Professor Tan, you should have realized the complexity of this case long ago. You shouldn't rush to replace people now. This is irresponsible to the patient. You have studied in the Affiliated Hospital of the University of Tokyo, and you should have a minimum of literacy.

On the way to the operating room, Takahashi was very dissatisfied, and the arrogance and disdain in his bones would show at any time.

Director Tan didn't refute whatever he said, just led the way.

There is no way, they have research on this kind of case, accumulated experience, and confrontation strength, it can only be strength, everything else is pale.

Song Zimo stopped what he was doing. The instrument nurse Zhou Can was sorting out the instruments on the operating table. The circuit nurse hung up a few more bags of blood. Fatty Liang stared at the data on the monitoring screen. Xiao Wu Zhanglin was also sullen on the stage. .

Yang Ping had already put on the surgical gown and gloves, ready to replace Song Zimo at any time. Xiao Su had also put on the surgical gown and sat beside the instrument table, ready to replace Zhou Can at any time.

The blood collected from the chest cavity by the autologous blood transfusion device has been filtered and returned to the patient's body. The red blood is mixed with normal saline and dripped into the patient's body along the transparent tube.

The abdominal cavity has not been opened temporarily, and the closed abdominal cavity can temporarily stop bleeding. When the bleeding reaches a certain level, the volume of the abdominal cavity is limited. The hydrostatic pressure of the blood in the abdominal cavity and the pressure of blood vessel bleeding form a balance, and the blood vessels will no longer bleed temporarily.

Song Zimo looked at Yang Ping who was sitting, and changed the main sword. Who should be changed? Could it be that it was not Yang Ping, and could Director Han plan to go in person.

He also knew that the operation was difficult. More than 100 blood vessels were like spider webs, and many of them still passed through dangerous areas, but he was confident and wanted to work hard.

What's more, with Yang Ping at the bottom, he is more confident, but unfortunately, Director Han is going to fight in person.

Senior brother, Director Han wants to go in person?

The orders of the superior doctors are military orders, and medical discipline cannot be violated.

Are the vital signs still stable? Yang Ping turned his head to look at the monitor.

Fatty Liang sat on the patient's head: It is temporarily stable, but it cannot be maintained by blood transfusion.

The automatic door of the operating room opened, and Director Han and his party came in.

Director Han! Yang Ping got up.

Director Han waved his hand: Xiao Yang, Xiao Song, take a rest and change to Mr. Takahashi as the chief surgeon, and Director Tan and I as assistants. Oh, don't take off your surgical gown for the time being, and don't pollute yourselves, rest and stand by.

Little Yang! Director Han called out to Yang Ping.

Director? Yang Ping understood Director Han's decision.

It's alright, pay attention to Gaoqiao's surgery and study it. Director Han said hesitantly.

I will. Yang Ping reassured Director Han.

Director Han said a few words in a hurry, and several people immediately went to brush their hands.

It wasn't Director Han who came to power, but Takahashi. What happened? Song Zimo didn't even have a chance to ask, Director Han hurriedly took Gaoqiao to wash his hands.

Fujiwara Miyuki stayed in the operating room, but Takahashi did not let her take the stage. She looked around at the doctors and nurses in the operating room.

Several doctors in the operating room were so young, Fujiwara Miyuki didn't watch the video carefully, but now she sees Song Zimo and Yang Ping up close, with bright eyes, tall and straight posture, and a confident look.

I just watched the video, the superb thoracoscopy technique is not the rabble in Takahashi's mouth at all.

They would have fared better had it not been for this rare case.

Hi, everyone, I'm Fujiwara Miyuki, take care of me!

Fujiwara Miyuki was wearing a large surgical gown, but still couldn't hide her figure, and greeted everyone gracefully.

Now, who still has the mind to watch a supermodel, the fat man didn't raise his head at all, Song Zimo just nodded symbolically, Yang Ping didn't hear it, he was staring at the three-dimensional reconstructed image of the blood vessels on the screen.

