The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2204: Whereabouts of Qian Qiushui

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He breathed out a sigh of relief, and the son of Jiulong suppressed the anger in his chest forcibly. He said: "Lord Fenglei, you just said that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, and we also joined hands with the young man in silver robe to deal with Qin Yi The two boys with Yan Meiniang ...

"But you forgot, the main purpose of our hunt for Qin Yi's kid this time is to fight for his spirit jade. Do you think we can join hands with the silver-robed man? Ling Yu is such a precious thing, If the silver-robed man knew that Qin Yi had a piece of spirit jade on his body, do you think he would be indifferent? "

Hearing the words, Lord Feng Lei couldn't help but startled. Immediately, a trace of shame appeared on his face, and he grinned awkwardly: "I didn't expect this for a while."

"Stupid pig, as if you had thought of something."

Not far away, the Seven-killed Saint Lord put the tempting rosy mouth lightly and scornfully.


The corner of Feng Lei Shengzhu's mouth lightly pumped, and his chest became ups and downs.

Looking at the small face, the seven-killing Lord slightly lifted up, and finally, Lord Fenglei breathed heavily: "I forbear!"

The Lord of Seven Kills put away the thoughts of the style of the Lord Lei, straightened his face, and said to the son of Jiulong: "The son of Jiulong, the identity of the man in silver robe, is very suspicious. If he also has the spirit jade on Qin Yi The coveted heart, our hope for Lingyu becomes very slim, so I suggest you talk to the leader about it. "

"It makes sense."

The son of Jiulong nodded his head, and immediately his palm turned over, a piece of golden awn, suddenly flashed on the palm of the son of Jiulong, that golden world of thousands of images, rising slowly, grew larger at the same time, and finally fixed at one foot wide, about two feet long .

"Dragon, what's new?"

Jiu Huang's head slowly emerged in the world of Qianxiang. His nose was tall and his eyes were deep. His face was the same as that of Mr. Jiulong, and he was as pale as blood.

"Father, this is the way. Only through Lan Ji, we learned that Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang, in Xingzong City, had a fierce battle with the Ice King and Xingzong City Lord Austin, the Ice King and Austin, Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang kills easily. "

"This is what was expected. The Ice King and Austin could not be the opponents of Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang. The battle of Xingzong City was just to hold the pace of the two of them so that you can keep up with them."

Jiuhuang said: "Now, have you kept pace with them?"

Mr. Jiulong nodded: "It's almost half a day. We can keep up with them completely. When they reach the edge of the Northern Territory, they will join the Lord Yinxue and form an attack on Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang. "

After a pause, the son of Jiulong continued: "Father, I have another important thing to report."


Jiuhuang's deep-seated eyes lighted up slightly, showing a trace of interest.

"After leaving Xingzong City, Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang encountered the interception of a young man wearing a silver robe. The young man in silver robe has silver hair and is extremely beautiful, with a lot of hair on his body. Feminine breath ... "

As a result, the son of Jiulong's voice did not fall, and Jiuhuang's eyes suddenly became abnormally sharp: "Is that man's weapon a silver dagger?"

Wen Yan, the son of Jiulong couldn't help but startle: "Father, how do you know?"

On the side, the Lord of Wind and Thunder and the Lord of Seven Kills also had a look of horror on their faces.

"I've heard of this person long ago. He is a new strongman emerging from the Yongye Holy Dwelling. He is very important for evil spirits. His name is Qianqiushui." Jiuhuang said.

He really is the person of the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage!

Hearing the words, the three sons of Jiulong, Lord of Seven Kills and Lord of Thunder were clear, and they looked at each other stunned.

Jiuhuang continued: "This man is not only terrifying in strength, but also ruthlessly ruined. I heard that many masters in the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage are all packed and obedient. Now, he is the director of the Yongye Gambling Hall. "

"He actually is the director of Yongye Gambling Hall?"

The three sons of Jiulong were all stunned.

Regarding the Yongye Gambling Hall, they naturally knew that it was a major wealth gathering base for the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage. Its name is not small. In this great world of the Xuanhuang, as long as people who have lived for a certain period of time, they must have heard that After the Yongye Gambling Ground.

The business of the Yongye Gambling Hall is quite hot. Many cultivators enter the gambling hall every day to gamble stones.

The man in silver robe named Qian Qiushui turned out to be the director of the Yongye Gambling Hall, which shows that he is indeed very important to the evil spirits.

"In this way, Yongye Shengji also participated in the battle for the spirit jade?"

In the world of Thousand Images, Jiuhuang ’s eyes of the vulture eagle were bright and staring at the son of Jiulong: "Long'er, have you leaked the wind, or why would Yongye Shengji know about Qin Yi's body? A piece of spirit jade? "

Mr. Jiulong quickly waved his hand: "Father, I can swear to the sky that we have absolutely not leaked any wind!"

"However, the people of the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage have already started, or they have sent a master like Qian Qiushui directly!"

Jiuhuang cold drink.


