The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2226: Qin Yi boy, say goodbye!

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After a pause, Qin Yi said: "So, Mei Niang, in your opinion, in that ancient wind array, as Qian Qianshui said, is there a considerable amount of black source soil?"

After hearing this, Yan Meiang frowned, thinking again, but after a while, he gave the answer: "Since that ancient wind array is extremely dangerous and dangerous, then Qian Qiushui must not have been inside. The impressive black source soil should be displayed by the internal data of the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage. Therefore, in my opinion, the internal data of the Yongye Holy Spirit should not be fake. The interior of the ancient wind array should be like Qian Qiushui said, There is indeed a considerable amount of black source soil. "

"Since this is the case, Brother Qin Yi, are we going or not?"

Ling Yuer snuggled close to Qin Yi's side, leaning on her beautiful face, and moved her eyes, staring at Qin Yi.

"Since the interior of the ancient wind array has been determined, there is indeed a considerable amount of black source soil, so naturally we have not given up."

Qin Yi has always been a decisive person. At the same time, he is also a greedy person. Seeing such a large piece of fat, he has no reason to give up.

And if this big fat is in the hands of the enemy, and he urgently needs this big fat, then his insatiable greed will skyrocket to an outrageous level, for example, now he is like this.

Without further delay, Qin Yi waved towards Yan Mei Niang and Ling Yu'er: "Let's go too."

How many black source soils exist in that ancient wind array?

In this regard, Qin Yi's heart is full of expectations.

The three quickly followed dozens of people including Qian Qiushui.

As the people continued to move forward, the hurricanes blowing around were getting bigger and louder, and almost all people were directly twisted into pieces, and the environment was extremely bad.

Of course, these are all high-ranking emperors, and these hurricanes are obviously impossible to crush them. If they have not yet reached the ancient wind array, they will be crushed by these winds and waves, then it will be a joke.

After about two hours of incense, Qian Qiushui led Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang, Ling Yu'er, and dozens of other high-ranking emperors and Daoists, and they were already standing on the edge of the ancient wind array.

In the sight of everyone, a mottled area appeared. I could only see that within the area, there was a colorful light faintly, and there was a burst of wailing sounds in it.

A hurricane is constantly spinning, and thousands of winds and waves are intertwined. Every wind and wave is like a big dragon. I do n’t know how much destructive power is contained. It is extremely terrible. Standing now Everyone in this position feels terrified.

"Once, there were a lot of high-ranking emperors and Daoists who coveted the black source soil that existed inside this ancient style, and entered this ancient style, but basically failed to come out."

Qian Qiushui said slowly: "I will first explain to you the dangers of this ancient wind formation, and then you will go in. Even if you are killed in this ancient wind formation, it will have nothing to do with our Yong Ye gamble. "

After his words, Qian Qiushui glanced at Qin Yi, Yan Mei Niang, and Ling Yu'er not far away. In his eyes, there was a hint of provocation, a pause, and he said: "As for this ancient style In the end, there is really a considerable amount of black source soil. You do n’t need to doubt that there are records of this ancient style in some books of the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage.

He is now trying to seduce the three people of Qin Yi to come in and use the ancient array in front of him to kill them.

"What a terrible ancient formation, I really don't know which peerless master in that distant past, arranged such an formation, what a powerful method."

"It's really terrible. I have a feeling that even the powerful under the emperor's Eight Realms, as soon as they come into contact with this ancient wind and large array, they will be immediately crushed by these winds and waves."

"You feel no, those colorful colors are actually wind waves of various natures, flaming winds, cold winds, ice winds, wind blades. Those wind blades are especially terrible. This ancient array of large arrays has been unknown for thousands of years. The strength and rigidity of those wind blades are absolutely unimaginable. They are even harder and harder than the above-mentioned holy tools. It is difficult to resist the wind blades. "

"Yes, this ancient style is really terrible, but after all, the black source soil in the center is quite tempting."

"Grass, it's terrible, so much black source soil, but it is in a terrible ancient wind."


On the field, dozens of customers had a lot of discussion in front of the "rumbling" loud ancient wind.

That's right, there is indeed a very attractive black source soil in the center of the ancient wind, but the ancient wind is terrible. For a moment, dozens of customers dare not step forward from the ancient wind.

"Don't you understand the principle of seeking wealth and insurance? If you want to make your own cultivation and advance by leaps and bounds, you must take risks."

Qian Qiushui followed the temptations: "A greedy life-and-death generation can never be the pinnacle of existence. Of course, no one in this world will push you to be the pinnacle of existence. There is a chance in front of you, you can only grasp it yourself."

