The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2201: Meet again

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"Peng Peng!"

A loud noise!

The Jinguang giant palm was printed from the high sky, and it was snapped down. The entire Xingzong city was followed by a tremor. The hundreds of beasts and knights below had not recovered from the stunnedness of the previous palm. The palm clung to the ground.


Qin Yi in the high sky glanced down, but he could not help but frown, and only saw the hundreds of knights and beasts underneath, after bearing the hands of the two heaven-destroying beings, his body had already cracked. Mark of.

"My cultivation base has broken through to the middle of Emperor's Eight Realms. The power of Heaven's Destruction is much stronger than before, and the strength of these beasts and knights is not terrifying. Therefore, I only use Heaven to destroy The hands of sentient beings can hit them hard and even kill them. "

Qin Yi touched his nose: "Since it is so, then everything is easy to handle."

He turned to look at the Yan Meiniang around him: "Meiniang, you can just sit back and take care of everything in this battle."

At this time, Yan Meiniang also found the following beasts and knights, and there were already crack marks on his body, and he smiled briefly: "No problem, this battle, it seems that you are enough alone."

After her words, she flashed into a white awn, and in a blink of an eye, she swept thousands of feet away, stood in the air, and watched from a distance.

The hand of Qin Yi ’s extinct beings, Yan Meiniang is very clear. If it is put into full play, it will definitely be enough to cover the entire Xingzong city!

"It's ridiculous, but I still want to use my own strength to single out thousands of strange beast knights!"

Austin, who was thousands of feet away, saw that Yan Meiniang had made a wait-and-see gesture, and immediately sneered with disdain, and then immediately took the long knife in his hand, and suddenly swayed: "All to me, take this kid Step into a puree! "

In his speech, he had urged the snow-white beasts under him, waving the sword, and rushing towards Qin Yi at the fastest speed.

The beast beneath him is also peculiar, without flying wings, but capable of flying in the air, and its speed is so fast that it turns into a huge white mango, looting toward Qin Yi.

The beast knights beside him followed behind him and rushed towards Qin Yi with great speed.

At the same time, the hundreds of beast knights that had been hit by the hands of the two heaven-destroying beings also rushed together.


Thousands of beast knights, just under Austin's leadership, turned into two torrents and quickly killed Qin Yi. The entire void was turbulent, as if it would be broken at any time.

Qin Yi stood proudly in the air, wearing a white robe, hunting, and black hair, dancing wildly,

His eyes were slightly condensed, looking at the two torrents of strange animal knights who rushed towards him quickly. A pleasant faint smile suddenly appeared on his handsome face: "Okay, let me witness the hand of all living creatures." The real power. "

After finishing his speech, he lifted his right hand, a huge imaginary palm print that was gathered with palm strength, as wide as a golden cast, a golden piece of gold, the whole Xingzong city was reflected into a piece of gold.

The vast and immense golden imprint of the palm shrouds thousands of beast knights below.

"How about this giant golden palm print, compared to the two that appeared only a few times?"

"What kind of magic skill is this? With the palm of your hand, the golden light imprint of the palm of your hand, actually enveloped our thousands of strange beast knights."


The knights of different beasts exclaimed, and an unstoppable heart grew out of despair.


Just as they were stunned, the vast and immense golden light palm print, with a gust of wind, was photographed severely, and the entire Xingzong city was followed by a violent shaking.

Thousands of beast knights, including the city owner Austin, were all photographed on the ground, a buzz in their heads, and there was a stunned stunnedness there, completely forced.

Qin Yili was in the high sky, with a faint smile on his face, but his eyes were cold, and he could not have the slightest compassion for the people of Sun and Moon gods.

"Boy Qin Yi, I don't believe you are really a god, and I want to single out my thousands of beast knights alone, and see me destroy you now!"

Austin's cultivation practice is much higher than those of the beast knights under his hands. It is also the first time he has recovered. He immediately shouted, holding a long sword against the sky, and quickly rushed to the sky. Yi.

However, he just rushed--


A huge blue sword awn, with a stern voice of breaking through the sky, swiftly hacked from a distance, and in the blink of an eye, it was not in his body.

Austin's tall body suddenly stiffened in the air, and a small red line appeared in the center of his face, dividing the entire face into two.

"Meiniang, are you talking about letting me deal with these beast knights alone?"

Qin Yi was stunned and quickly turned to look at it. Sure enough, Yan Meiniang carried her blue war sword and rushed over quickly.

Yan Mei-niang had come to Qin Yi's side and exhaled lightly: "These beast knights cannot be killed."


