125. wedding announcement(1)


The sound of Jo Jung-sik’s saliva dripping was heard even by Ho-yeong.

You will probably want to have a lot.

The HTS program literally revolutionized stock investing.

Currently, there are many people who want to do stocks but cannot find time to go to the stock exchange during the day on weekdays.

‘If you can invest in stocks at home and in the office, it is a known fact that the number of people investing in stocks will increase enormously.’

It was Jo Jung-sik who was confident that he had an upper hand to some extent in the current competition with Jo Nam-sik.

It hurts to say that if the HTS system is introduced properly and all the balls are taken by oneself, it will be closer to the chairman’s seat.

‘5%. It’s a huge number, but in the end it’s nothing if I take the whole group.’

Jo Jung-sik shook his head tightly.

Hoyoung, who was watching Jo Nam-shik roll his head hard, seemed to hear Jo Jung-sik’s thoughts in his head for some reason.

A moment of silence passed, and it was Cho Jung-sik who woke up the silence.

“All right. Let’s follow Hoyoung’s words.”

“You did well.”

Jo Jung-sik’s eyes even made a connection.

It was as if he thought that this HTS could decide his fate.

“By the way, boss. There is one problem.”

“What’s wrong?”

“It is a matter related to the Securities and Exchange Act.”

Jo Jung-sik didn’t know what Ho-yeong was saying.

Hoyoung gave him an additional explanation.

“Current securities transaction laws do not allow non-face-to-face securities trading.”

“Hmm… okay. Non-face-to-face, especially using the Internet, was not even considered in the first place.”

“So wouldn’t it be possible if the Securities and Exchange Act were amended?”

“It is difficult for me to enact the law. Of course, there are members of the National Assembly that I have greased, but they initiate, pass, and enforce laws… It is not too difficult.”

Jo Jung-sik’s brow narrowed.

Hoyoung smiled at Jo Jung-sik’s face.

“You don’t have to think that hard.”

“Isn’t it difficult?”

“It won’t be easy, but there are ways to make things much easier.”

“What method?”

Hoyeong held out another document she had prepared.

“The Enforcement Decree of the Securities and Exchange Act? How to entrust the transaction?”

“That’s right. If this is the case, the enforcement decree will be sufficient. As the president said, it may be faster and simpler to convince just one member than to persuade several lawmakers to pass legislation.”

Cho Jung-sik, perhaps finally realizing what Ho-yeong was saying, stroked his chin and thought for a moment.

The enforcement decree was a ‘presidential decree’.

In a rapidly changing society, if all specific matters are stipulated in the law, there will be gaps in the law due to the complexity of the procedure and the processing time.

In order to make up for such gaps, there are times when a presidential decree is delegated to set down trivial matters, and the enforcement decree refers to an order that has been delegated.

“Is this just to provide the public with an easier and simpler stock trading opportunity?”

“Yes. HTS is also a kind of national welfare.”

Jo Jung-sik smiled like a devil at Ho-yeong’s words.

Then, he began to look through the documents Hoyoung had brought.

“Hmm… Yes, you can take care of your personal security if you do it this way.”

The enforcement ordinance that Hoyeong handed over to Jo Jung-sik was related to the ‘Securities and Exchange Act Enforcement Decree Article 66-2’, which came into effect only in 1997.

The Enforcement Decree, subtitled “Method of Entrustment of Trading Transactions,” was an enforcement ordinance that allowed securities companies to entrust trading from customers by using not only computers but also electronic communications such as telephone, telegram, and facsimile transmission.

“How is it?”

“good. I will tell my father.”

“Are you talking to the chief inspector?”

“Anyway, the connection with the VIP is stronger with my father than with me.”

Jo Jung-sik laughed awkwardly.

Hoyeong was able to guess Jo Jung-sik’s inner thoughts.

‘He probably wants to report the HTS and enforcement decree to Jo Hee-chang as soon as possible and receive praise.’

For a moment, Hoyoung saw Jo Jungsik as a dog.

A dog that craves praise from its owner.

“okay. If the Chief Executive Officer steps in, things will definitely go ahead.”

