102. spear and shield

Hoyoung forgot all the admiration he had for Bill Gates just a moment ago.

I even almost laughed out loud at the thought of Windows CE.

And then I realized something I had forgotten.

‘Yes, Microsoft will go through a huge downturn since Windows 98.’

In fact, it could not be called a period of stagnation in terms of sales.

Even during the period Hoyoung said was a period of stagnation, PCs sold like hot cakes, and all of them had Windows installed.

The period of stagnation that Hoyoung spoke of was a period of stagnation in terms of the level of software released by Microsoft.

‘Windows CE, Windows ME, and Windows NT 4.0 came out one after another, it was literally the worst time ever.’

After thinking, Hoyoung met Bill Gates’ eyes and opened his mouth.

“Thank you for your comments, but I am not interested in the project.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“It sounds like a far-fetched story to me. It’s a mobile operating system. Are you saying that computers will become small enough for a person to carry around?”

Hoyoung deliberately said without knowing.

Bill Gates’ eyes widened as if he was surprised by Hoyoung’s words, but he couldn’t hide his disappointed expression.

“Hmm···. What a disappointment.”

“haha. Are you disappointed?”

“okay. Disappointment.”

Bill Gates, who had been talking while leaning toward Ho-young, suddenly leaned back in his chair with a bored expression on his face and sat down as if lying down.

“I thought you were someone like me who could see the future, but I’m really disappointed that you weren’t. You’ve come all the way here believing that you’re just like us, but you’ve wasted your time. damn.”

Bill Gates’ expression went from boring to angry.

“we? Who are we talking about?”

“Geniuses who can see the future. People like Newton Einstein in the past. And now Jobs, Buffett.”

Inwardly, Hoyoung stuck out her tongue at Bill Gates’ arrogance.

In the end, he seemed to firmly believe that he was a rare genius.

But soon he was able to convince himself.

There was such confidence and self-esteem in the background that Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard and made Microsoft grow so far and in the future.

“ha ha ha. If so, you are really in the wrong place. I’m not that great. Just a programmer.”

“Puhaha. You have a knack for making people laugh.”

Bill Gates laughed as if he was really amused, as if he was the one who had an angry face a moment ago.

“I knew I had that kind of talent.”

Hoyoung responded sarcastically to Bill Gates’ words, but Bill Gates smiled at him.

“like. Then put the Windows CE project on hold.”


This time, Hoyoung was surprised.

“I felt it before, but really Mr. Yoon. is not good at acting.”

“what···. You mean?”

“You and Hoyoung stand shoulder to shoulder with the people I described as us. No, you think you’re better than him and pretend you’re not.”

“I never thought of that.”

Bill Gates laughed.

“okay. Okay. So, did you think the mobile operating system I was going to create was so hopeless?”

“So it’s not like that!”

“Then how about this? Currently, we are planning an operating system that runs independently, not an operating system dependent on DOS like Windows 3.1, and it is now in the final stage. The production period is considered to be about 3 years, and we are planning to release it in 1995. Are you interested in asking us to make the operating system together?”


Hoyoung did not respond to his words.

But I couldn’t hide my swaying eyes for a moment.

Bill Gates chuckled when he saw Hoyoung like that.

“Oh my. Our next operating system will be successful. Windows CE should be reviewed before starting the project, and the next PC operating system should be developed immediately.”

Hoyoung couldn’t say anything.

In fact, it was almost the first time he had ever returned to his previous life and felt these feelings.

So far everything has gone the way he thinks and has gone according to his plan.

However, Bill Gates, who was smiling with a comical expression right in front of him, couldn’t figure out what he was thinking.

“Then, I will change the proposal and make one suggestion.”

Bill Gates asked, narrowing his eyes.

“What is it?”

Hoyoung replied bluntly to his eyes that looked like he was looking inside.

“Please drop all lawsuits against us. And if we can make a window using the GUI-related functions included in the lawsuit, we will exceed 20% of the sales.”


Bill Gates was in fact very blind to this lawsuit, which had been dragging on for years.

As the lawsuit dragged on, the fatigue of Bill Gates, who cared about the lawsuit, was enormous, and public opinion was formed among some users that they were stealing Cronos’ technology.

In addition, from this year, the federal government also came under pressure to quickly finish copyright-related lawsuits.

Due to these circumstances, he wanted to end the lawsuit against H&H somehow quickly.

But the answer was decided.

It was impossible to retrieve all the operating systems that had been created so far, so he had to somehow obtain the right to use the patent from Hoyoung.

That’s why I made such a great-looking offer.

“Wait a minute, let me think for a moment.”

“As much as you like.”

Hoyoung immediately shook his head in thought.

In his memory, the sales of Windows 95 were beyond imagination.

The release of Windows 95 literally presented a new PC paradigm.


Hoyoung tried to agree to his words as if possessed.

But the moment he saw Bill Gates smiling like a devil, he suddenly came to his senses.

‘not. Even if Windows 95 were to be released, Windows wouldn’t be as sensational as it was then.’

Hoyoung had no choice but to admit that Bill Gates was no ordinary man either.

