The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 265 Suicide in the Palace

After sending off Lao Cheng, Yang Ping took the time to go through the registration of free parking for employees.

The parking lot of Sanbo Hospital, whether on the ground or underground, with ID card, work card and driving license, you can register with the security department and park for free.

After going through the free parking procedures, Yang Ping went to the Orthopaedic Research Institute to find Director Han, and Director Han asked Yang Ping to talk about his Ph.D.

The Orthopaedic Research Institute plans to open three floors, but only one floor is currently open. This floor undertakes research on orthopedic implants, involving research on orthopedic materials, biomechanics and 3D printing.

The other layer is mainly responsible for the research of tissue repair, especially the research on the repair of various tissue defects, involving biochemistry, tissue engineering, repair mechanism, etc. Some equipment is not yet in place.

There is also a layer dedicated to stem cell research. The laboratory has been built and is waiting for the acceptance of the superior department. After the acceptance, an admission certificate can be issued before relevant work can be carried out. At this layer, Director Han focuses his research on spinal cord injury.

There are three floors, and the research focus of each floor is different.

Xiao Yang, I will take the exam in March this year, how are you preparing?

Director Han attached great importance to Yang Ping's exam, and repeatedly urged him to review it well, and he must pass the exam.

If he came forward to operate, it is possible to get an exemption, but Director Han hoped that Yang Ping would be admitted in a justifiable manner.

Director, don't worry, I will not let down your high hopes. Yang Ping is very confident.

I don't know how many times I flipped through the review materials in the system space. Yang Ping still has confidence in himself. If he still can't pass the test, he is really not suitable for studying medicine.

I heard that Yang Ping is confident, and Lao Han is even more confident. Only when Yang Ping is admitted to a doctorate can he spread his wings and fly high and far.

For doctors, education is very important. It is a passport. No matter how well the surgery is done, without education, many large hospitals cannot even touch the door, let alone enter the door.

There are also some scientific research projects that cannot be applied for without a degree. Those who say that the degree is irrelevant, as long as they have the ability, do not understand the ecology of doctors at all.

Only after the formal training of masters and doctors, the probability of producing research results is the greatest. Most of the Nobel Prize winners are doctors and have received formal scientific research training. The exception is not none, but few.

Yang Ping told Director Han that the car sent by Boss Cheng arrived, and Yang Ping also talked to Director Han and asked for his opinion about the delivery of the car by Boss Cheng.

While pouring tea for Yang Ping, Director Han said, Your cooperation with him is open and fair, legal and reasonable, it's just a car, a small thing, with the income you will bring to their hospital in the future, it's not worth giving you shares. Yes, Xiao Yang, if money is legal and reasonable, you should take it as you should, and don’t be lenient; if it is illegal and violates moral conscience, we will not give it a penny.

A gentleman loves money, get it right! Yang Ping took Director Han's cup.

Director Han smiled, and Ruzike taught: Yes!

Usually busy with work, there are not many opportunities to sit and chat together. The two chatted for a long time, Lao Han gave Yang Ping some career advice, and asked Yang Ping to set his goals higher and farther.

After finishing speaking, Director Han answered a call, and Director Mei of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department said, Old Han, we have a pregnant woman who is having a color Doppler ultrasound, please come and take a look.

Director Han hung up the phone: Xiao Yang, are you free?

It's nothing, Song Zimo is leading everyone for surgery, routine surgery! Yang Ping said.

Director Han said: I went to the ultrasound department with me to see. There was a patient in the obstetrics and gynecology department with a special condition. Director Mei asked me to help.

It is estimated that it is a deformity in fetal orthopedics. It may be Director Mei's acquaintance, so he directly called Director Han and asked to help with the voluntary consultation.

After drinking tea, the two went to the ultrasound department. A pregnant woman was doing a color ultrasound. Director Yan of the ultrasound department did it herself, surrounded by several directors. The pregnant woman was a test-tube baby at Sanbo Hospital, and it took a lot of effort to go on. child.

Old Han, Doctor Yang! Director Mei was standing by the examination bed concentratingly.

At 26 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus has several deformities in the limbs, the amniotic fluid is slightly reduced, and there are ribbon echoes in the deformed parts. Director Yan said, the ultrasound probe in his hand moved on the pregnant woman's abdomen.

