Huang Jiacai took over Ruixing, and Yang Ping, as the backstage boss, was invited to attend the first high-level meeting.

Whether it is the parent company of upstream Yangping Holdings or the downstream Ruixing Medical, the current CEO is Huang Jiacai.

Huang Jiacai invited Yang Ping to attend the meeting because he wanted Yang Ping to understand the company's current strategy and see if he was qualified for Ruixing's crisis management.

That is to say, he is now charging into the battle and asking Yang Ping to watch the battle to see if he can fight as a general.

As a shareholder behind the scenes, Yang Ping said that he would only attend the meeting, not to speak, nor to reveal his identity.

At Ruixing's senior management meeting, there was a cloud of gloom and mourning.

All infringing products are prohibited from being sold, and the amount of compensation is huge.

Combining the sales, profit rate, contribution rate, reasonable expenses and other factors of the alleged infringing products, the amount of compensation reached 100 million. All products cannot be sold, all inventory must be destroyed, and all molds must be completely destroyed.

It is not a new thing to be awarded tens of millions of dollars in damages due to patent infringement.

100 million yuan, which will refresh the compensation record for patent infringement in the medical device industry.

This was almost a devastating blow to Ruixing.

In the roar of wind and rain, some people have resigned and left.

Several regional sales managers have resigned, and those who came to the meeting were all newly promoted.

Of course, there is still a way out, reconciliation, how to reconcile, being acquired by the other party at a low price, and completely becoming a tool of the other party.

This is what Huang Jiacai had expected for a long time. He is not in a hurry and has his own plans. Even if he loses the lawsuit and all products are banned from sale and destroyed, he can still bring Ruixing back to life.

There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and Huang Jiacai has already opened this road.

President Wei and several shareholders were completely disconnected from Ruixing, other executives and employees remained in place, and President Wang was left behind.

President Wang is still a little dazzled. With this operation, Huang Jiacai has become the actual head of Ruixing.

President Wang has always been optimistic about Huang Jiacai, thinking that this kid is a talent, not a thing in the pool.

To be honest, President Wang was very upset, and felt that Huang Jiacai deceived him a little, and he hadn't fully confessed to him before.

But then I think about it, the shopping mall is like a battlefield, Huang Jiacai's doing this is reasonable and reasonable, not to mention that he is not thin, in addition to the normal distribution of 30 million from the acquisition funds, Huang Jiacai secretly compensated him 20 million.

In addition, Huang Jiacai also kept him as a consultant in Ruixing, with an annual salary of 2 million.

Mr. Wang, who has grown old and has no ambitions, can say that this is the best home. After getting so much money, he will continue to receive high salaries in the future. The job is still an idle job, and he is at ease. The new boss Huang Jiacai has prepared for him again. With respect, this is simply the life of a fairy.

What do we do next? If there are goods that cannot be sold, they have to be destroyed. The company has run out of money and has to pay compensation. Even the molds have to be destroyed. What will the company do in the future? A sales manager was downcast.

This day will come sooner or later. It's better to come early. Our sales channels are still there. We don't have any products, so we can help others to sell them. I have already negotiated with Zimmer Bangmei. Our channels will sell their products, and the profit will be divided into 50% and 50%. , this will not only alleviate our situation of having no goods to sell, but also maintain the sales channel, and most importantly, this is the cost of our negotiations with Johnson \u0026 Johnson.”

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

According to this logic, Huang Jiacai sits firmly in Diaoyutai. If anyone forces him, he will fall to another company and help another company desperately attack the enemy.

I don't know if you have heard the story of two peaches killing three scholars? Today, I want to kill two scholars with one peach. Since someone wants to force us, that's fine. If anyone forces me, I will go all the way to the other one, so don't panic, everyone. , In each region, if we stabilize our position and maintain our structure, we will be able to hold on. Everyone, our upstream parent company has sufficient funds to support us, and you have already received the salary paid to everyone, right? It is to add 20% compensation to everyone. Let me tell you, all of your major sales area managers are here, and some of them are newly promoted. In the future, each product will have a commission for you, and the proportion is in this list. superior.

For each specific product, the company's database settlement shows how many products are sold, how much commission the sales department can get, how much the manager gets, and how much the salesperson gets.

When I saw the ratio on the list, there was an uproar in the venue. This ratio is really generous, and it is the highest in the industry. Several sales managers look at me and I look at you.

Don't think I'm just talking, I'll sign the agreement later, I'm not afraid of you making money, I'm not afraid that you will make a fortune, there will be brave men under the heavy reward, I won't talk to you about feelings, my feelings are the proportion of your hands, I hope In the future, all of you will drive luxury cars and live in villas, that will be my blessing.

Department of R\u0026D, you will also pay dividends in the future. Each of your products is listed, and the company will give you a proportional commission. Even if you don't produce a product, it doesn't matter. The salary guarantees that you can live. But if I want to drive a luxury car and live in a villa, I will try my best to develop a good product for me.”

Don't be afraid to take too much. It's all earned by you. Whoever has the ability will give it to me. If it doesn't work, replace it.

Huang Jiacai's eloquence is very good, and he speaks loudly.

Coupled with his previous reputation in Ruixing, everyone has a high degree of credibility in him.

