The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 308: Profound Dao Nine Realms Peak

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Qin Yi did not chase down the Linghe, standing on the spot, looking at the Linghe who was running away at a speed and smiled helplessly.

He already has a certain understanding of this Linghe, as long as he exerts a new martial art, he can easily defeat it, not even an enemy.

It's just that when Linghe appears next time, if the original martial arts are displayed again, it will be difficult to defeat them, because it will understand your martial arts in the shortest time.

"What exactly is this Spirit Crane?"

Qin Yi was puzzled by this Linghe, such a peculiar thing, he had not heard of it before.

After thinking for a moment, Qin Yi shook his head, and no longer wasted his thoughts on the Linghe.

After defeating Linghe with one punch, Qin Yi meditated and practiced again. He sat on the top of the cliff, and the whole person was motionless as if sitting.

The heaven and earth aura around him was continuously inhaled into him. With the constant inhalation of the spirit of heaven and earth, his cultivation behavior is constantly climbing upwards.

So in the past three days, Qin Yi's body once again heard the sound of bone breakthrough.

At the same time, the signs of demonization appeared again on Qin Yi's body, just like a fairy ancient demon head, broken and endless in time and space, little by little in this era of Hongmeng and Meng.

"Xuan Dao 9 Realm Peak!"

Qin Yi smiled slightly.

Nine days of hard cultivation in this gathering of spirits, his cultivation practice broke through two realms in a row, came to the peak of Xuan Dao, and went one step further, that is Zong Dao, which is the beginning of the true cultivation path.

Before Zongdao, that was just the stage of foundation laying. As long as you step into Zongdao, the truly vast and mysterious world of cultivation will open to you.

"As long as I enter the sect road, I will be able to break through the taboo world, enter Huangquan Road, and go to Senluo Temple to visit Yinger."

Recalling that Yinger, who is still cultivating now, is in the heart of Qin Yi, Qin Yi's heart breeds expectation, and misses the greedy little girl quite.

So far, Qin Yi has been in this gathering of spirits for nine days. On the last day, the Linghe appeared again, flapping his wide wings, bursting, and long beaks, striking hard at Qin Yi.

"Furious formula!"

Qin Yi tried to show the "Rage of Rage", and sure enough, Linghe evaded easily.

The Xiangu Fragment of "Fury Rage" has been penetrated by the Linghe and can no longer hurt it.

"Three types of bullying-the first type!"

Qin Yi punched with one fist, blended with the natural avenue, penetrated the world, and the strong inner strength of the Xuan Dao rushed out like a big wave, making the space around the fist violently twisted.


Qin Yi's fist hit the Linghe who came from the slain, and punched it out more than ten feet away with one punch.

Linghe screamed and fled again in embarrassment.

"This beast, will come to challenge me in a few days, but fortunately, I must leave this gathering tomorrow."

Qin Yi smiled faintly.

If he always accepts the challenge of this Linghe here, then he really does n’t know how to deal with it. Any martial arts can understand it in the shortest time, and then come to fight you, if you still show the original The martial arts fighting against it will inevitably lose defeat.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Qin Yi began to transfer the "Rage of Rage" to prepare for cultivation.

"Fury Rage" is a fragment of Xiangu. It is listed as a taboo martial art among the sect. No disciples dare to touch it easily. But Qin Yi is different. He is a man with a long-term responsibility. He must become the strongest in the shortest time and stand at the pinnacle of practicing the world.

Therefore, the power of "Rage of Terror" after the reversal of profound energy is full of temptations for him. Even if there is only a 1% chance, he must take the risk.

After memorizing the cultivation tactics several times, Qin Yi began to practice this set of immortal pieces.

With the practice of "Rage of Rage", Qin Yi quickly felt that a force of rage formed in his body, like a wild beast.

"If you want to practice the" Rage of Rage "to the second level, you must bring the force of rage in my body into the double fist."

Qin Yi practiced while groping.

Qin Yi can clearly feel each time the drill is performed, and the violent power in the body will be one point bigger. When the drill reaches 200 times, Qin Yi feels that the violent power in the body almost changes his own The body must explode, making it extremely uncomfortable.

"What a terrible martial art."

Qin Yi was shocked. He remembered that this phenomenon also appeared when he practiced "The Seven Forms of Heavenly Demon." At that time, he still used other martial arts to draw the force formed in his body into his palm.

However, "Rage of Terror" obviously does not need to resort to other martial arts. At a certain moment, the violent amount of violence in Qin Yi's body seemed to find the gate, and suddenly rushed to Qin Yi's double fists.


A large tree with a thick bowl in front shattered by inch.

"The second realm of violent tactics!"

Qin Yi was slightly happy, and finally broke the violent formula to the second level.

In fact, Qin Yi was somewhat dissatisfied with the power embodied in the second realm of the violent tactics. One punch shattered a big tree with a thick bowl. This is not amazing. Qin Yi can achieve this only by using Bawangquan The effect is even stronger.

What he wants is the power after the violent tactics are reversed.

"Rage Trick" began to reverse in the fourth realm, once reversed, the power will change dramatically.

Fourth realm: Xuanqi reversal, its own strength reversed into ancient boxing strength, boxing strength can smash the rock, use steel fist to break through the steel, and easily defeat the Zongdao strong.

Fifth Reality: Consummation, which can elicit the true ancient strength, and can shake the sky. If oneself breaks through the path of the emperor, one can penetrate mountains and even the stars.

With such amazing power, how could Qin Yi easily let go?

So far, the ten-day practice time specified by the Juling Array has ended.

Qin Yi ’s practice was to break through two realms in succession and rise to the peak of 9 realms of Xuan Dao, and then take another step, that is, Zong Dao. Palm "fifth style.

Qin Yi is quite satisfied with such gains, especially the fifth form of "Lingfeng Palm", which is an unexpected gain.

Without delay, Qin Yi left the top of the cliff and went straight to the entrance of the Juling Array.

Coming to the entrance of the Juling array, Qin Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, because he once again saw the "10th Copper Man" standing quietly there, even carrying a copper stick.

Other Zongmen disciples gathered around the "10th Tongren", including Huo Ran, Princess Makita, Princess Taiping, and Hongqiu Hongqiu.

Seeing that Qin Yi, who had been looting, the eyes of the "Tenth Biggest Bronze Man" were obviously slightly bright, and soon returned to normal.

Coming to the crowd, Qin Yi noticed that all the disciples of the Zongmen who were present had different breaths than when they first came in. Obviously, they all gained something.


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