The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 323: Deal with Xue Bichen (Part 1)

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"Huh, what's going on?"

Qin Yi was puzzled and quickly made a judgment: "The mystery is in grief and joy. I must listen to the content of grief and joy before I can continue to feel."

It's just that the sadness from the top of the mountain is too vague to be understood.

Listening carefully for half a day, Qin Yi still got nothing, but had no choice but to temporarily stop the practice of "Rage of Secrets".

"The method of relying on the violent tactics to win the He Gong is not feasible, and can only return to the level of cultivation-breaking through the Taoism!"

Qin Yi smiled bitterly.

Today, three and a half days have passed, and one and a half days remain before the third phase of the Zongmen Wuhui.

In a day and a half, to break through the Taoism, this is an impossible task.

Qin Yi frowned, thinking hard, and Jun Yi's face had a bitter smile.

After thinking long and hard, Qin Yi made an extremely helpless decision: "Now, we can only go to Tianluotang, and then discuss with the Chief Executive Officer."

For a day and a half, even after entering the Lingling Cultivation, it is basically impossible to break through the Taoism, but now, even if it is impossible, Qin Yi can only try hard.

Soon, Qin Yi's figure appeared in Tianluotang.

"Do you want to enter the Gathering Circle again to practice?"

After listening to Qin Yi's intentions, Shi Shiguan showed a dilemma.

"In the third stage of the Zongmen Wuhui, I had a fight with He Gong."

Qin Yi laughed helplessly.


Shi Zongguan shattered his ground and looked at Qin Yi as if he were a monster. For a long time, he sighed a long time: "Qin Yi, although in the battle with Makita, you showed a surprising combat power, but this time, you It was really reckless, He Gong ’s cultivation practice has reached the middle of the two steps of the two stages of the Taoism. Even if you break through the Taoism, you ca n’t beat him. Besides, even if I appreciate you very much, it ’s impossible to violate the regulations. Let you enter the spiritual circle again to practice. "

Shi Zongguan's face was embarrassed, and he immediately said, "I don't like iron," said: "The first ten of the inner disciples, that's just a nickname. What are you going to do? Just study the formation with the old man, how good is it? "

Qin Yi naturally cannot tell Shi Shiguan his own pains, only a bitter smile.

The last glimmer of hope was declared broken.

"Isn't it necessary for me to use the second form of" The Seven Forms of Heavenly Demon "?"

Returning to his pavilion, Qin Yi once again fell into hard thinking.

The second form of "Demon Seven" is his hole card, if possible, he will not show him as much as possible, worshiping the immortal real man, who is already a strong cultivator, has been staring at him there. Very unfavorable.

"One and a half days, the third stage of the Zongmen Wuhui ..."

Qin Yi has nothing to do.

"Qin Yi ..."

Just then, outside the door, there was a soft cry.

Qin Yi had to stand up, opened the door, and saw the girl in the white robe outside the door, who came to the eyes like a fairy, could not help but slightly stunned: "Your name, Xue ... Bichen?"

"it's me."

It was Xue Bichen who was newly promoted to be a disciple of the inner gate at the entrance.

She smiled lightly at Qin Yi, and the world suddenly felt discolored: "Qin Yi, can you follow me to a place?"

Go to a place?

Qin Yi was slightly stunned and puzzled, but he went out with Xue Bichen.


The two came to a barren mountain, some distance from Zongmen, and there were few people around them. Usually, Zongmen disciples would not appear in such a place.

"Xue Bichen, you brought me here for the purpose of ..."

Qin Yi looked at Xue Bichen doubtfully.

Xue Bichen stopped, turned around, and smiled at Qin Yi: "Qin Yi, can you show me your speed martial arts?"

Show speed martial arts?

Listening to her, Qin Yi became more and more tempted, but he didn't say much. Immediately, his figure became erratic and turned into a residual image. Sometimes, he even disappeared directly on the spot and appeared on the other side. .

Soon, Qin Yi's speed martial arts were completed.


Xue Bichen lightly clapped his face, all over the face with excitement, and became a little red with excitement: "Qin Yi, your praise step, practice is really good."

Her voice is Yingyingyanyan, which is quite beautiful and smells like a spring breeze.

"How do you know that the martial arts that I am performing is called Kuafubu?"

Qin Yi looked at Xue Bichen in surprise.

Xue Bichen smiled without saying a word, and immediately his graceful figure flashed. In front of Qin Yi, it turned into a residual image. The body method was exactly the same as Qin Yi, but in speed, it was obviously inferior to Qin Yi.

"It's amazing, I just show Kuafu step again, you will learn it, and you are so skilled."

Qin Yi was dumbfounded and shattered.

My own boasting father step can now achieve such an effect. It is hard work that I have cultivated. I ca n’t think of Xue Bichen in front of him. He can only display it once, and the effect will not be inferior to himself.

This is unbelievable.

"Do not."

Xue Bichen shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "Actually, I have practiced the set of speed martial arts in" Kuafububu "for a long time, but I still lack something and cannot achieve satisfactory results."


The speed martial arts of "Kuafubu", she has been practicing for a long time!

At the moment, Qin Yi's heart was really confused, and blinked, trying to ask: "Are you also here at Lingyu Gate?"

Qin Yi's Kuafu step comes from the Tibetan Buddhist Pavilion at the Lingyu Gate in Phoenix.

"Ling Yu Men?"

Xue Bichen was stunned and smiled lightly: "Of course not, I come from a mysterious ancient village of God-Kuafu Village! The birthplace of the Kuafu, the immortal ancient strongman," Kuafubu "is the ultimate legacy of Kuafu Speed ​​martial arts is a classic of a town in Kuafu village, but unfortunately, this superior speed martial arts once spread to the outside world, and was later recovered by the people of Kuafu village, because after several battles, this Several places in this classic have been damaged, and some contents have been lost and cannot be cultivated. "

Qin Yi's heart was a bit unsteady. The Xue Bichen in front of him came from the ancient **** village Kuafu Village, which was unexpected.

From her remarks, Qin Yi can conclude that the "Kuafu Step" at the Lingyu Gate of Phoenix should be the time when "Kuafu Step" spread to Kwafu Village. It was copied by hand, not The original version, and fortunately, although Ling Yumen's "Kuan Fu Bu" is handwritten by future generations, it is complete.

Now, he already understood a bit, Xue Bichen called himself here for the purpose.

After a pause, Xue Bichen continued: "One month later, it is our election ceremony for the new generation of saints in the father village, and the conditions for becoming a saint are naturally extremely harsh."


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