160. download service

There is a hit song released two years ago.

The title is ‘100m before meeting her’

It was the third day Ho-yeong met Ha Su-min, as the lyrics of the song said.

It was a suit I had always worn, but it felt awkward for some reason, so I adjusted my clothes several times and corrected my shoes.


and take a deep breath.

Hoyoung realized something very simple.

‘It’s harder to ask just one person to see you next time than it is to talk in front of thousands of people you’ll never see again. You should have done it your whole life to know.’

It was a strange feeling for the first time, but it wasn’t too bad.

Today’s meeting place was the 63 Building.

Although skyscrapers are popping up all over Asia, the 63 Building was still one of the tallest buildings in the world.

In particular, the restaurant located on the top floor of the 63 Building is one of the few restaurants where you can dine while looking at the night view of Seoul, so it is one of the places that young men and women often visit when they want to have a luxurious date.

Hoyeong parked her car in the underground parking lot and took the elevator to the top floor.

There was a separate elevator going directly to the restaurant.

– Ding! It is a restaurant.

The elevator doors slowly open with a sound.


Hoyoung let out a small exclamation.

This was the first time he had been here.

Overseas, especially in the United States, there is no place I haven’t been to, and I’ve been to a lot of restaurants on high floors.

But strangely, I didn’t travel around Korea that much.

When I was in Korea, I spent most of my time programming, and when I went to conferences abroad, I traveled around a lot.

So, the panoramic view of the 63 Building Restaurant that I saw for the first time was very cool.

The window was not a small window, but a full glass window filled with glass on one side, and the sparkling night view through the window greeted him.

‘I heard that the reason Seoul’s night view is beautiful is all because of working overtime.’

It was a particularly bright feeling in Gangnam and Yeouido, where offices are concentrated.

“Good afternoon. Have you made a reservation?”

At that time, the person who appeared to be an employee politely bowed his head and said.

“yes. It is reserved.”

“Your name?”

“This is Yun Ho-young.”

The employee’s eyes widened for a moment, then narrowed.

Then, as if he already knew Hoyoung’s name, he spoke to Hoyoung without any confirmation.

“Could you please wait a moment?”

“of course.”

and after a while A well-groomed middle-aged man slightly bowed his head to Ho-young and said.

“hello. I am Kyungdoo Kim, the manager of this restaurant.”

“Take good care of me.”

“I will take you to the room you reserved. Please come this way.”

“thank you.”

In a way, it was only natural that the waitress recognized Hoyeong only by hearing his name.

He was the one who booked the most luxurious course available at this restaurant along with the VIP room.

“There is actually only one VIP room in our restaurant. We have a lot of reservations.”

“I also did some gossip after booking. Is it that competitive?”

“yes. The previous reservation had canceled the reservation just before calling to make a reservation. You are lucky.”

The manager and Hoyeong chatted about this and that until they arrived at the room at the deepest part of the restaurant.

“This is it.”

The manager burst open the door.


Hoyoung once again exclaimed in admiration.

It was a bit of a flaw that the size of the room was smaller than expected, but this room also welcomed him with a floor-to-ceiling window that gave off a cool feeling.

Besides, even the candles that glowed softly were lit on the table.

“When can we prepare food?”

“The party will be coming soon. I would appreciate it if you could serve the food from then on.”

“I am grateful.”

The manager left the room, and Hoyeong quietly sat down.

And as I was sorting out what I was going to say today, the manager knocked shortly after.

“Your companions have arrived. I will prepare the food.”

Then the door opened slightly and Ha Soo-min came in.

Hoyoung jumped up and greeted her.


“yes. hello.”

Ha Su-min greeted Ho-young with a slight smile.

Seeing that smile for no reason, Hoyoung felt that he was laughing too.

“Have you been okay?”

“yes. It’s only been three days since we last met.”

“haha. It is like that too.”

The conversation between Ha Su-min and Ho-young was definitely smoother than before.

Until the mountaineering meeting, Hoyeong was not very interested in Ha Su-min, and Ha Su-min was shy and shy, so he could not have a proper conversation.

