The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 148 What is the relationship

Su Nanchen led the way in front of Yang Ping and waited for Yang Ping to stand still.

He took the microphone handed over by Dr. He, and after a few tries, he said, It's a surprise, Dr. Yang is also the creator of the fifth-stage replantation in Sanbo Hospital!

In this case, there is no need to introduce too many words, just a meaningful sentence. No one knows about Dr. Yang, but no one knows about the fifth stage replantation.

The meeting room immediately began to chat and talk, and I said, the person Su Nanchen invited must have a lot of background, and it turned out that he did the five-stage replanting.

A few months ago, at the National Trauma Orthopedics Network Conference, the five-stage replantation sensationalized the whole country. Who did not know that at that time, most of the doctors from the Affiliated Department were still watching the live broadcast in this conference room.

At that time, everyone still guessed who the master knife was? It might be Hong Zhigang of Magic Six, or Wen Rentao, but they all denied it in the end. The organizer, Magic City Sixth Hospital, did not say which hospital it was, let alone who the chief surgeon was. Guessing and guessing, it is not right, this matter will be over.

Later, when I saw the news, I learned that it was a case from Sanbo Hospital. At this time, everyone remembered that Sanbo, which is far away from the urban area, still has such a hospital in G city.

For the doctors in Attached One, there is no sense of existence in other hospitals in City G. They can remember the name of Sanbo with heart. The older ones, because of the name Han Jiangong, the younger generation, it is this five-stage replantation. .

Han Jiangong's reputation was most famous when he was in the Sixth Hospital of the Magic Capital. As long as he was an orthopaedic doctor of the same generation, no one didn't know his name. Later, when he arrived at Sanbo, he slowly faded out of everyone's sight.

Compared with the Sixth Academy of Magic Capital, the newly built Sanbo platform is too small to support a national heavyweight expert. The traditions of the domestic medical industry are here, and no one can change it. Have you ever seen people outside of the top hospitals in the country be the chairmen of a certain specialty?

No! Really do not have!

A doctor outside a first-line hospital, no matter how awesome, can hardly make extraordinary achievements. To achieve something, he can only go up. Why?

For clinical trials, only a large platform can support it; for scientific research, funding is required, and a large platform is also required. If there are no cases and no funding, what should we do?

Five-stage replantation, that operation is simply a masterpiece, the pinnacle of replantation of severed fingers. Especially for young graduate students, some people have already started to reminisce about that passionate moment.

The eyes were like searchlights, all projected over, and the atmosphere of the venue was also heated up by the fiery eyes.

Yang Ping stood quietly on the podium, confident and calm, accepting this fierce roast!

Dr. Yang's attainments in sports medicine are the same as those of replantation of severed fingers. I'm honored to invite him to our orthopaedic department for consultation. Let's listen to Dr. Yang's unusual opinion on the difficult Achilles tendon relaxation? Su Nanchen said in a loud voice. Handing over the microphone to Yang Ping, he took a step back.

What the hell is the big boss doing, to bring this young man out on this occasion, is this a prelude to the introduction?

The directors of several departments were all promoted by Su Qingyun, and the shrewd one has already begun to ponder the reasons behind it.

Professor Zou is the most shrewd among them. He has repeatedly pondered Professor Su's intention in his heart. Anyone who can take the top position is a human being. He can see the situation and understand human feelings. What others see is a seed, and he has seen what it is. melon.

What is the relationship between this person and the big boss? In short, this is not simple, and there is a secret behind it. Is it from Sanbo Hospital? Could it be—?

If this is the case, the big boss's intentions are obvious. It is estimated that he wants to transfer this kid to Attached One, but because of his identity as a dean, he is afraid that people will talk about favoritism behind his back. Did he do this to give everyone a hint?

If this is the case, you have to carefully observe the situation. Once you are sure that things are as you guessed, you will have to take the lead in this matter. It is not convenient for the big boss to come forward.

Yang Ping took the microphone: Thank you everyone for giving me a chance to study with the teachers and colleagues of Fuyi, why should this patient discuss, because shortening the Achilles tendon must cut the Achilles tendon, cutting the Achilles tendon will bring side effects, will reduce the The strength and endurance of the Achilles tendon is also intolerable to a long-distance runner, and if it weren't for this issue, I don't think people would discuss it.

The few graduate students who have done rounds with him are more conscientious than others. They keep taking notes with their pens. Some are afraid of missing them. They also look at the notes of the people next to them and compare them, for fear of typos and misunderstandings.