Now he suddenly pulled in another 200 million yuan, bought Ruihang, and then cleared all the wages owed, plus 20% compensation.

This made everyone really see hope, and now Huang Jiacai said such a plan, which is not like fighting chicken blood.

Ruixing focuses on sports medicine products, which are similar to the early Smith \u0026 Nephew, so in order to make up for Ruixing's gaps in spine, trauma and artificial joints.

Huang Jiacai has already used his own sales channels to lay out the products of other companies and conduct agency sales.

At least this is the case in South China, the profits of these agency products will not starve Ruixing to death.

I would like to introduce today, the company's new chief engineer, please come in!

The door to the conference room was pushed open and a young engineer walked in.

Chen Zhi, isn't this Chen Zhi?

Everyone is talking about it, isn't it Chen Zhi who was fired by the company?

The one who was called by the online loan to call the boss's office, was called and fired by the boss, and it is said that he committed suicide, isn't it good?

Yes, he is Chen Zhi. He is now the chief engineer of our company. Now let him introduce our company's future patents and product layout.

Chen Zhi took off his coat, and Huang Jiacai went up immediately and helped him get the coat in person.

Perhaps it was the first time that Chen Zhi was a little shy to speak to so many people, and Huang Jiacai gave a thumbs up to show encouragement.

On the big screen, one utility model patent certificate after another is spread on the screen.

These patents, currently under my personal name, will soon be transferred to the company's name. They cover the entire sports medicine product line, completely bypassing the protection barriers of existing patents, and starting a new business, you see, this meniscus suture The device bypasses the anchor point technique at the insertion point of the joint capsule, but uses knotting technology, which can complete a blind knot in the safe area behind the joint capsule, and rely on the knot to maintain the attachment to the posterior joint capsule. Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments The suspension consumables, we use the method of digging out the peers, using the inner suspension beam technology, you see, the ligament is pulled into the tunnel, the suspension beam just stays on the tunnel wall, and when the ligament is in place, with the help of the guide, the suspension beam crosses the middle of the ligament, and the suspension beam is suspended. Ligament and rotator cuff repair, we also have a different approach. This anchor-free bone suture technology is strong and saves the trouble of anchoring. Although these technologies are not leading, they have successfully bypassed the existing patents. , there is no need to pay royalties to others, the initiative is in your own hands, but the effect will definitely not be worse than theirs-

When Chen Zhi talked about technology, he was eloquent and eloquent, and his love for medical equipment was almost crazy.

Where did this engineer come from? Yang Ping asked sideways.

Secret weapon, I will report to you after the meeting. Huang Jiacai smiled with satisfaction.

Why is he? President Wang was also surprised.

This is my trump card. Since he left Ruixing, I have dedicated a sum of money to fund him to develop equipment, apply for patents, and keep it for future use.

Most of the money Huang Jiacai has earned over the years is invested here.

You have long thought of today, and you have prepared your reserves in advance? President Wang was even more surprised by Huang Jiacai's foresight.

Without far-sightedness, there must be near-term worries. Huang Jiacai said indifferently.

With this batch of patents, Ruixing can withstand any blow. As long as the funds are sufficient, mold production, registration and access, and goods can be distributed soon.

Survive on behalf of other people's products, get a buffer, step up to produce your own products, and then step on the right track.

As long as it takes three months, Ruixing will be reborn.

For the spinal external fixator, he has been researching the issue of trial production. He made a suggestion that some parts should be improved. Although the accuracy is reduced, the requirements for the entire material and process have been reduced a lot, and people will not be stuck in the neck. This is his drawing, you can see it.

Huang Jiacai took out a material from the bag beside him.

Yang Ping took it and read it carefully:

Yes, this opinion is very good. In fact, this change will reduce the difficulty of production, no need to use high-demand memory alloys, and the requirements for metal rods are much lower.

Because Yang Ping was completely based on the purpose of surgery, he did not think too much about materials and craftsmanship.

Yang Ping's product is the most ideal product, and what was corrected by Chen Zhi is a product that compromises with reality and can be produced and marketed immediately, taking into account factors such as cost.

Now this improvement has reduced the difficulty and cost of mass production. Although the accuracy is reduced, it does not affect the use.

I'm going to give him a little of my 20% of the shares. His patents are counted as technology shares.

Take the shares from me, don't move from you.

Twenty percent on my side is enough. You must maintain absolute control on your side.

I'll start with 67% of my holdings. You can use the remaining 13% on my side. You can figure it out for yourself, and who will be rewarded in the future.

Yang Ping knew that once this road was opened, Huang Jiacai would take care of all business matters in the future, and be the boss of his own.

Ruixing will be the core company in the field of medicine, and it will not plan to go public for financing in the future. It will adopt a steady strategy, and giving Huang Jiacai 20% is the most appropriate.

Yang Ping doesn't like doing business, nor is he good at doing business, but he needs money, a lot of money, to support his future scientific research.

Huang Jiacai will be his financial support in the future. There are too few shares, how can it be done.

Is this kid a talent?

President Wang is very ashamed.

Our country has never lacked talents, that is, lack of Bole, and lack of a good employment environment.

Huang Jiacai said this from his heart.

However, President Wang was very ashamed. At that time, he didn't try his best to keep him, but he couldn't do anything about it.

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