you did something wrong? Yang Ping asked him.

The patient said dejectedly: It must have been a mess when the operation ended just after the start of the operation.

Yang Ping comforted him with a smile: The operation was successful. I will wear a brace to protect it for a while and try to avoid fractures.

Success? the patient asked.

Yang Ping asked Dr. Wan to play back the video of the operation to show him. Dr. Wan explained by the side that the patient's face turned from white to red.

It's still you guys who are amazing, there are no virtuous people under your reputation. The patient praised.

Boss Cheng said to him, How about it? Write us a service experience report at that time? You write it according to your own ideas, and don't worry about our face.

Well, this is easy to handle, otherwise, I will help you write one a year. The patient is also not shy.

He had broken bones almost once a year.

Your sound is better than Yunjian's. Not only a little bit better, it sounds really comfortable, and I don't dare to sleep. Without this sound, I would feel like a cat scratching in my heart when I heard the sound of the drill spinning.

The patient looks around, observes the operating room, and guesses:

The German hall, right?

Expert! Boss Cheng exclaimed.

The patient clicked his tongue: Are you willing to buy it?

You dare to be circumcised for 40,000 yuan, why don't I dare to buy a stereo? Boss Cheng joked with him.

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