The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 406 Space Rescue

In the days when he came to the United States, Robert's arrangements were very reasonable. In terms of time, he was neither impatient nor procrastinating.

Yang Ping's goal of coming to the United States has been fully realized, four surgeries have been successfully completed, and the patent authorization of a set of instruments has been successfully sold.

Everything went a lot better than expected, Bacon said, knowledge is power, in other words, technology is money, and there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

Moreover, there will be 20 million US dollars in the account every year for 20 years. There will be continuous financial support for scientific research projects.

In the future, Yang Ping will have enough energy to realize his poetry and distance.

Xiao Su is right, only if you have money, can you not be controlled by others, and can freely display your talents.

The reason why Musk is willful is because he has a strong ability to earn money and can earn money to study the fields he is interested in.

Money is not a bad thing, nor is it dung. A gentleman loves money and takes it in a proper way.

In the past, Yang Ping always had many bizarre ideas, but there was no chance to realize them. With the support of the system, these can be realized without obstacles. Even if they fail, the only loss is points.

During this time in the United States, Yang Ping has already started experiments in the System Space Laboratory.

Although the system space does not occupy real time, in the system space, whether it is the operating room, laboratory, or library, it is similar to the closed space in reality. In it, no one interacts with Yang Ping.

In a closed space, there is a limit to people's psychological endurance. This is a natural weakness of human beings. The limit of ordinary people is three to five days. Specially trained special agents will last longer and can reach several times that of ordinary people.

Once the limit is exceeded, it is a psychological breakdown, and the result of the psychological breakdown will be a mental disorder, such as schizophrenia.

Like Yang Ping, being able to persist for a few months at will and maintaining a healthy mental state is beyond the scope of a normal person.

Without this ability, without the steel-like psychological endurance, Yang Ping may not be able to play this devil system.

The mental state when entering the system space is related to the instantaneous mental state at the time of entering. Therefore, when you enter when you are in a quiet and resting state, your mental state is the best, and you will naturally persist in it for the longest time.

In the next two days, I visited Robert's clinic and went to the Sports Medicine Department of the New York Special Surgery Hospital to conduct teaching rounds.

Yang Ping is generally satisfied with Robert's arrangement.

But when I visited the clinic, Yang Ping was confused by the layout inside. The Chinese knot was hung, the Chinese character was posted, and the red lantern was also hung at the gate. This is not outrageous. The most outrageous thing is that the pattern on the red drape of the hostess is unexpected. It is China's Double Happiness.

This was not the idea of ​​the Chinatown Wedding Company, but Robert's own, and the company repeatedly reminded that these were not suitable for such occasions.

But Robert insisted: Be creative, don't stick to the form, and combine many festive elements to create extraordinary effects.

It turned out to be very effective, Yang Ping asked in amazement: Whose idea is this?

Robert proudly said: The arrangement I designed myself.

Talent! Yang Ping patted Robert's thick shoulder.

Robert was flattered, and President Huang Cheng also gave a thumbs up, and made a unique use of Chinese culture.

On Friday, Yang Ping, as Mr. Robert, made rounds in the Sports Medicine Department of the New York Special Surgery Hospital. The teaching rounds lasted a full four hours.

After a question-and-answer session and a lecture, the doctors of the New York Special Surgery Hospital were completely conquered, and even the hardest stones were crushed. This round became a real teaching round.

Professor Jung warmly invited Yang Ping to go to the joint replacement center for rounds. Unfortunately, Yang Ping was exhausted and could not repeat such a large-scale round, so he could only refuse.

This made Jung very annoyed, and felt that from now on, there would be a technical gap with Robert.

Five days in the United States will soon pass, and Yang Ping will leave the United States on Saturday.

Johanneson couldn't get away for a while in Houston, and made several phone calls to apologize to Yang Ping.

Griffin and Woodhead took time to arrive in New York, met with Yang Ping, and invited Yang Ping to visit their hospital.

Unfortunately, there is not enough time, and he must return to China as expected. Corey still has a lot of things waiting for him.


NASA's Washington headquarters, the chief medical officer received a report from Collins and immediately met with the director of Jim Bassa. Life was at stake, and the director immediately called an emergency meeting.

What else is there to discuss? The doctors have already made plans. Waiting for the director to make a decision, isn't there a rocket launch mission in more than ten days? Let SpaceX's Falcon 9 launch ahead of schedule, and take the Dragon spacecraft to the sky with Susan and drug instruments.

Kennedy Space Center on Merritt Island on the east coast of Florida, United States.

Although the Falcon 9 rocket is ready, the sudden early launch can also be considered to disrupt the plan. It is necessary to conduct pre-launch inspections in advance, conduct meteorological assessments, and re-plan personnel adjustments.

