128. Lineaze

It is a feast of red and blue arrows all over.

Some cheer at this arrow, while others feel frustrated.

And Eros crosses the arrow only with numbers, without emotion.

A 15% return rate created only with single hits.

This was Eros’ performance on the first day of HTS.

In addition, Eros even sold all stocks before 3:00 when the market closed.

So, the total cash in the stock account was 1.14 billion won.

“Good. Is this enough?”

Hoyoung said happily.

In the meantime, even if I wanted to invest in stocks like this, I couldn’t care.

Nasdaq has been reaping considerable profits by leaving it to Eric, but the Korean stock market has not even dared to start.

In the early 1990s, there was a factor of depression in the Korean stock market, but in fact, the decisive reason was that there was no one to trust.

“Today’s target was 25%. We are analyzing the factors that prevented the achievement of the target.”

Hoyoung was filled with spirits.

He clearly said that his own words were enough, but Eros didn’t care about Hoyoung’s words and said that he couldn’t achieve his goal.

“haha. Yes, when the factors are analyzed, tell me too.”

“All right.”

“Because I will fill the stock account with 2 billion won. Whether you make a profit with a short hit like today, or make a long-term investment over time, do as you please. It’s okay to lose everything.”


Hoyoung left the studio with Gaia, who answered reliably.

In front of the studio, two strangers were waiting for Hoyoung.

“President. hello!”


The two of them greeted each other loudly, and Hoyeong was a little surprised.

However, Hoyoung was soon able to recall who these two were.

“ah. Are you two the ones who will take care of my bodyguards?”

“yes. That’s right.”

“you’re right. President!”

Also, watching the two of them lowering their heads and talking, I thought that Hoyeong had become the boss of the organization.

“there. Will you do that to me when you go out? I don’t know if the head of staff heard it, but I’m not the type of person who likes to stand out that much.”

“Oh, is that so? I will be careful.”

“sorry. President!”

Watching the two of them even say that they would be careful, Hoyoung shook his head.

“Shall we go to work first?”

“All right.”

They stopped at an underground parking lot, got into the car, and headed to work.

Two bodyguards sat in the driver’s and passenger’s seats, respectively, and Ho-yeong sat in the back seat on the right.

I rode a car with Miru for several years, and it was a new feeling to drive to work with other people like this.

The names of the two bodyguards were Kim Jeong-gi and Yang Ki-hoon, respectively.

I thought that Miru must have assigned the two people with the best job performance and work performance to herself.

When I thought about it, I thought that the behavior and speech of the two of them were quite unusual, except for the fact that they were a little over-motivated.

“When did you two come to our company?”

“I’ve been here for about two years, and Yang Ki-hoon here just passed a year.”

“okay. ”

Kim Jeong-gi was holding the position of deputy.

It seemed that he was Yang Ki-hoon’s shooter.

“You two look very close.”

“haha. Does it look like that? We’re close at work, but it’s probably more because we’re college seniors and juniors.”


“yes. We are graduates of Yongin University’s Department of Judo.”

Hoyoung laughed inwardly.

It was because he seemed to know the reason why Miru gave these two to him.

Now that I look at it, the huge muscles protruding through the suit seemed to prove that I was an athlete.

His driving skills were also quite good, so he was able to arrive at the company without much inconvenience.

“President. suffer.”

In the company parking lot, Yang Ki-hoon bowed his head and greeted Ho-young.

Yang Ki-hoon decided to wait near the car, and Kim Jeong-gi followed Ho-young to the office.

Fortunately, the two of them didn’t greet so loudly in a place where there were people, as if they noticed.

“Ah, is the director here?”

“Chief. When did you come to work?”

“I came just in time for the 9:00 rush hour.”

“You don’t have to. You can proceed at your leisure.”

Miru laughed at Hoyeong’s consideration.

“no. It’s because I want to finish my job as an internet newspaper company as quickly as possible.”

“All right. I work slowly so as not to hurt myself.”

“yes. I will take good care of myself.”

Hoyoung also smiled at him.

It was actually the first solo job since Miru started working with Hoyeong.

Depending on the handling of this job, the weight of the work that could be entrusted to Miru would change.

“Anyway, are you waiting for me now?”

“yes. I received a call from Assistant Manager Kim that he had departed. I want to report on today’s work.”

“Did anything special happen?”

“no. There is nothing special, I commissioned a judicial scrivener today to write the articles of incorporation of the corporation, and I submitted all the necessary documents today.”

“Thanks for your efforts.”

“Tomorrow, we are going to go through the media registration process.”

“All right. Chief, by the way, from now on, you don’t have to make such simple reports directly to me.”


Hoyoung said while patting Miru on the shoulder, who looked a little surprised.

“Don’t be too formal, and you can make a simple report like this by e-mail.”

“…All right.”

Procrastination was a troubled expression.

Seeing Mi-ru in trouble, Ho-young thought about the current atmosphere at the company once again.

Currently in the early 90’s.

It was a time when the so-called military-like organizational atmosphere was still prevalent.

No matter how much Hoyoung wanted to make H&H and Hermes a free and active atmosphere, there was still a sense of lack.

“From now on, I hope that this method will not only apply to the director, but to the entire company. Minimize face-to-face reports and maximize phone and email reports.”

“All right.”

“No way, when is the nearest full meeting?”

