The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2219: Herald of catastrophe

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The son of Jiulong screamed, his body trembling, and his eyes looking at Jiuhuang were confused, frightened, hopeless, and painful.

He never dreamed that his father, who always treated him like a treasure, would suddenly kill him.

At this moment, Jiu Huang's deep-seated eyes were almost indifferent to the extreme, and he didn't say a word, just pinched five thin fingers in the head of Jiulong Jiong, ignoring his pain and despair.

This Jiuhuang is really cruel and cruel, and even his own son can be killed without blinking!

In the distance, Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang, Ling Yu'er, Blood Girl, and the God of Wildness all took a breath of breath. This human nature is so cruel, it is no wonder that he can become the leader of the Sun and Moon God Church. .

Soon, the five fingers of Jiuhuang's five fingers clenched into the head of Jiulong Jiong turned into a piece of transparent, and immediately, after seeing the head of Jiulong Jiong, there was a burst of blood in his head. The thin and thin fingers sucked up sharply, and through those five fingers, they sucked into Jiuhuang's body.

"Ah, ah ..."

The son of Jiulong screamed in agony, his body was constantly pumping and moving, and his eyes looked and fear was so extreme that his entire body was shrinking little by little as Jiuhuang continued to absorb blood.

Jiuhuang ignored the screams of Mr. Jiulong, and still silently grabbed five fingers into Mr. Jiulong's head, constantly sucking the blood of Mr. Jiulong. His five fingers were like five pipes. The same, red.

"This is a kind of practice."

Yan Mei Niang made a judgment immediately after frowning for a while, "Jiuhuang will kill the son of Jiulong, it must be to enhance his fighting power. This Jiuhuang must have cultivated some extremely evil merits. Law, I can conclude that this kind of exercise must have blood between the father and son. Jiuhuang will bring the son of Jiulong to chase and kill us. At first, he was just in case, fighting with a few of us. Dead Jiulong Jiulong, come and practice his evil taboo. "

Makes sense!

Wen Yan, Qin Yi and others couldn't help but shining their eyes. This nine wasteland was really terrible. It turned out that he had already hit the anchor plate that killed the son of Jiulong and strengthened his fighting ability.

After a while, Jiuhuang had absorbed the blood from the son of Jiulong cleanly, and the son of Jiulong became a corpse directly, and his face was terrible. It showed how much pain and suffering he suffered when he died. fear.

The son of Jiulong, who was originally an arrogant figure, finally ended up miserably killed by his own father, which is really humiliating!

The Jiuhuang, who had completely drained the blood of Jiulong Jiong, has changed greatly. The original skinny body showed muscles, which looked abnormally sturdy, and it was almost translucent. A blood-filled blood coffin in the body swelled up and clearly visible.

"Pappa ..."

In Jiuhuang's body, the sound of bone transformation came again, and his muscular body continued to skyrocket until it reached nearly a thousand feet before he stopped.

Jiuhuang, who was nearly a thousand feet tall, stood there, really feeling a sense of uprightness.

"Roar ~"

Jiuhuang's voice has become like a beast, roaring, swallowing the mountains and rivers, and blasting the clouds and clouds in the sky.

And his sturdy and stout body showed a strong violent air, and the air within ten feet of its surroundings was all oppressed and floating.

"The strength of Jiuhuang has doubled!"

Arrogant God stood at the top of the giant gourd-shaped giant peak. He said slowly, although he couldn't see his face clearly, it could be felt that her heart was not calm.

"Yeah, it's really surprising, this half-human half-ghost monster, there is such a trick!"

The blood girl next to the God of Desolation, with its beautiful and charming face, was also full of shock. Immediately, she shouted to the three Qin Yi: "Qin Yi, it depends on you!"

Qin Yi glanced back at the Blood Girl without saying much. Instead, she looked again at the thousands of feet away, which had already changed dramatically, and exhaled lightly: "Mei Niang, Yu'er, I am confident that you will Is the monster killed? "


Yuer didn't think much about it, but put the two big seats of considerable size in front of her chest, light and straight, exquisite face, and slightly lifted up, showing a proud look.


Qin Yi nodded with satisfaction, and turned his eyes to look at Yan Mei Niang on the other side: "Mei Niang, how about you?"

"When you were in the fire field, did you promise to kill the fire monster, and you want to kill Jiuhuang? You promised someone else's things, so you can't say anything."

Yan Meiniang said slowly that the eyes refracted by the beautiful and suffocating eyes had become somewhat sharp.

Her meaning is obvious. In any case, Jiuhuang must die today!