Susan was originally an astronaut, she has been in training, ready to go to the sky at any time.

But she needed a single training on cerebral angiography. The Mayo Clinic radiologist was invited to Houston to work with the medical team to train Dr. Susan how to complete an angiography in a microgravity environment. She only needed to do it safely. As for the reading Give the tablet or something to the doctor on the ground.

The list of medicines and instruments issued by Collins was purchased by the NASA material department at the fastest speed, but these things were not easy to handle, and both medicines and instruments needed to be modified.

The X-ray machine that can complete digital subtraction angiography cannot be adapted to rocket carrying and space station use, so manufacturers are required to modify it to adapt to this mission.

The contrast agent iohexol is required to be available in ready-to-use syringe-loaded versions. Extracting liquids from bottles on the space station, no matter who it is, is a laborious business.

Fortunately, the astronauts have tested common drugs that require allergy tests on the ground, and it is recorded that Steven is not allergic to iodine contrast agents.

Otherwise, it would take a lot of hard work to transport the medicine up, and an allergy test would be done. If the result is positive, it will be a hassle.

Other cerebrovascular DSA kits are also specially sterilized to ensure smooth use on the space station.

Space City One in Houston is often lit all night long.

Sensitive reporters smelled something unusual, and they started snooping around, what was going on in Houston?

Rocket launch and explosion? It should be earth-shattering. It seems that there is a problem with the International Space Station in the sky.

Could it be another drilling leak? It's not that simple. The lights on for the longest time and the most times are in the office of the medical team.

It should be the health of astronauts, and the reporters are interested. The International Space Station is what Americans care about most.

Even the president's office romance can be featured in newspapers and media, and these reporters have nothing to dare to write about.

NASA was very calm and satisfied everyone's curiosity. It held a press conference and told everyone, don't be impatient. Astronaut Steven encountered a little trouble and his heart rate slowed down. What is the reason? Further inspection is needed, but NASA Confident in solving the problem, plans have been made to rocket Dr. Susan and a batch of medicines and medical instruments to the space station.

The astronauts are all in good physical condition. There were several physical examinations before going to heaven, but they did not say that people are not allowed to get sick on the space station, and it was no big deal. Most reporters left.

A few reporters feel that things are not so simple. Small problems are worth a special trip of hundreds of millions of dollars to send medicine to the doctor? Isn’t there nine medicine boxes? The Russians still have more than a dozen medicine boxes, adding up to more than 20 medicine boxes to solve No, it's called a little trouble?

The astronauts on the International Space Station had a cold, and did not see NASA hold a press conference.

These reporters are almost all-pervasive, and they are quickly investigated. Mayo, Johns Hopkins, etc., a large group of doctors have long gone to Houston for meetings, which is still a small problem.

Collins whitelisted the calls of the director, colleagues and family members, and blocked all other calls.

He went through Medicaid Steven's plans item by item, some already in place, some not yet.

Susan has mastered cerebral angiography, and began to train in the handling and rescue of unexpected situations. For example, allergies caused by contrast agents, acute renal failure, etc.

I hope Steven is fine. If there is no organic disease in the intracranial blood vessels, take oral atropine to increase the heart rate, and monitor for a period of time if there is no abnormality, Steven can return to Earth, as long as he can come back, everything will be fine.

The one-in-a-thousand possibility that Johanneson was most worried about would be overwhelming.

Collins prayed that Steven would be all right.


While waiting for the flight, Boss Cheng bought a copy of The New York Times and saw Steven's news.

Musk is going to make hundreds of millions of dollars. Can his recyclable Falcon 9 rocket work? How many brushes are there, or is he just bragging? Boss Cheng asked Huang Jiacai.

Huang Jiacai is also reading a book: Anyone can earn NASA's money? Few brushes can do this job? If Lao Ma is bragging, there are 10,000 comfortable ways to blow it, and there is no need to use the rockets. To please, brag.

Also, look, what happened to Steven's body, his heart rate slowed down, and now NASA's rocket has been launched ahead of schedule to deliver doctors and medicines, is it true or false? Lao Cheng was very interested, and the newspaper trembled. rustling.

International Space Station? Huang Jiacai closed the book.

Yes! Lao Cheng continued to watch.

Huang Jiacai leaned over to look: Is this a space rescue?

Yang Ping is resting, thinking about the experiment, waiting to get off the plane, the plane is relatively quiet, and he can enter the system space to do a few experiments.

It's time to board!

Hearing the broadcast, Lao Cheng put away the newspaper, dragged his luggage with Huang Jiacai, and joined the flow of people boarding the plane together.

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