And he realized that he had almost made a stupid decision, as if he had been possessed by something for a moment.

‘I was about to judge hastily. The sensation that Windows 95 caused in my previous life is now being caused by Chronos 2!’

“haha···. ha ha ha.”

Hoyoung let out a laugh.

This laugh was a self-deprecating laugh for a moment of stupidity, and a laugh for Bill Gates sitting in front of him.

“I almost fell for it.”

“If you said you almost did, is this also a rejection?”

“yes. It is a refusal.”

“Are you calling people and just refusing them all day long?”

“Did I call you? I said so because the president said he would come.”

Bill Gates was genuinely angry.

He was contemplating whether to vent his anger here and now, or go back to Washington and try to destroy H&H with his personal connections and wealth, Ho-yeong continued.

“But it’s not a total rejection.”


“I will drop the lawsuit. And we’ll let you use our patents.”


Bill Gates’ face turned red now.

“instead. There are conditions. Give royalties on patents. 10% of operating system sales for which patents are used is sufficient.”

“A while ago, I said I would give you 20%, but you refused, so now it’s 10%?”

Hoyoung smiled and said.

“Do you think I’m really young just because I look young? Such vulgar tricks don’t work.”

“What a vulgar trick!”

“Next, 20% of the sales of the operating system we made together, that’s good. But isn’t Microsoft not going to release just one operating system in the future, but rather give 20% of the sales of the next operating system and naturally acquire the right to use the patent, and then use it freely starting from the next one?”

“That, that’s…”

Hoyoung continued to be verbalized by Bill Gates, but this time Bill Gates was speechless by Hoyoung.

Hoyeong said with a smile as if this situation was amusing.

“10% as patent royalties. I have no intention of negotiating here. Yes or No. There are only two choices. You choose.”

Hoyeong’s tone subtly drove people into a corner.

“Haha, it looks like you’ve come here to unload your luggage, and then you’ll be dragging your luggage for the rest of your life.”

And this time Bill Gates was lost in thought.

Hoyoung leisurely gave him enough time to think.

For over 15 minutes, Bill Gates was silent.

Hoyoung continued to be convinced that as time passed, he would get the answer he wanted.

And when another 10 minutes passed.


Bill Gates, who hadn’t made a sound, let out a big sigh.

“I lost. Okay. Instead, 10% is too much. 5%”

“Didn’t I tell you earlier that there is no 10% negotiation?”

“Think carefully. If I said I’d go all the way, that would be just as painful as we are, right? 6%.”

“Haha, I left it to the law firm. How competent lawyers do you need in a yard where the circumstances of plagiarism are clear? 10%.”

Bill Gates glared at Ho-young, who did not blink, and then opened his mouth again.

“If you’re too greedy, you won’t get anything. Don’t you think we’ll be good rivals for decades to come? Having a running mate makes running a marathon so much easier. 7.5%”

“Haha… Chairman, do you seriously think that we can beat Chronos 2? When the operating system for PC you just mentioned comes out, Chronos 3, no, Chronos 4 might come out? good. Let me compromise a little bit. 9%”

“8.5%. This is my last suggestion too. Any more than this is impossible for us.”

Bill Gates showed a determined expression.

‘Then should I do this?’

Hoyeong was very happy on the inside, but on the outside she said it was chic.

“8.5% OK, Cole. Okay. Shall we start with the contract? Let us drop the complaint immediately.”

“All right. Shall we ask the secretaries to come in now?”


Hoyeong opened the door and called Miru and Jimmy.

Miru stood motionless in front of the door for hours while Hoyoung and Bill Gates were talking.

“Jimmy, let me explain what happened a moment ago.”

While Bill Gates was explaining the arrangements with Ho-young to Jimmy, Ho-yeong also told Mi-ru and asked to call Smith.

While waiting for Smith, Hoyoung thought as he watched Bill Gates having a serious talk with Jimmy.

‘If you can get 8.5% of Microsoft’s sales in the future, just to the extent of dropping the lawsuit, this is a profitable business.’

Rather than waiting for the outcome of the lawsuit that might come out at any time, Hoyoung chose the direction to take care of the substance.

And Bill Gates and Jimmy were having a quiet conversation.

“President. 8.5% of sales… There will be a lot of backlash from the board.”

“Whoops. That would be huge.”

“Are you still planning to proceed like this?”

“I also received a lot of information, so it’s not such a loss-making business.”

“What information?”

“As soon as we return to the headquarters, the Windows CE project will be thoroughly reviewed. Please know that.”

Jimmy was puzzled, but he agreed because he trusted Bill Gates 100%.

“And we will start Project 95 right away.”

“Isn’t that project in the final review stage?”

“Even if all departments are working overtime, start early. Whatever happens, it must come first.”

“All right.”

Jimmy nodded once more to Bill Gates’ words, and Bill Gates looked at Hoyoung, who was looking at them.

“I’ll do it this time. There is no next.”

“You talk like I did something.”

Hoyoung shrugged and said, and Bill Gates laughed at his face.

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