The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 408 Hope in Despair

NASA headquarters in Washington, the news is like an atomic bomb.

It was originally thought to be an ordinary medical incident, but now it is an emergency that may lead to death. Director Jim Bassa immediately activated the highest emergency procedures.

Since the Columbia space shuttle disaster in 2003, American spaceflight has not encountered any fatal disasters, and if Steven has an accident, he will not be able to explain.

On February 1, 2003, the space shuttle Columbia entered the atmosphere over Texas and Louisiana and was about to complete its 28th mission.

At this time, the accident happened, and the space shuttle exploded and disintegrated, killing all seven astronauts on board.

In that accident, the wreckage of the Columbia after the explosion drifted from the outskirts of Dallas to Taylor, and even part of the wreckage fell into Louisiana.

Like the space shuttle Challenger accident in 1986, the space shuttle was grounded for two years thereafter.

Although this is a medical incident, it has been difficult for the public to accept the fatal accident.

The Internet, newspapers, and TV are already tracking this news. Everything is exposed under the magnifying glass of public opinion. No one can face the pressure of surging public opinion.

Director Jim Bassa was acutely aware of the seriousness of the situation, and immediately took the chief medical officer and a group of officials from Washington to Houston to direct the emergency medical incident in person, and carried a laptop throughout the entire process for online video communication.

Dozens of top American medical experts gathered in Houston, and professional things were left to professional people to do. Jim Bassa's role was only to coordinate and mobilize all resources to deal with this emergency.

Jim Bassa is thankful that he made a decisive decision to let the Falcon 9 launch ahead of schedule, otherwise it will take more than ten days, and it is very likely that Steven has an accident before the diagnosis is made clear.

Exactly what went wrong in that link is an afterthought, and what we need to do now is how to make Steven return to Earth safely.

The director and his party got off the plane and hurried to the ground control center in Houston. Collins handed him a cup of instant coffee. Jim Bassa didn't have the heart to drink it and couldn't wait to ask, What should we do?

Now, only the doctors present can give him an answer. The doctors present, in addition to aerospace medical experts, are the most elite medical talents in the United States, especially Johanneson, Eugene, Massimo, surgery, internal medicine and intervention. This neurosurgical disease is simply the golden triangle of the world.

Intracranial aneurysm, the blood vessel bursts at any time, it passes through the life center of the brainstem, and if it returns without treatment, it will definitely die, and there will be no second result. Massimo introduced to Jim Bassa.

GG company's simulation results have been reported, the computer simulates 10,000 times at the same time, and 100% died due to the burst blood vessel on the way back.

Jim Bassa took out a tissue and wiped his sweat. He just wanted to ask, Can I risk my return to Earth?

On-site treatment only on the space station? Jim Bassa asked.

Yes, only interventional therapy is possible. The medical kit we sent this time contains interventional equipment, but this artery is a very small innominate artery that passes through the nerve nucleus, and the smallest instruments in our medical kit can't do anything about it. Complete the intervention. Massimo denied Jim Barça's question.

Can't go back, and there's no way to treat it? Should I just wait to die on it?

Jim Bassa doesn't understand, these doctors are researching and researching, is there still no way?

They asked to send the rocket ahead of time and send Susan and equipment up. Jim Bassa slapped his forehead and signed it immediately. The rocket was already in the sky.

The problem now is that my laboratory has thinner catheter guide wires and coils, and even if they are sent, no one will be able to complete the operation. Even if they are sent to me, I will not be able to complete the operation on the space station. The guide wire is in the skull. I have to cross countless tortuous blood vessels inside, and if I accidentally puncture the blood vessels, it will lead to death. On earth, I have a 20% certainty. In the microgravity environment of the space station, a person who has not undergone strict training, Even simple movements can't be done, let alone such a delicate operation. Massimo has never said such a lack of confidence in his life.

Jim Bassa couldn't read the DSA image of the whole cerebral angiogram.

What's your opinion? Could a telemedicine device help? Jim Bassa asked lead engineer, scientist Richard Franklin.

Richard said he was not optimistic: The telemedicine device has poor tactile feedback and has an uncertain delay. According to Dr. Massimo, the success rate should be less than 20%.

Richard's understanding is very good, he is not a medical student, but he quickly grasped the point of the problem.

It is impossible to send a doctor to the sky, and the time is too late. The best hope should be to use telemedicine equipment to complete this rescue. Dr. Richard has a clear idea.