For Qian Qiushui's remarks, Qin Yi, Yan Mei Niang, and Ling Yu'er all laughed secretly. They couldn't understand more. Qian Qiushui would bring everyone to the front of this ancient style, just thinking They killed three of them.

Of course, other customers naturally cannot see Qian Qiushui's fierce thoughts.

"That's right. Wealth, wealth, insurance, and sincerity, since there is such a good opportunity to become a top power, we must grasp it well."

Some practitioners were really confused: "I'm going to break into this ancient style now!"


The man instantly turned into a gloom, facing the ancient wind in front, looting away, and in the blink of an eye, he fell into that ancient wind.

"I'm going to go, but I have golden silk armor on my body. I don't believe in this ancient style and can tear my golden silk armor."

"The black source soil that exists in the center of this ancient style is all mine, and no one of you should fight with me."

"All Gobi, stop for Laozi, this black source soil in the middle of the ancient wind is mine!"


With a head start, other customers suddenly had a huge amount of courage inexplicably. They rushed into the ancient array, and they have to say that people are actually an extremely strange animal.

Uh, uh, uh!

After a while, he fell into the terrible storm and disappeared without a trace.

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen people went in. Only ten people were left on the field. Of course, Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang, and Ling Yu'er were among them.

Except for Qin Yi and the three others, the rest of these people did not have the courage to break into this ancient style. It was really terrible. Standing in such an old position gave people a creepy feeling.

"Qin Yi, isn't your luck surprising? I think it's very necessary for you to go for it, otherwise it would be a pity."

Qian Qiushui actually said directly to Qin Yi, which shows how he can't wait to kill Qin Yi!

"Since there is a considerable number of black source stones in the center of this ancient style, I don't seem to have any reason not to break in."

Touching his nose, Qin Yi smiled faintly, and immediately turned his face to explain to Yan Mei Niang: "Mei Niang, you should stay outside. Yu'er and I will try to break out."

"Okay, I mean that too."

Yan Meiniang habitually touched her beautiful forehead and smiled at Qin Yi.

They decided so naturally that they had the truth. Lingyu'er was a jade spirit beast. It was almost impossible to tear her up in the ancient wind and waves.

And Qin Yi, the speed martial art he learned, is "Kuanfubu", and at the same time, he also has the "Liu Yun Jue" body martial arts. The combination of the two should be able to avoid these terrible storm.

Yan Mei Niang was not sure to break through this ancient style, so she stayed outside and did not go in.

Although Qian Qiushui has 10,000 hearts killing Yan Meiniang, there are more than a dozen other customers outside. Under the eyes of all eyes, Qian Qiushui naturally dare not do anything to Yan Meiniang. Now for Qian Qiushui, it is a customer.

"So, that's it."

Qin Yichong rubbed Yan Meiniang's hair drunkenly, then waved to Ling Yu'er next to him: "Yu'er, let's go."


Ling Yuer obediently placed a cute little head.


Then the two no longer delayed, looting toward the terrible ancient wind, and in a blink of an eye, they fell into the wind and waves like giant dragons.

"Boy Qin Yi, say goodbye!"

Looking at the disappearing figures of Qin Yi and Ling Yuer, the Qianqiushui still standing there, the corner of the mouth, suddenly lifted slightly, hung up a cruel light smile, and the chest fell secretly, secretly spit out In one breath.

Fang Cai's remarks were all facts. In this ancient style, there were indeed many senior emperors and Daoists who were greedy for the black source soil in the center of the ancient style. They entered the ancient style without any consideration.

And their final endings were all dead. Twenty days later, they were swept out by the wind and waves, and even their bones were twisted into sandstones, one by one.

Qian Qianshui now is really happy to the extreme, chasing and killing Qin Yi for so many years, and now, finally see him dead, and it is really a broken body!

Even more wonderful is that he didn't even move his fingers, so he hung up in this extremely tragic way!

Hung up ... hung up ... up ...

For a moment, Qian Qiushui felt that the whole world was so cute!

The master stone that has been pressed against the heart has finally been completely unloaded and protected by Luo Feng's boy? so what? In the end, I didn't make a small plan, I just crushed my bones!

At this moment, Qian Qiushui felt extremely relaxed for the whole person.

Qin Yi is dead. There will never be a second situation. He could have left, but he didn't. He has to see for himself. Qin Yi looks like a broken corpse.

Therefore, he stood there quietly, waiting, waiting for Qin Yi to be crushed by the ancient wind!

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