The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 319: The Battle of Qin Mu (Part 2)

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Above the ring, the fierce battle between Qin Yi and Makita continued.

I can see that Qin Yishi exhibited the first form of "Lingfeng Palm", which was even comparable to his own. Makita was quite surprised. Although Qin Yi's "Lingfeng Palm" has been trained to the fourth level, he only has the third level. However, he is already a strong man in the two realms. In theory, he should be able to suppress him.

But where did he know that Qin Yi had two seeds of earth and fire elements, and at this moment, both in strength and in system defense, he directly doubled it than usual.

What did you say about ruining Qin Yi?

Why is this even a draw!

The fact that Makita couldn't continue to draw a tie with Qin Yi!

Suddenly getting a little angry, he sipped coldly and once again slashed his palm toward Qin Yi: "Lingfeng Palm second style-magic rain style!"

"I am impetuous and hard to make a climate."

Feeling the change in Makita's emotions, Qin Yi smiled disdainfully, the clouds were light and windy, and he followed with a random palm: "Lingfeng Palm second style-magic rain style!"

The exact same moves, even the power, are exactly the same.

As the two shot Ling Fengzhang's second shot, the small space above the ring suddenly began to rain, and the rain instantly condensed into a crystal-clear sharp blade and slashed towards each other.


The palm shadows formed by the rain on both sides exploded fiercely, and the two followed suddenly back out several steps.

Still, it's quite the same!

"Brother Qin, how dare you say that I can't be a climate?"

The corners of Makita's mouth were fiercely drawn, from small to large, he was a super genius in the eyes of the world, with a promising future. At this moment, Qin Yi was said to be a difficult climate, and his heart was broken.

"Lingfeng's third form-magic thunder!"

Makita shouted, the third style of "Lingfeng Palm" followed, attracting Tianlei, deafening. With the sound of Tianlei, the split palm shadow, the majestic power, the coercion, the space around it, were all violent Twisted, it seems to break apart.

"So powerful!"

With the split of Makita's palm, all the disciples under the stage were secretly startled. Many people were secretly thinking that if they faced this palm, they would be hurt.

Those high-ranking men in the Zong Men also secretly nodded their heads, affirming Makita's combat power.

Looking at the madly split palm shadow, Qin Yi always behaved lightly and calmly, followed by a random palm: "Lingfeng palm third type-magic thunder style!"

The same move, also attracted the sky thunder, huge palm shadow, with a piercing roar, and broke away.


Palm shadows collided.

Both Qin Yi and Makita were hit by huge energy fluctuations, and they were forced to withdraw more than ten steps.

It's still ... quite the same!

"Haha, worshipping the real man, your shepherd, has played against Qin Yi three times, but so far, I still haven't seen where he has the upper hand. In my opinion, this is a draw."

Elder Jiang above the stone steps laughed at the immortal worshipper, and he was quite comfortable seeing that the true disciple of the immortal worshipper could not defeat Qin Yi.

Among the disciples, Yang Shiqi and Long Yan and others, seeing the three consecutive styles, Qin Yi did not fall at all, and secretly put down his heart. Qin Yi would not let them down when he came out.

"No hurry, I remember their" Lingfeng Palm ", there are four types, and the last one, Elder Jiang, you now assert that this is a draw, it is too early."

Immortal worshiper said lightly.

He still didn't believe that his own disciples would have a tie with a disciple who hadn't even broken through the clan's path. More importantly, the other party was still trying to recommend him to Zongmen.

"This battle between you and me will be a draw? Naive!"

Makita smiled coldly. At this moment, his mind was full of warfare, and his inner sect was full of vigor and madness, and he climbed directly to the apex. The four types of "Lingfeng Palm" have already exhibited three types.

Qin Yi's combat power completely exceeded his expectations, and he was able to contend with his three styles, which in his view was simply incredible.

The last one!

He must use the last method to defeat Qin Yi, suffocate everything he had done before, and return it to him.


Qin Yi shook his head and smiled lightly: "Impossible."

All over the body, he always showed great confidence. At his Dantian, the two elements of soil and fire are burning wildly, and the strength and physical defense have climbed to the top.

"Brother Qin, face me, I really don't know where you come from such a strong self-confidence?"

Makita was extremely angry, and he suddenly slashed his palm: "Brother Qin, lose it-disillusionment!"

With this type of play, large pieces of grey palm shadows were formed, each of which was full-width and densely broken, as if it were a palm shadow split from hell.

The vitality here seems to be drawn away in an instant, like the end of the day, the endless death is spreading, and is vast.

"It's amazing!"

In the end, the cleavage of Makita ’s palm, the high-level leaders in the sect, could n’t help but move. The disciples of the sect were shocked in their hearts. All the disciples of Zongdao will be hit hard, even killed instantly?

Looking at the imposing gray palm shadow, Qin Yi was not panicked. After slightly raising the eyebrow tip, he followed with a palm: "Disillusion!"

The same gray palm, the power is exactly the same.


The gray palm shadows collided, the huge energy wave, raging open, wreaking havoc on the audience. The disciples closer to the ring felt chest tight and bloody.

Qin Yi and Makita flew out at the same time, and fell on both sides of the ring. They fell close to the ring. They fell into the ring. Both of them had **** chests, which were extremely uncomfortable. Finally, the "wow" could not be restrained, and a spit of blood burst out.


too strong!

All the people on the field were stunned by the fierce battle between the two of them. Even the other disciples who were competing on the ring couldn't help but stop and were completely attracted by the fierce battle on the ring.

It's incredible. Qin Yi, a sect disciple who hasn't even broken through the sect road, actually tied the sect of the two sect roads like Makita.

Do n’t forget that Makita is still a close disciple of worshipping immortals, which is actually stronger than the ordinary Sect of Taoism.

The young man who had lost nine big men in a row in a row, the combat power was not covered!

Everyone present turned their eyes to the young man who had only the peak of Xuan Dao 9 Realm. They couldn't think of it. How could such a weak body contain such a powerful combat power?


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