However, Hoyeong hid her true feelings and spoke with a gentle face.

Jo Jung-sik had a happy face the whole time, as if he didn’t know what Ho-young was thinking.

In fact, he had a plan.

Most of them wanted to quickly report this incident to Jo Hee-chang and receive more recognition, but it was because they thought that Ho-young would not be able to change his words if he went this far.

“I need to see you as soon as possible. Will it happen right away?”

“All right. Then, when are you going to transfer ‘my’ Myungsung Electronics shares?”

Hoyoung deliberately emphasized his stock.

Jo Jung-sik also recognized the meaning and answered with a smile.

“We will send the staff within this week. Even if it is 5%, the amount will be quite large, so the transfer tax will not be a penny or two.”

“haha. Whatever the transfer tax may be, I will gladly pay it myself.”

“All right. Enough then.”

With a bright face, Jo Jung-sik grabbed the documents and got up from his seat and left the private parlor.

Hoyoung sat still in the chair even though Jo Jungsik had left.

Then he brought the still unfinished teacup back to his mouth and took a sip.

“Chief. Come and sit down. I’ll go out and have a cup of tea.”

Miru, who was sitting at the very back, went to Hoyoung’s table and sat down.

“Feel···. Do you look good?”

“Does it look like that?”

Hoyoung’s expression was so bright that Miru looked at his face and said.

“yes. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a happy face.”

Instead of answering, Hoyoung smiled.

As Miru said, Hoyeong was in a very good mood now.

The scent of the ordinary tea I was drinking now was very fragrant.

HTS program.

Of course, it was a program that Hoyoung worked hard for several days and nights, and it is not easy for other people to make it with the current technology.

However, Hoyoung did not regret passing the HTS program to Jo Jung-sik at all.

Anyway, in Korea, you can’t get a patent for the HTS program.

As I just talked with Jo Jung-sik, the president regards home trading as a kind of national welfare and issues an enforcement decree.

‘If online stock trading becomes possible within a short period of time, the rights of that program are nothing.’

Hoyoung was aiming for something else.

If Jo Jung-sik stepped forward and opened the way for the HTS system, he intended to entrust stock investment to Gaia or Eros from now on.

Hoyoung could feel that the time was not far off.

“ruler. Will it wake up soon?”

“All right.”

After drinking the tea, Hoyoung brushed off his pants and stood up.

This was enough time to enjoy the joy.

Hoyeong had no intention of waiting for Jo Jungsik to contact him.

Even while waiting for his call, Hoyoung had endless things to do.




When Ho-young returned to work, a familiar face was waiting in front of his room.

“senior. What happen?”

“Am I the kind of person who must have something to come?”

“It is not. Come on in.”

It was Lee Jin-chan who came to see Ho-yeong.

Recently, Lee Jin-chan was literally so busy that he couldn’t see his face for a while.

However, it wasn’t only when he was busy with the company.

“Because of dating these days, he disappears right after work for a whole week, so it was hard to see his face.”

“a. It wasn’t quite like that.”

“haha. I feel like I exaggerated a bit. Not all week, maybe seven days a week?”

“hey. What’s the difference?”

Hoyoung giggled at Lee Jinchan, who was embarrassed.

“just joke. Joke.”

“Doesn’t that sound like a joke?”

“haha. Anyway, you’re busy dating, so what are you doing here? I don’t think you really came here just to see my face.”

“Well···. That’s not it.”

“So what?”

“You guys are saying so much that I’m going to stop dating.”

“yes? Have you ever broken up?”


Jinchan Lee hesitantly took out an envelope from his inside pocket and handed it to Hoyeong.

“What is this… invitation? Oh My God. Does quitting dating mean you’re getting married?”

“okay. I had a meeting with you last weekend. So I got a wedding date.”

Hoyoung looked at Lee Jinchan with a surprised expression.

I knew very well that he was in a relationship with top actress Kim Mi-ae, but I never thought that he would get married.

“congratulations. I was surprised that it was so sudden.”

“right? In fact, I don’t even know how things go.”

However, Hoyoung quickly understood.