But today’s meeting was different.

First, Hoyoung himself admitted that he had a crush on her and became interested in her, and Ha Soo-min met Hoyeong a few times and felt that he was getting closer to Hoyoung.

In fact, right before coming to this place, Hoyoung had been thinking a lot about what to say today.

As if preparing for an important meeting, he predicted what to say and even the reaction of the other person.

However, the moment he started talking with Ha Su-min, he realized that everything he had prepared was useless.

To the extent that he could feel it, his face was smiling.

Hoyoung had a very enjoyable evening that day.

I was worried about what to say because the fields of work are so different, but when we sat face to face and talked, the conversation went better than I thought.

At first, we talked about mountain climbing, and talked about each other’s work.

Then the conversation got deeper and deeper enough to talk about family.

After a while.

The short but long meal time was over, and Hoyoung had only one thought in his head.

‘too bad.’

It was the first time in my life that I had such a good conversation.

We weren’t talking about programming or discussing future technologies, but each and every conversation was interesting, like talking to John Carmack of id Software.

“Then, shall we just wake up today?”

Ha Su-min spoke to Ho-yeong first.

Hoyeong paused for a moment before speaking.

“…would you like another drink?”

Ha Su-min’s eyes widened a little at Ho-young’s words, but he smiled brightly.

But the words that came out of his mouth were the exact opposite of his expression.

“I’m sorry. I don’t think so.”

“okay? I can’t help it.”

Ho-young pretended to be okay inside, but is it a bit burdensome to go out for a drink right away when it’s the first time the two of you have met? I blamed myself for thinking that.

‘I was impatient.’

Ha Soo-min smiled and said, “I wonder if Ho-yeong, whose expression was slightly hardened, was cute.”

“I have a schedule tomorrow morning. Shall we make another appointment, not today?”

“Oh, you have an appointment. good. When will it be all right?”

“How about Sunday evening? The day starts with a drink.”

“Sunday evening?”

Hoyoung calculated his schedule for a moment.

If we had a meeting on Friday evening and only departed on Saturday afternoon, we could return to Korea on Sunday evening.

“good. So, it’s a pity today, but see you next time. Where are you? I will take you there.”

Hoyoung nodded and said.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

“You don’t have to…”

“You said you live in Garak-dong, right? I live in Bundang. We are on our way anyway.”

Her house was a family apartment right next to Garak Market.

If you take Songpa-daero all the way down to Seongnam, you will find Bundang, so it is not too far from Hoyeong’s house.

Ha Soo-min seemed to be thinking for a while, but then nodded.

It was the way to go anyway, but there seemed to be no need to refuse any more.

“Then please.”

“yes. Let’s go.”

Hoyeong went out with a happy heart.




Two days after Hoyeong and Ha Sumin’s first date.

Hoyoung and Miru arrived in New York.

It was late in the night in Korean time, but thanks to the time difference, it was still daytime here.

“Everyone waiting for me at Nintendo America?”

“That’s right. You can go right there. If you are tired, you can come a little slower.”

Hoyoung laughed.

“John Carmack and Shigeru will be waiting for you. As usual, yesterday morning, he asked me why he was coming a day late.”

“Is that so?”

“They have one thing in common: they have an impatient personality.”

“To do it, so once both of them start a project, they’re the type to rush without hesitation. Just like the president.”

“ha ha ha. So maybe the three of us are a good fit.”

Hoyeong laughed and agreed with Miru’s words.

After a while.

Hoyoung and Miru arrived at Nintendo America’s headquarters in New York.

After being guided to the meeting room at the information desk on the first floor, I found someone pacing around the entrance of the meeting room.


“Five! Hoyoung! You are finally here.”

John Carmack was waiting for Hoyoung outside the conference room door.

“John, why are you here? I heard the meeting is in progress.”

“I was having a difficult conversation inside, so I just left. Actually, it sounds like a story that has nothing to do with me.”

“why? The game you’re making is one of the most important content for the PlayStation.”