Yang Ping understood. They suspected fetal amniotic band syndrome. This disease is relatively rare. Most deformities involve orthopedics, so they asked Director Han to come and have a look.

Several directors were still experienced. Director Han listened to Director Yan's description and said, Considering amniotic band syndrome?

Director Ke of Pediatric Surgery nodded: Yes! You look at these limbs, I'm afraid they are all restrained by the amniotic band. We plan to do an MRI for further examination. If the diagnosis is confirmed, I would like to ask you to help with the operation.

Pediatric surgery specializes in pediatric operations, especially those with congenital malformations. They have carried out fetal surgery in recent years. Director Ke intends to operate on this fetus to prevent further aggravation of the deformity, and some serious cases will lead to intrauterine amputation.

Because of the binding of the amniotic membrane band, the distal end of the limb is avascular and necrotic, which is equivalent to amputation in the end. If the distal end is gone, it is a congenital disability after birth. Now there is a fetal operation. The fetus is removed from the uterus and put back after the operation. Prompt surgical correction of the deformity can prevent postnatal disability.

Although pediatric surgery can perform many operations and is specialized in organ deformities, it is still not very skilled in orthopaedics, so I would like to invite orthopedic surgeons, especially when it comes to operations under a microscope, they are even worse than orthopedic surgeons.

This fetus is 26 weeks old and is only 20 to 30 centimeters in length. A microscope is used in many parts of the operation.

Orthopedic surgeons are good at seeing X-rays, CTs and MRIs, but they can’t read color Doppler ultrasounds. Yang Ping has trained auxiliary examinations in the system space, not to mention color Doppler ultrasounds.

Director, the neck of this fetus is also restrained. You can see that the head is slightly smaller, which means that the blood vessels in the neck have been compressed, and the blood supply to the head is insufficient. It is necessary to operate quickly, otherwise it will easily lead to death.

The neck was restrained. Director Yan just saw that the neck posture was wrong. As for the size of the head, within the normal range, the data was a little smaller. There was no deformity or band echo detected here.

Orthopedic doctors will see color Doppler ultrasound, strange!

Director Yan focused on probing the fetus's neck several times. Indeed, this neck was not right. There was indeed an abnormal echo in the middle, which was missed as a skin fold just now.

The head and body of this fetus are proportional, and the head is a little smaller! Yang Ping added, professional knowledge is not vague, otherwise it will harm the patient.

What's more, these directors would not feel offended because of their speeches. They were not so stingy. They did not treat Yang Ping as a general doctor.

Xiao Yang, what you said is true! How about doing an MRI to make it clearer?

Let's do an MRI. If the neck is strangled, as Dr. Yang said, there is a risk of suicide in the uterus, and surgery should be done quickly. Director Ke also felt that Yang Ping's words should be taken seriously.

The pregnant woman was a little anxious when she heard this: Doctor, how is it, is it dangerous?

Don't worry, we were watching and found that the neck was also strangled, and an emergency MRI was performed immediately to further clarify that if the neck was really strangled, the operation should be arranged quickly. Director Mei comforted her.

Then do it quickly, I will listen to you, no matter how big the risk is, I will keep the child. The pregnant woman wanted to cry a little.

Indeed, it was not easy. After spending a lot of money and going to many hospitals, I finally used the IVF technology in Sanbo to conceive such a child.

Then arrange an MRI! Director Mei instructed the doctor in charge of the obstetric examination of pregnant women.

Wait for pediatric surgery after the examination? Director Mei asked.

Director Ke nodded: Come in, the obstetrics and gynecology department will escort us, and the orthopedic brothers will perform the operation together. Many steps require the support of the orthopedic brothers.

You keep in touch with Dr. Yang! Director Han explained to Director Ke.

Pregnant women have completed their color Doppler ultrasounds and are sent for MRI. There are very few MRIs performed for pregnant women in China.

In fact, magnetic resonance imaging is as safe as color Doppler ultrasound, and it is better to carry out abroad, especially in the diagnosis of fetal malformations, magnetic resonance imaging has more advantages than color Doppler ultrasound.

Pingping! Your dad and I are on the high-speed train tomorrow, we can arrive at noon!

Just out of the ultrasound room, my parents called.

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