“This is the March monthly meeting next Monday.”

As if Miru memorized Hoyeong’s schedule, the answer immediately came out.

“All right. Then I’ll formally talk to you then. Please spread the word for now.”

“yes. All right.”

Miru replied vigorously and left Hoyeong’s office.

Hoyoung thought that the current atmosphere had to be improved, but he didn’t worry too much about it.

Overseas employees, led by Mason, were already creating a lot of freedom in the company atmosphere, and above all, there were people who were more free than anyone else.


Just then, Hoyoung’s intercom rang.

– President. Someone came to see me. Is the time okay now?

“Who are you?”

– This is Kim Jin-taek, director of H&H.

“Yep. The time is fine now. Please tell me to come right in and have two coffees please.”

Those free people were the original members of H&H.

Occasional business acquaintances at first expressed concern when they learned of their relationship.

The five original members have titles, but they started out in a horizontal relationship with each other.

As a result, I was worried that the company would never work properly.

But all their expectations were broken.

In a horizontal relationship, each department was clearly in charge, so cooperation between departments went well.

“Ho Young-ah. how have you been doing?”

“Have you been well, too?”

“okay. Even though it’s the building right in front of you, I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve seen it.”

“Your senior doesn’t come out of the company often because he’s finishing Linen’s work these days.”

“haha. It did. To be honest, I don’t even know how long it has been since I left the studio today.”

“Then why are you here today…?”

Kim Jin-taek nodded with a triumphant face.

“Linise, it was finished today. In the end, I think we just need to get the balance right, would you like to check it out?”

“Oh, is it finally finished?”

“Yes, I uploaded the client earlier in the morning and attached the server.”

“Then I just need to download the installation file from the homepage, right?”

“okay. The homepage is still private, so you will have to enter this IP directly to enter.”

Kim Jin-taek handed Ho-young a memo with the IP address he had prepared in advance.

After receiving the memo, Ho-yeong went to her desk, turned on her computer, and typed in the address in her web browser.


The name was displayed in the center of the homepage in an old-fashioned font, and a homepage designed with a red and black theme appeared.

And when Hoyeong saw the phrase underneath it, she even felt welcome.

[An oath made with water disappears when the water dries up, and an oath made with alcohol disappears when you are sober. But the oath made with blood is not broken until all the blood has been spilled…]

It was a phrase that introduced the ‘blood alliance’ system.

This system was the system that differentiated Linez from other games.

“This clan system is the core of Lineage I thought. I think people will have a family-like relationship in the game.”

“Like a foreign clan or guild?”

“It’s also easy to understand.”

Hoyoung laughed.

It wasn’t that he was quick to understand, but in fact it was because he had once been an avid member of a clan.

The time to download and install the client from the homepage was shorter than expected.

This was because the client’s capacity was only 50mb.

However, compared to the capacity of ‘Legend of the Wind’, which was only 30mb, it was a high-capacity (?) game that was close to twice that.

doo doo doo doo doo-

Magnificent music played, and finally, the main screen of Linez appeared.

After signing up for a new job, Hoyoung, who chose a job as a knight, felt faint from old memories.

‘At one time, the goal was to become a Death Knight, and there was a time when the execution sword was a dream.’

Hoyoung smiled happily.

Hoyoung, who played a little test play,

“Are you cool?”

“okay? Isn’t it too gloomy or dark?”

“No, would you prefer that?”


A blush appeared on Kim Jin-taek’s face.

It was the result of his diligent insistence despite the objection of his teammates that the current atmosphere in Linez was too dark and turbid.

In fact, Hoyoung’s affirmation, which can be said to be the core of the project, would add tremendous strength to his argument.

“yes. I think we should go on like this.”

“Good. Then I’ll schedule an open beta.”

“Then I’ll tell the gate side to prepare for publishing as well.”

“I’ll beg you. Let’s get the schedule right.”

Kim Jin-taek’s expression was unusually bright.

“Ho Young-ah. how do you feel when you see Can this be enough to defeat the legend of the wind?”

“Senior, have you been trying to catch the legend of the wind?”

“No, not necessarily. I thought it would be nice if there was a target point for the release.”

Kim Jin-taek’s grinning expression made me feel that that wasn’t all there was to it.

“haha. You can tell the truth. I believe that competition is the driving force behind progress.”

“right? To be honest, there is only one MMORPG in Korea right now, right?”

“Right. So it’s unavoidable. However, I think it would be best to keep people at work from knowing that you are trying to catch the legend of the wind.”

“then! am i stupid This is the first time I’ve said this to you. I have no intention of talking to anyone else in the future.”

Hoyoung smiled lightly at Jintaek, who looked a little flustered.

“All right. Then, let’s talk about it after finishing the finishing work as well as possible.”

“i get it. Then I’ll come back soon.”

“You can call or email me.”

“No, it’s because I’m coming early.”

“Gosh. I know. Okay.”

Hoyoung couldn’t help but laugh and tremble.

After talking for a while, Kim Jin-taek went back to the H&H building to finish the development as quickly as possible by a minute.

And Hoyoung had no intention of making The Legend of the Wind and Lineages to be completed this time only in the Korean market.

“What’s going on with the ADSL communication license in the US, which Dell said was going ahead?”

Hoyeong muttered to herself and called Francis at Del Korea.

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