"Humph! A few young juniors who don't know the heights and heights, but also want to stir up the wind and waves in front of the deity, naive!"

Jiuhuang sneered, with a loud voice, and the blood in the human body was shocking and uncomfortable.

At the next moment, I saw his big hand suddenly caught Ling Yu'er. His unusually thick arm continued to stretch extremely fast, traversing the void, and then suddenly caught Ling Yuer's eyes: "You belong to yourself Mine, bring it! "

"you wanna die!"

Fascinated by the sound, facing the huge palm that Jiuhuang quickly caught, he could not avoid it, and suddenly turned into a white awn, rushing towards the huge palm of Jiuhuang.


Ling Yu'er is like the most fierce weapon in the world. Under its full impact, the huge palms of Jiuhuang immediately shattered into the sky, and turned into a piece of minced meat.

"Really strong!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Yi, not far away, blinked in disbelief, and he was delighted again.

"Indeed, Yu'er's combat power seems to be much stronger than the jade spirit lion in the sacred mountain."

On the side of Yan Mei Niang, the charming little face, there is also a thick color of joy.

Obviously, they are quite satisfied with Ling Yu'er's combat power, and they are indeed a super helper.

However, Jiuhuang itself is a very terrifying existence, and after absorbing the blood of the son of Jiulong, his strength was directly doubled. I saw that he was smashed into a huge palm of the broken meat, and then that A new giant palm grew out of the room.

Such a scene is exactly the same as the blood ghost they encountered in the devil's cemetery in the past.

"Strong, I like it!"

Seeing Ling Yu'er sprint, he shattered his huge palm. Jiu Huang not only did not see a trace of anger, but also a thick fanaticism appeared on his face. Without saying anything, he pointed his finger at Ling Yuer. Come, very straightforward.

"Meiniang, let's go!"

Qin Yi drank coldly, and a gun with a cloud of nearly a hundred feet in his hand, together with Yan Meiniang, turned into two afterimages, and rushed to the nine wastelands that were nearly a thousand feet high.

"Ping Pong Ping Pong!"

In an instant, Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang, and Ling Yu'er were fighting with Jiuhuang. Both Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang were holding their own weapons and opened wide, The murderous intentions are so high, the weapons of the two have already been integrated into the natural avenue, and every attack is directly swaying the world and the surrounding space, and the turmoil.

Especially Qin Yi, he has already been demonized. At this time, he is really a vampire devil, every time he strikes, it brings up a strong magic energy.

Ling Yuer, the newly created jade spirit beast, also has incredible combat power. She does not have any weapons, but the crystal jade palm seems to be the most powerful weapon. Layers of giant crystal jade palm prints, rushing towards the Jiuhuang, which is nearly a thousand feet high, rushing away.

With the violent battle of the four, like the ocean and the sea, the mighty direction, everything within a radius, was crushed by the majestic wave.

Although Jiuhuang is strong, but the joint efforts of Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang, and Lingyu'er, the terrible destructive power can directly slash the huge mountains to the ground. The famine fell, and it fell back, and it was embarrassing.

On the gourd-shaped giant peak beyond the limit, the **** of the wild and the blood girl stood there, looking far away at this unprecedented battle of thousands of years, their hearts were very unsteady.

"The girl named Lingyuer, I know it is a jade spirit beast. Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang came here this time to beg you to help them build this jade spirit beast. Everyone is also fighting for the Jade Spirit Beast from their hands. "

The look on the blood girl ’s face was shocking and perplexing: “I just do n’t understand, what is the identity of the two of them? This kind of fighting power, compared to the four holy lords of the legendary Sun and Moon gods Only strong but not weak. "

"Regarding their identity, Qin Yi will naturally tell you after this quaint war, and he should still have a lot to tell you."

The barren **** said slowly, and immediately sighed: "It's really unexpected, we are here, we can still witness the fall of Jiuhuang. Yeah, this Xuanhuang world, it is indeed time for a full shuffle."

"Comprehensive shuffle ..."

The look of the blood girl became more and more confused.


The God of Nowhere nodded: "Before you were bathed in blood, the dozens of powerful people who were assassinated are the precursors to this comprehensive reshuffle. A **** storm has already gathered above this Xuanhuang world. I really do n’t know how many charismatic characters will be a bunch of bones in this comprehensive shuffle ... "

The blood girl stared blankly at the God of Desolation. In her heart, there was a torrent of turbulent waves. She was completely shocked by the words of the God of Desolation. Those masters who died in her door turned out to be a precursor of a **** storm, the whole Xuan Huang The world seems to usher in a catastrophe!

Aren't you even know so much!

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