At this time, Yang Ping's powerful composition ability has already constructed a complete three-dimensional image in his mind.

According to the CT scan section, the image constructed by the brain shows that there are 124 blood vessels, each of which is deformed, and if one is not treated properly, it may be fatal.

In his mind, Yang Ping even simulated the operation according to the constructed graph, which one should be treated first, which one should be treated later, how each blood vessel should be exposed, where are the risks, and how to avoid dangerous structures.

So many blood vessels originate from several directions of the three-dimensional, and it is a tricky thing to just reveal. What's more, there are certain artifacts and distortions in this CT image, and it is impossible to restore the true fine anatomical relationship, which will add a lot of trouble to the operation.

After Takahashi washed his hands, he put his hands on his chest, held his head high, and strode into the operating room. He wanted to step out of the pace and aura of a world-class surgeon.

If you are not arrogant or assertive, you will not be called Takahashi. He came in, and Zhou Can handed him a surgical gown.

He didn't reach out to take it: Please use both hands!

Tang Fei was stunned for a moment, and translated it according to the original words.

Zhou Can blushed, put on the surgical gown with both hands, and Takahashi took it: The world-class surgeon is standing in front of you, you should have at least a sense of awe.

Takahashi shook his hands, his hands entered the inner opening of his sleeves, put on his gloves, and walked to the main knife position.

Song Zimo reluctantly gave up the position of the main knife, and Takahashi stood in the position of the main knife: You can go down--

Director Han gave Yang Ping and Song Zimo a wink: You guys take a rest first, don't take off your surgical gown, don't pollute yourself, and be ready to help at any time.

Director Han kept a hand. Even an internationally renowned trauma surgeon cannot be trusted. After all, the patient is his own. If he can't take it down, pat his butt and leave, he will have to clean up the mess himself.

The assistant is in place! Takahashi's voice was full of majesty.

Han, first assistant; Tan, second assistant, you, the equipment nurse, have no objection? If not, prepare to open the stage, the anesthesiologist will report the vital signs, and the operating table will be raised!

Takahashi began to speak Japanese, and Tang Fei could only help translate.

Blood pressure 84/45mmHg, heart rate 116 beats/min, blood oxygen saturation, 90% under low-flow oxygen inhalation! Fatty reported his vital signs.

Be louder, the vital signs are already unstable, and you are still listless, knife!

The fat man had to repeat it aloud. He didn't pay much attention to it just now. Why did this Japanese suddenly come to power? What's going on?

Need to close the video? Director Han suggested.

No! Takahashi said confidently.

Open your belly now, knife!

The first-class surgeon in Japan is worthy of the name. He took the scalpel and made a beautiful longitudinal incision in the abdomen. The incision in the middle of the abdomen just cut under the skin, no more, no less.

The subcutaneous fat like corn granules was turned out, and the electrocautery was used to stop the bleeding, and incised layer by layer.

The blade is not sharp enough. Do you usually use this kind of knife for surgery? Get a new one! Next time I will send you a set of surgical blades made in Japan.

Takahashi threw the scalpel in the curved plate that received the sharps, and Xiao Su quickly put on a new scalpel.

The skin and superficial fascia were incised, and the deep fascia was exposed. Takahashi's scalpel cut through several layers of muscle one by one.

Pay attention to blood pressure, pressurized blood transfusion at full speed, I am going to open the abdominal cavity, no damage to the aortic blocking forceps!

The scalpel cut through the last layer of muscle and cut the parietal peritoneum. The blood in the abdominal cavity immediately poured out and was sucked away by Director Han's suction device.

Takahashi gently and quickly opened the intestinal tube floating in the blood with his hands, and placed a forceps in the upper part of the abdominal aorta to block the abdominal aorta.

Based on CT angiography, he determined the highest position of the origin of the tumor blood vessels, and then blocked the aorta above.

