The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 336: Reenter Huang Quan

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Qin Yi started at a rapid speed and rushed to worship the Moon God Kingdom, while taking the opportunity to practice his own Kuafu step, but he soon discovered that the martial art of Kuafu step seems to have reached the apex, and it is difficult to practice upward. .

"The junior cultivator of the Taoism can only practice to this degree."

Qin Yi speculated.

However, Qin Yi's current speed, he is quite satisfied, who can catch up with his speed in Zong Men, I'm afraid I can't find a few.

As in the budget, Qin Yi has stepped into the territory of the Moon God Kingdom within two days.

The residents of the Moon God Kingdom are not much different from the residents of the Huaxia Empire, and even make people feel that it is only a part of the Huaxia Empire.

According to memory, Qin Yi shot in the direction of the last chasing mysterious cloak man.

This is a big city, the street is spacious and clean. On both sides of the street are various shops, weapon shops, restaurants, medicine stores, etc. This scenario is the same as the streets of the Chinese Empire.

There was a steady stream of pedestrians on the street, and Qin Yi was among the crowd, unfolding at a rapid speed.

Suddenly, he fell into a snowy mountain, and his eyes were covered with snow.

All the barking sounds on the street disappeared suddenly, and the whole world was very quiet, with no sound.

Looking at the white world in front of him, Qin Yi opened his mouth in amazement.

He tried to take a step back, all kinds of barking sounds, the tide flooded into his ears again, and he was once again on the bustling street.

He tried to take a step forward, and all kinds of barking sounds receded like a tide again. The pedestrians around him disappeared instantly, and a huge snow mountain appeared in front of him.

Taking a step back from the hustle and bustle and further tranquility, the two extremes make it difficult to adapt at a time.

"It turned out that last time, I fell into the snowy mountains like this."

Qin Yi knew it, he chased the mysterious cloak man last time, and he just wanted to catch him up, not paying attention to how he entered a snowy mountain.

There is no doubt that the snow mountain in front of me is a magic circle, or a small world deduced by the magic circle.

"Next, it's a set of small circles. What I want to do next is to find the breakthroughs of these small circles."

Qin Yi is very clear what he will face next.


At this moment, a golden awn burst from Qin Yi's eyebrows and flew forward.

this is……

Sen Luo Ling, who gathered together with his efforts!

Qin Yi stunned slightly.

However, he soon wanted to understand what was going on, and it must be because he was not far away from King Saro now. King Saro had sensed this piece of Selo, and was attracting it.

"In this way, as long as I follow this piece of Sen Luo Ling, I can easily find a breakthrough in the small realm and go to the Sen Luo Temple smoothly."

Qin Yi's heart was filled with joy, without delay, and immediately began to praise his father, chasing Sen Luoling away.

Sure enough, after a while, the snowy mountains suddenly disappeared, and he fell into an asura field.

On the ground, there were skeletons everywhere, and a huge river of blood slowly flowed forward. Above the river of blood, there were white bone dragons, which made the scalp numb.


The golden skeleton appeared again, with a height of five feet, riding a skeleton horse, holding a bronze spear, rushing towards the bleeding river, and rushing toward Qin Yi.

In an instant, Qin Yi felt a breath of death. He was even imprisoned by an invisible force, unable to move. He could only watch the golden skeleton, holding a bronze spear, and stab him straight. Heart.

The large bronze spear of the golden skeleton sways the world, stabs at will, and the void sways.

so horrible!

Qin Yi was shocked, and the fire element seeds that Dantian had laid violently burned wildly, and the sect road was surging.


Faced with the threat of death, Qin Yi roared loudly, and he broke free from the powerful power imprisoning him. His figure was swaying rapidly, and the bronze spear of the golden skeleton was pressed against his shirt and slammed past.

Just one line away, he was stabbed by the bronze spear!

In an instant, Qin Yi was shocked with cold sweat.

He now understands why the former King Serow said that he must wait until he breaks through the realm of sectarianism before he can enter. In this case, if he has not broken through the sectarianism, he is already here.

Breaking through the Zong Dao, in fact, it is still the minimum requirement. The general Zong Dao might not be able to break the power of that imprisonment. You must know that Qin Yi has the element of fire.

A golden skeleton that has died in endless years can have such a terrible combat power. I really don't know how strong it was before its lifetime.

"Could it be that he really is the ghost king of Fengdu Guishan?"

Qin Yi made such a conjecture, he did not dare to neglect, unfolded the speed, chasing the Sen Luoling ahead.

The large spear of the golden skeleton failed to stab Qin Yi, standing slightly in a daze.

"Click click ..."

His head turned to the direction in which Qin Yi disappeared, and immediately urged the hip-horse skeleton horse to be chased out with a bronze spear, just like a meteor, the speed did not fall at all to Qin Yi.

"What's the matter, this **** golden skeleton, must he stabb me to death under his spear, should he stop?"

Qin Yi was so shocked that he played Kuafu's steps to the extreme, his body turned into a residual image, and swooped toward the front.

One person and one skeleton, and in this Shura field, chasing crazy, although Qin Yi's speed is fast to the limit, but he can't get rid of the golden skeleton.

The skeleton horse under the golden skull crotch, two front hooves kicked, it was a direct kick to break a void, the next moment, it appeared a few dozen feet away.

Seeing the golden skeletons getting closer and closer, Qin Yi was bitter and could not help but yell: "What's the matter, I just pass by here, is this **** golden skeleton necessary to kill me?"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..."

Behind him, there was a harsh sound of breaking the sky, and Qin Yi could even clearly feel that a strong killing intention came from behind him.

He looked back and was surprised. The golden skeleton was less than thirty feet away from him. At this distance, the skull's front horse could kick him in front of him.

Sure enough, everything was as Qin Yi expected, only to see the skeleton horse, two front hooves suddenly raised, struggling to kick.

The next moment.

The golden skeleton appeared directly in front of Qin Yi's eyes. The simple and splendid bronze spear pierced Qin Yi's chest. At the same time, an invisible and powerful force directly confined Qin Yi.

There was a blank in Qin Yi's mind, and he watched the bronze spear plow toward his chest.


The horrible asura field disappeared, surrounded by a gorgeous place of cherry blossoms, fragrant and fragrant, birds and flowers.


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