Massimo, I have trained this remote device, which was developed by Intuition and NASA. Even if you have the best surgical robot manipulation experience, you can't surpass your current success rate. Johannesson doesn't think it's very helpful.

Massimo also knows the flaws of this device: Uncertain time delay, lack of tactile feedback, this is the Achilles' heel and infinitely reduces the success rate of surgery.

Maybe, someone can do it? Johanneson suddenly remembered.

Who? Jim Bassa stood up, leaning forward.

Just got stunned by this gang of doctors and have been in a state of depression, now someone is proposing that someone can do it, see a light in the dark.

Johanneson paused: A Chinese doctor, if there is anyone in the world who can do it, I can only think of him. I saw him complete a brainstem tumor removal with my own eyes. This kind of operation is in our hands. With a success rate of less than 5 percent, he can do it 80 percent.


Jim Bassa was a little hesitant. This incident will definitely be exposed to the public throughout the whole process, and it will be embarrassing for the Chinese to resolve it in the end.

But the pragmatist Jim Bassa doesn't care so much, it will be even more embarrassing if there are no people on it.

Professor Johanneson, you are responsible for your words and deeds. Johns Hopkins has the most advanced interventional medicine in the world. They can surpass us? China's top interventional experts, many of which are trained by us. Massimo is serious. Warn Johanneson.

I am responsible for my speech, Miss Secretary, please make the necessary records, but I am not sure whether he is proficient in intervention, but I am certain that no one in this world understands this disease better than him, perhaps He has a way.

There was a case where I was invited to a consultation. We always believed that the success rate of the operation would not exceed 5%. Until I met this young man, his calmness and calmness made me unforgettable for the rest of my life. He told me, The success rate in this case can be as high as 80 percent.

Do you know? I watched the whole operation. He used a 0.1mm laser scalpel to completely remove the tumor in the middle of the nerve group that controls the heartbeat and breathing. During the operation, there were four cardiac arrests, one of which took 20 years. He was rescued only after an electric defibrillation, and the last time he fought with Death to do an operation during the asystole, and then rescued him after the operation, all of which were anticipated by him before the operation.”

After watching the whole operation, as a visitor, I almost collapsed. He is the god of surgery in my heart, Massimo. If he is proficient in intervention, you will be bleak. Johanneson is serious and serious. , not at all like nonsense.

Massimo shook his head: Johannesson, you are a serious neurosurgery expert, what are you talking about. I don't understand. There are people like this in this world, I don't know?

It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I don't expect you to understand, I just want to say, please come! This is the greatest hope, Steven is waiting in the sky now, maybe in the next second, the blood vessels will explode- — Johanneson understood that, at this point, he was powerless to convince others.

If you want Steven to live, invite him to Houston immediately. If he can't help it, it means that God has given up on Steven. Johanneson said firmly.

I'm going through this at the same time as Prof. Griffin from the Anderson Cancer Center, Prof. Woodhead from the Twin Cities Spine Center, and you can invite them to the meeting right away. Trust me, even if he won't intervene, he can. Instruct us how to take this emergency in stride, me! Johanneson! In the name of God, please come. Johanneson stood up and said excitedly.

All of the top doctors in the United States invited a Chinese to handle national emergencies for us? Don't you think it's ridiculous? Captain America saved the entire United States, and when he finally turned around, he was actually a Chinese. Ma Seamus is a conservative American.

Is there a problem? I think it's good, Dr. Massimo, do you have a better way? The 20% success rate, diluted by the distance of 400 kilometers, how much is there? Johanneson at this time Powerless to debate, but to beat them in a sharp way.

Massimo was speechless, he had never been so humiliated, but he was a man who respected the facts.

Are you sure this person can do it? Massimo compromised, Johannesson was by no means a man of his own.

I'm not sure, but if he doesn't have a way, I guess there's no way, at least that's what I know. Johanneson replied.

Contact him immediately! Jim Bassa doesn't care who he is, as long as he can solve the immediate problem.

I'll try, he's been in New York for a while, I'm not sure if he's leaving. Johanneson took out his phone.

Ten minutes later: He's already on the plane, and it's been five hours since the plane took off.

Jim Bassa lowered his head: You confirm that he is the best hope?

In the name of God! Johanneson reiterated.

Hope in despair, to be seized no matter what, Jim Barça makes the most important decision.

Nearly 7,000 words, three chapters combined into two chapters, after posting, thank you for waiting.

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