Students, the most hard-working and most promising group of people, these people came late because they had to wait for Yang Ping to see the patient. There was a buddy who was standing and was also taking notes. .

Everyone waited for him to say his opinion, Yang Ping paused: Actually, we can shorten the Achilles tendon without cutting it.

Don't cut the tendon? How to shorten it? As soon as the words fell, a big question mark was drawn in everyone's mind.

There was an uproar in the audience, and some professors began to think that he was exaggerating and unconventional;

We don't need to cut the Achilles tendon, but shift the calcaneal insertion along with the surrounding bone tissue, and shorten the Achilles tendon by shifting. Positioning, without damaging the fibers of the Achilles tendon, and ultimately bone-to-bone healing, bone-to-bone healing, like fracture healing, is much simpler. Yang Ping is very confident.

In the system space, I have done more than 100 sets of this surgery, and I am very skilled. I compare the tension between the Achilles tendon and the healthy side after surgery, and it can be adjusted to the same.

Su Qingyun smiled slightly. Except for the time he went to the Sanbo consultation, this was the second time he saw Yang Ping, and he did not make any advance contact because of this consultation.

I observed him so calm just now, and I guess he must have a unique idea in his heart, but he didn't expect it to be a very imaginative suggestion.

Imagination, the most precious, is the source of innovation. Without imagination, we can only follow the script and follow the steps.

Our doctors do many operations better than European and American doctors, because they have population advantages, but the gap in innovation ability is too large. We all follow, and at most imitate and improve.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves. These professors, doctors, and masters are all active minds. The education and training they have received, not to mention this technique, there is no such mention at all. To shorten the Achilles tendon is to cut it and shorten it again. Anastomosis, and what kind of stop sinking technique is unheard of.

But as soon as Yang Ping mentioned this technique, everyone began to think about the relevant knowledge about it. It was like a new machine. Although he did not invent it, he could still understand the principle by looking at the ready-made machine.

The biggest advantage of this operation over cutting off the Achilles tendon is that it will not damage the Achilles tendon. The genius-like thinking bypasses everyone's most worrying problem, but the operation is much more difficult.

Chen Ge raised his hand, stood up, and took another microphone sent by Dr. He: Excuse me, Dr. Yang, which foreign sports medicine center is this surgery? It seems that there is no report?

How could he have come up with such a bold and novel technique? He must have seen it in a sports medicine center abroad. No one reported it yet, so he used it to pretend.

This kind of thing is not uncommon. There was a professor who went abroad to study and saw a good monograph, but it has not been imported into China. He secretly translated it himself. After returning to China, he directly published the translation as his new book. Found out, what happened? How come the two books have the same drawings, text, and even the typesetting, which is disgusting.

But people who plagiarize don't have any shit, because this book has also become a famous professor, and the atmosphere is these people messing up.

Yang Ping said a little ashamed: This is my own little idea.

You came up with such an awesome technique, who would believe it?

How many cases has Dr. Yang done? Is there a statistical comparison? Have you published a paper? Chen Ge continued to ask.

Director Zou's face was obviously unhappy. Looking at the young and vigorous Chen Ge, he shook his head in his heart. Young people are like idiots.

Not yet, because I haven't met an athlete who won a gold medal, and the usual patient requirements are not so high, there is no need to make it so complicated!

Yang Ping was not in a hurry, but he was a little disdainful of this guy in his heart. He would not dare to perform an operation that he had not done before. You would only dare to do it if the Europeans and Americans had done it.

Dr. Yang, there is no reference for similar surgeries abroad, and you haven't done it yourself. I'm afraid this surgery is a bit of a story. Chen Ge is a bit aggressive, and he is playing tricks on the competition. He wants to fight for everything, regardless of whether there is Meaning, what are the consequences. This is the kind of person who is technically skilled.

Yang Ping was disgusted with this kind of person, but on the surface he said calmly: We do not necessarily need to report similar surgeries abroad. This surgery is based on a mature theory. First of all, the healing of tendons is best with bone and bone healing. , and secondly, this method avoids iatrogenic damage to the Achilles tendon, which is also shortened, so why not choose a better one?

I agree with Dr. Yang's statement, why must Americans, Europeans, and Japanese do it before we can do it? We learn from them because they are advanced, and we cannot lose confidence because of this.

Professor Zou seized the opportunity. There is no trace of this praise, and I did not praise him. I just talked about the confidence in scientific research, and there is nothing wrong with it.

He waited for Su Qingyun's reaction.

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