It wasn't until this time that Austin's body suddenly split from it and became two petals and fell to the ground.

Qin Yi looked down, and Austin's two petals flicked, frowning frowning in confusion: "Aren't they the Sun and Moon gods? Can't we kill them?"

Raising his slender hands, he habitually touched the beautiful and full forehead, Yan Meiniang shook his head: "They are not necessarily the Sun and Moon gods, the Sun and Moon gods want to control this Xingzong city, just control Austin is all that is needed. With these other beast knights, they are the guards of this Xingzong city. If we kill them all, this Xingzong city will be in chaos. life."

After a pause, Yan Mei Niang continued: "Now Austin is dead. I believe that the main mansion of Xingzong City will soon recommend a new city owner to lead these beast knights and maintain this Xingzong City."

Makes sense!

Wen Yan said, Qin Yi's eyes couldn't help but brighten up. Immediately, he lifted his palm and gently touched Yan Mei Niang's jaw, and smiled faintly: "Yes, I really can't see it. It has a bodhisattva heart. "

"That's natural."

Gaining the appreciation of Qin Yi, Yan Mei Niang suddenly ecstatically placed the two big seats of considerable size on her chest, proudly lightened.

Hearing Yan Meiniang's words, Qin Yi couldn't help but stunned. He discovered that Yan Meiniang's physique, after being transformed by the blood of the Emperor Xiandi, changed his state of mind unconsciously. In the past, Yan Meiniang would never say such a thing, nor would she stop herself from killing these strange beast knights.

"Let's go."

Yan Meiniang waved at Qin Yi.

No longer ignore the thousands of strange beast knights underneath, Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, both looting towards the gates of Xingzong City.

Both the ice king and the city owner of Xingzong City are dead. It is no longer possible for a master to stop them. After an incense hour, the two of them rushed out of the gate of Xingzong City.

"Well ..."

As soon as he came out of Xingzong City, above his head, there was a long roar.

Both Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang couldn't help but stayed in shape. When they looked up, they could only see a small blue dot in the sky, constantly hovering there.

After circling the little blue dot a few times, it was moving towards the sky behind them, and swept away at a rapid speed. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the sight of the two of them.

"The blue eagle of the son of Kowloon again."

Yan Meiniang frowned slightly, and said, "The son of Jiulong is always paying close attention to all our whereabouts."

"This feeling of being monitored at any time is very uncomfortable."

Qin Yi sighed softly.

He has been monitoring others for a long time, but now, he has become the object of others' monitoring, which makes him feel red and naked.

"Otherwise, we just stop and wait for them, and do a good job with them."

Touching his nose, Qin Yi said slowly.

Yan Meiniang groaned a little and shook her head: "It ’s wrong, beside the son of Jiulong, there are the two strongest Sun and Moon gods, the Seventh Killing Lord and the Wind Thunder Lord. Master, our cultivation base, although it has already reached the middle of the eight emperors, but I feel that if we really start with them, we are not 100% sure of winning. In case we are not opponents, waiting for them here, It's self-seeking. "

"It makes sense to say so."

Qin Yi agreed to nod.

Next, the two no longer delayed, and continued to storm toward the north.

Qin Yi's spiritual consciousness has never been withdrawn, covering them with a radius of 100,000 square meters. Once an enemy enters this range, he can immediately detect it.

The six Lingwu of Yan Meiniang were always put outside by her to check everything.

Uh, uh ...

The two figures plundered in the wild mountains and forests.

The next day, a figure appeared in the range of Qin Yi's spiritual consciousness. It was a young man. He stood there quietly, as if compatible with heaven and earth.

To be precise, this is a figure familiar to Qin Yi.

When the powerful spiritual consciousness reflected this familiar figure directly into Qin Yi's mind in the form of a picture, Qin Yi's violent figure suddenly froze, stunned there, his chin shattered. :"It's him……"

In his mind, a figure wearing a silver robe stood quietly there, his head full of silver hair, fluttering in the wind.

This figure is very similar to the Xuanyang blue in the Star House.

Although I have only seen it once before, Qin Yi knows this figure when it turns into gray.

"who is it?"

Yan Mei-niang's curvaceous and charming body also stopped suddenly, turning her face and looking at Qin Yi in confusion.

"Qian Qiushui!"

Qin Yi's mouth spit out these three words.

Qian Qiushui?

Hearing the words, Yan Mei Niang was also stunned for a while. That attractive red ruddy mouth, a stunned one, and a snowy pointed chin, shattered the ground.

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