Soon, in 1993, Lee Jin-chan will be 28 years old.

In the early 90s, it was common to get married in your late 20s.

“It’s all because of the reporters.”


“Someone took a picture of me and Mi-ae dating and handed it over to the newspaper. So the newspaper company contacted me.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Ask for an exclusive interview next week or so. Otherwise, they will report it first.”

“Aren’t those really bullies? It’s almost a threat, isn’t it?”

“But what can I do? there’s no way Well, we decided to just announce our marriage anyway.”

“Then Kim Mi-ae… No, it’s my brother-in-law now. My sister-in-law must have a hard time living in the entertainment industry.”

“right. Maybe for a while?”

Lee Jin-chan said in a slightly gloomy voice.

It was a time when it was taken for granted that female celebrities of today would temporarily stop their activities once they got married.

So, there were a lot of cases in which some female celebrities continued their lives in the entertainment industry by hiding their marriage, family, and age.

“Senior, in any case, congratulations on your marriage from the bottom of my heart.”

“thank you.”

“How do you feel about quitting entertainment activities, sister-in-law?”

“That’s right, I don’t want to quit. But when things go like this, I can’t help it.”

Hoyoung did not like the behavior of the reporters.

But what I didn’t like more than that was the fact that someone close to me was harmed by the reporters’ behavior.

“senior. Where is the newspaper that is threatening you and your sister-in-law?”

“It’s the Koryo Ilbo.”

The Koryo Ilbo was a bigger media company than I thought.

“Senior, then how about doing this?”


Hoyoung explained something to Jinchan Lee for a while.

Lee Jin-chan, who came to give Ho-young a wedding invitation without thinking, fell in love with Ho-young’s words, forgetting that he had accomplished the purpose of his coming.

“But wouldn’t it be possible to retaliate later?”

Hoyeong smiled at Lee Jinchan’s worrying words.

“Retaliation? Do not worry. Because that will never happen.”

“okay. Let’s do what you do for once. It’s not right for me to be treated like this.”

Looking at Hoyoung’s confident face, Lee Jinchan nodded his head without knowing it.




A week passed.

Today, January 1st, was a bright new year.

Although today was a holiday, Koryo Ilbo reporters Eom Yong-jin and Kim Joo-man were happily driving somewhere.

“older brother. Should we be promoted at this level?”

“then! Yay, how many days have we been chasing after Kim Mi-ae? You should be rewarded for your hard work.”


The two flirted and headed to a hotel in Jongno where Kim Mi-ae and Lee Jin-chan were to hold a press conference today.

They were scheduled to publish today’s interview with Kim Mi-ae on the front page of the sports newspaper tomorrow.

It was thought that the top star’s wedding article, provided exclusively by them, would surely sell the newspaper that day.

Of course, they were the ones who threatened Kim Mi-ae that if they called other reporters or made other newspapers report first, they would publish bad news.

“older brother. Now just turn right around the corner and you will see the hotel right away.”

“i get it. Take care of your camera.”

“It’s already hanging around my neck.”

The moment the two giggled and turned the corner, Eom Yong-jin’s expression, which had been full of laughter, hardened slightly.

The hotel parking lot was already full of cars.

“What is this. What cars are they?”

“I don’t know. When I asked the kids from other newspapers, they didn’t seem to know anything until this morning?”

Then an employee managing the hotel parking lot approached them and said,

“Are you the reporters who came to the press conference?”

“Reporters are right, but a press conference?”

“Ah, aren’t you here for the press conference?”

“What kind of press conference is there today?”

The hotel parking attendant looked at them a little suspiciously and then said,

“I heard that a movie star is holding a press conference today to sign an exclusive contract with a certain company.”

“A press conference?”

“yes. It seems that you did not come here for that matter. Then you can park on the second basement floor.”

“Wait. Do you know who the movie star is?”

“That’s kind of hard to say.”

“Then just tell me if it’s right or not. Is that movie star Kim Mi-ae?”

The parking attendant nodded involuntarily.

Eom Yong-jin made a confused expression.

He had no way of knowing what was going on.

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