Jiulong son slang.

It ’s still the seven killer saints around him who calmed down, raised his hand and touched his forehead, and said, “Master, maybe it ’s not what you think it was. Yi and Yan Meiniang finally escaped, but Qian Qiushui did not pursue the killing. "

"You mean, Qian Qiushui did not take away that piece of spirit jade, it is still on Qin Yi's body?"

The spirit of Jiuhuang was revitalized.


The seven killing lords nodded their beautiful heads, frowned slightly, and groaned a little, saying, "So, maybe Yongye Shengdi didn't know that Qin Yi owned a piece of spirit jade, and Qian Qianshui intercepted Qin Yi There may be other reasons for Yan Meiang. "


Jiuhuang's thin body was deeply buried in the animal skin chair, and he exhaled a long breath: "It really scared me. Since that Qianqiu Shui, I did not take away the piece of spirit jade from Qin Yi's body before. There is no choice to chase down, then, it is basically certain that Yongye Shengdi still does not know the news that Qin Yi has Lingyu on him.

After listening to Jiu Huang's words, the son of Jiulong was relieved.

With the strength of the Yongyue Holy Pilgrimage, if they also knew Qin Yi's body and possessed a piece of spirit jade, then their hope for the sun and moon gods fighting for the spirit jade was zero!

It is impossible for Sun and Moon Shintos to contend with the Yee Ye Shrine!

"In order to avoid long nights and long dreams, Long'er, you must speed up your actions and start working on Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang as soon as possible, and on the side of Lord Yinxue, I will also inform them not to wait in the same place. It's a waste of time. "

Jiuhuang said.

"Baby understands that once the time is ripe and the trend of attack between the two sides is formed, we will act immediately!"

Jiulong Jiong revitalized and said respectfully.


Jiu Huang waved his hand, and then his head disappeared slowly in the world of thousands of images.

Thousand-image world dropped from the air on the palm of the son of Jiulong. The palm of the son of Jiulong turned over, and the world of thousand-magnate was taken into the ring: "Let's go!"

Uh, uh ...

Immediately, the three sons of Jiulong, the Lord of Thunder and the Lord of the Seven Kills, and the dozens of masters of the Sun and Moon God behind them, turned into a stream of mansions, rushed out and hit a subtle crack. The sound of emptiness.

At this moment, the figures of Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, also remnants of Taoism, plundered in a wild mountain wilderness.

At a certain moment.

Yan Mei-niang's violent figure suddenly stopped, feeling the return of a Lingwu.

The Lingwu quickly appeared in their sight, and flew towards Yan Mei Niang very quickly. In the blink of an eye, he swept above their heads, swooped down, and fell on Yan Mei Niang's slender hand.

Yan Mei-niang draws a trace of spiritual consciousness, dives into Lingwu's eyes, and browses the pictures she has taken.


The corners of Yan Meiniang's beautiful lips raised slowly and outlined a shallow smile.

"Meiniang, where is Qian Qiushui?"

Qin Yi asked curiously.

Raising his hand habitually to touch his forehead, Yan Meiniang said: "I saw a place called Yongye Gambling Stones, and then Qian Qiushui entered there."

"Yongye Gambling Hall ..."

Wen Yan, Qin Yi's eyes, could not help but shine, showing a trace of interest: "Just listening to this name, you know that the gambling yard belongs to the Yongye pilgrimage. Manager of the like and so on, when we return from the barren ancient Jedi in the Northern Territory this time, we will go to the Yongye Gambling Hall to see it for a while. "

He and Qian Qiushui are dead enemies, and a war between them is inevitable.

After he turned Lingyu into a jade spirit beast, he had absolute confidence and defeated Qianqiu!

Of course, in the face of the existence of Qian Qiushui, Qin Yi could not have the slightest compassion, and as soon as he had a chance, he would kill him directly.

Is he Huangdi's eagle claw?

So what? The emperor's eagle claws are also correct!

Huang Di, count as a fart!

"it is good!"

Yan Mei-niang's beautiful face also showed a hint of excitement, saying: "In the gambling yard, the bets are all strange stones. If we are lucky enough, we might make a fortune!"

Qin Yi nodded, and there was a look of expectation in his heart: "So, it's so decided, then go to the Yongye Gambling Hall ... um?"

His voice did not fall, but his eyebrows could not help but slightly curled up.

"what happened?"

Yan Mei-niang raised her beautiful little face slightly and looked at Qin Yi in confusion.

"Behind us, the three sons of Jiulong, the Lord of the Seven Kills, the Lord of the Thunder, and dozens of masters of the Sun and Moon Gods have appeared in the scope of my spiritual consciousness."

Qin Yi blinked slightly unexpectedly: "I didn't expect them to come so fast."

To be sure, within the scope of Qin Yi's spiritual consciousness, the three sons of Jiulong, Lord of the Seven Kills, Lord of Thunder, and dozens of masters of the Sun and Moon Religions, are turning into a wise man, towards them Here, a violent rush.

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