John Carmack shrugged.

“That’s something we don’t need to discuss anymore. ‘Doom’, which is now almost completed, is scheduled to be released on the Chronos platform. Of course, it only goes into the PlayStation.”

Hoyoung nodded.

Except for very special cases, games produced by id Software in the future remained the same as the contents of the agreement, which were to be released only on Chronos on PC and PlayStation on console game consoles.

“But what’s the problem?”

“You’d better go in and see for yourself.”

John Carmack opened the door to the meeting room, and as soon as Hoyoung entered the meeting room with a puzzled expression, he could find Shigeru looking angry.

“CEO! That story is already over. There is no need to say more.”

“There is absolutely no end to the content of the contract. It is a contract that can change at any time.”

I saw a person sitting across from Shigeru and talking to him in a high voice.

The two were conversing in English, but the person was an Asian.

Among them Japanese.

‘That person… Minoru?’

At first glance, Hoyoung could recognize who the person was.

Akara and Minoru. He was the son-in-law of Nintendo’s president, Yamauchi, and the current CEO of Nintendo America.

“Hmm. Hmm. hello.”

“Hoyoung! Are you here?”

It wasn’t until later that Shigeru noticed Hoyoung’s arrival and looked at Hoyoung with a happy look.

“Forgive me for being late.”

“no. it’s okay.”

Hoyeong slightly bowed her head to Minoru and greeted him as well.

“Nice to meet you. This is Hoyoung Yun of H&H. Nice to meet you.”

“The current situation is not such a welcoming situation. I am Minoru, president of Nintendo America.”

After briefly speaking with them, Hoyeong sat down on the chair between Shigeru and Minoru.

John Carmack also sat behind him.

“By the way, may I ask what you were talking about?”

“sure. We were talking about a deal with Sony again now.”

“Sony? Wasn’t it an agreement to keep the contract as it is?”

Shigeru said with a frustrated expression.

“It was. But CEO Minoru is saying that he wants to come back and break that contract again.”

Hoyoung looked at Minoru this time.

His expression was dignified.

“CEO. May I ask why you are making such a claim?”


Minoru nodded.

As soon as Hoyoung brought the mood of the meeting room, it seemed like he was taking the lead, but Shigeru and Minoru didn’t care too much about each other.

“This is because Sony’s CD media usage fee is beyond common sense. Sony wants a whopping 15% commission, even though it’s like doing nothing.”

15% fee.

This was much more than the 7-10% commission they had previously thought.

Minoru continued talking.

“We were planning to demand around 18% of the platform usage fee. So that the total commission paid by game companies can be around 25%.”

“If the commission is higher than that, the burden on the game company will increase, and eventually the consumer price will increase.”

“That’s right.”

However, Minoru was requesting termination of the contract because Sony demanded a higher fee than expected, and Nintendo’s gains were considerably reduced.

Even after that, the two of them continued to fight.

Hoyeong, who had been listening while asleep, sneakily intervened between the two of them.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“What is it?”

“Is the fee requested by Sony a ‘CD-ROM Media Usage Fee’?”

“That’s right. Since all PlayStation games will be released using CDs, it is practically the same as taking a fee for all games.”

Hoyoung smiled at that statement.

“Then there seems to be a workaround.”

“How? No matter what we do, I don’t think Sony will lower the commission rate.”

“There is no need to lower the fee. If you want 15%, just give it.”

“I beg your pardon?”

When Minoru got angry and was about to say something, Hoyeong interrupted him.

“The right to the CD is negotiated and passed on. And we will have to create a way to sell the game in a different way, and promote it based on that.”

“Is there any other way to sell it?”

Hoyoung said with a meaningful look.

“Have you ever heard of a download service?”


“yes. Currently, ADSL is already being used in Japan, the United States, and Korea. And I have no doubt that it will advance to other countries within at least 5 years. If selling on CD costs a lot of money, you can make it download over the Internet. And since the fee is a download, 100% will be taken by the platform side. How is it? How did I say it?”

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