Record the time!

The battle must be ended within forty-five minutes, that is, less than half a minute on average, to resolve a blood vessel.

Huge plexiform hemangioma, thick arteries and veins intertwined, curved disc weave.

Takahashi's fingers were very flexible, he gently groped for a while, used a vascular clamp to separate a blood vessel, and handed the vascular clamp to Director Han to maintain the exposure of the blood vessel.

Takahashi operated the vascular clamp with his right hand to clamp the found blood vessel, and his left hand was already searching for the blood vessel at the same time.

The left and right hands do different things, which is the most difficult technique to train in surgical operations.

It took him more than ten years of training to acquire this superb surgical ability.

Two vascular clamps clamp the distal and proximal end of the vessel, and the right-hand scissors cut the vessel from the middle.

He found another blood vessel in his left hand and gave it to Director Han.

Then he freed his hands and began to suture the blood vessels, which was originally what the assistant did.

But he was not at ease, he personally sutured and ligated the blood vessels with neat movements, and successfully dealt with the first blood vessel.

It took about a minute and the speed was satisfactory.

Keep up with my rhythm, I'm the chief knife, keep up with my rhythm, understand?

Takahashi was very dissatisfied with the assistants and instrument nurses.

Miss Miyuki, please send all the CT scan images to Tokyo to Mr. Fujiwara. Takahashi looked up at the 3D reconstructed image of the blood vessels on the screen. The accuracy was not good, and some complex areas were too blurry.

Xiao Wu, you take Dr. Fujiwara to the operating room to show her the classroom and help her transmit pictures. Director Han asked Xiao Wu to step down temporarily to do this work.


It's really Takahashi's main sword, he really is a big cow!

The venue was full of surprises, and people would have preconceived ideas about problems. Now that Takahashi is undergoing surgery, every action will be considered a masterpiece of the master.

Witnessing the operation of the master, everyone is in a state of adoration.

It's a blurry, extremely complex anatomy that can be overwhelming, but Takahashi is a world-class surgeon, and he doesn't rush.

The surgeon's hands and equipment are the special forces. Now they have entered the ruins of the city. Relying on the usual training, in the unknown world, they are advancing with small wings, sharp judgments, and decisive strikes.

This is the difficulty of surgery. One hundred blood vessels are one hundred enemies in ambush, and each one cannot be missed.

The main venue, the sub-venue, and each screen are divided into two halves.

Now, on both screens, Sasaki is operating on the left and Takahashi is on the right.

Simultaneous operation of two males in Japanese trauma surgery, a feast of surgical demonstrations.

Sasaki is struggling to rebuild the hepatobiliary and pancreatic ducts.

The duct has only just been revealed, this is a very dangerous area, and general surgeons, if they can perform a combined pancreaticoduodenectomy, will mark the pinnacle of the field.

Sasakigi's operation is the reconstruction of the entire pipeline system of the hepatobiliary and pancreas, which is several times more difficult than the combined resection of the pancreas and duodenum. It is also a five-month-old fetus. Under the microscope, it is the crown of the crown.

On Takahashi's side, a huge plexiform hemangioma in the abdominal cavity was severely damaged, and within forty-five minutes, the hemangioma consisting of more than 100 thick blood vessels should be successfully removed.

In fact, Takahashi's operation is more difficult. Sasaki's operation tests the level of microsurgery and abdominal surgery, while Takahashi's operation tests all the skills of a surgeon.

Although one is facing a strong enemy, it has sufficient information; the other is facing a strong enemy, but the information in its hands is very limited. It is a brand new enemy.

Originally, the live broadcast of the surgery in the two hospitals has now become a surgery show at the Affiliated Hospital of the University of Tokyo.

It is also a surgical show of the Japanese trauma surgeon duo!

Hands apart to operate independently?

Some people saw Takahashi's technique. Takahashi could actually operate his hands separately and independently!

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