The God of All Worlds Begins with Harry Potter

Wanjie Law God starts from Harry Potter Chapter 945

"Akama, you are too excited." He first persuaded the guardian leader calm down, this is said: "Draney is successfully fled from Agus under the guidance of Shengguang, I believe everyone is in the event. It is random to abandon the way of Shenggui. But Akama, we have to face reality - you have to admit that the Tao of the Shenggui is not in any case, right? "

"You and I……"

Akam wanted to refute, but saw Ireale on the primary position, and then saw her back in half empty, emitting black and white two color rays, and finally nodded.

Just as Mardar will not deny the way of Shengguang, Ozar's words can not refute.

Nowadays, the Draney believes is the way of balance, and the essence of balance is the absolute correctness of the Taoist Tao, which is also the "political correct" in Draney, Akama nature Will be inappropriate.

Seeing the other person nod, Ozal is a smile.

"Yes, the way of holy light is correct, helping the weak to resist violence is correct, but it is necessary to do it. Don't see that we have defeated the tribe twice, but this does not mean that we have that ability. We can Temporarily and tribes are not we have to defeat them, but they feel that even if we can eat, we have to collapse a bite. "

"To be honest, we have two victories of our two times because of the adults of Ire, this does not represent the tribe is not strong, until the injured in the last war still has a lot of treatment, I don't want more people to need our service. "The new Canton Isaba also said that she is the leader of the priests, most of the therapist of leader Delaney.

"The first two wars for our strategic material consumption is really too big, almost exhausted all of our reserves. The new army combat effectiveness is strong, but it is more dependent on various resources than ever. The current data shows that we Strategic resource reserves do not allow us to launch a war again. "Harutu also added:" We need time to collect enough resources. "

Even the unborn Eli Askara also said: "Everything that happens to make my brothers and sisters have grown too much. I don't want more brothers and sisters to join us. (The number of universal increases There is a Draney death) "

There were five standing in the eyes of the eight bishops to oppose his opinions, and Akam felt a mistake.

He could not help but look at Ni Li.

Although in the past years, the conservative officer and the arrival of the freedom of freedom are also a contradiction - the former feels that the latter is always extreme and radical, and even a little arrogant, and the latter believes that Practice is The best way to light the way is the body's strength, rather than meditation in the temple. They even claim that the officer is "" (of course, there is also a priest) - but since Irere, balance After replacing the Tao of the Shengguang became a new belief in Draney, Akama was in combination with Ni Li.

Among them, the old power is dissatisfied by the newcomers, but also the dissatisfaction of the Shengguang fanaticism on the shadow, and the dissatisfaction of environmentalists and romantics for industrialization.

It is these dissatisfaction, so that this is actually united with old opponents.

Akar knows that in this case, even Nai supports his opinion, there is no harmony in the face of five opponents, but at least will not let him be so ugly.

If he is opposed by everyone at the meeting, is it very stupid?

But when he looked at Niki, he was disappointed.

Even Nai Li also shook his head.

"Our imperative is to reserve as many resources as possible, train New Army, enhance their combat power. With our current ability, light is to maintain all zones, do not have excess human resources to support them."

At this point, Nai, leader who leads the Ranger is very clear - maintaining the patrol of the zone is her mission.

Seeing that he seems to be objected by everyone, Akama shook his head, as a believer of Shengguang, he was really a tribal aggression.

"Is it difficult to do so if we really have it to help them? In this case, we should not focus on all the strength to fight against the tribe? If you wait until those races are being conquered by the tribe, we really don't help but . Wait at that time, the strength of the tribe spread throughout the world, and where is Drano's place? "

In this regard, Akama's opinion is indeed very popular.

However, Ye Wei heard, just smiling:

"Why do we have to have a place in Drano?"

At this time, the opening is full.

Chapter 1143 Drano Near Ten Years Environmental Survey Report

The Ye said, everyone in the scene was surprised to look at him.

No way, it is really his words too extreme, even more extreme than the previous Akama.

Don't stay in Drano, isn't that is waiting for death?

In fact, all the people in Akama have considered it.

Indeed, if a flavor is a tribe to conquer Drano other races, then the end of Drano will become a tribal. And Draney can only sleep in the double city.

At that time, the tribe is crushed with the entire Drano resources to crush half Tarrao, with a huge population and rich resources, and the Draneans will be done by them.

They don't seem to consider supporting the pops and original beasts that are deeply suffering from the orcs, and the fellows will overthrow the bloody rule of the tribe.

But the reality is that they have no excess power, nor the ability.

In fact, since the burning army is coming, the rise of the tribal is not allowed. If it is not the emergence of Yund, the de Reni is even more miserable than those races.

Compared to the tribe of flourishing, those old races have not yet fallen until they are, so that the tribes do not need to concentrate on the strength, as long as one or two big clan, plus a few small classes can be able to deal with them.

In this case, even if you contact them, the strength of the De Lie is not to go, and it is wasting human material, it is better to develop itself.

But Akama mentioned is objective.

Original Yudu opens, they also thought that what solutions were there.

I know now that there is no feasibility of the root.

In the face of surprised people, Ye Wei shrugged and asked:

"I don't know if you have noticed that after the rising of the tribe under the support of the Burning Legion, what happened to the Drano world?"



The speech of Ye Yu seems to have no relationship with his statement, and suddenly mention the so-called environmental changes, let everyone looked at each other, I don't know what he said.

However, Ye Yu didn't seem to explain, but he looked at Samara.

In the discussion of just now, in addition to reading the information, the person in charge of this intelligence does not send. Nowadays, I have hints that she is skilled in a stacked information on the desktop, and then elegant stands up and begins to read.

"According to Mr. Sand, I have already conducted a survey of the environmental status of Drano, in combination with the environmental information in the database, and the results were very unexpected.

As we all know, according to sociological theory, it is often accompanied by barbaric smart races in production and life. This transformation is usually much greater than ordinary species.

When this transformation is extremely extreme, it often causes devastating damage to the natural environment:

For example, large-scale hunting causes the collapse of food chains in the environment, excessive reclamation and grazing makes forests and grass, causing serious consequences such as soil loss, desertification. Wisdom race's use of minerals, and excessive incineration will also cause certain pollution to the environment.

As a large number of races in the Drano continent, the impact on the Drano's natural environment is quite large. Draney has shown this for 300 years for Drano, the main reason is the continued growth of the orc population. However, the effects have been subtilized.

However, according to the latest data, since the tribe collike the combustion legion, a large number of orc has become the warlock, this data has changed the earth-shaped change:

In the past three hundred years, because of the continuous development of the Warman and other orc tributs, the area of ​​the Nagland's prairie has been continuously reduced at an average of 0.03% per year, which is the desertification, deadline that the beast people grazing and hunting. Ten years ago, the desertification area of ​​Nagrant grassland reached 8.5%.

However, in the past decade, the speed of desertification in Nagland grassland has grown this year. As of this year, the desertification area of ​​Nagrant grassland has reached an amazing 17.6%, which means that the average annual desertification speed is estimated to grow. Ten times, this speed is still increasing.

In addition, the vast Tananian jersey, even the Tayroka forest around Shatas also happened - there is a change in the Tayroka Forest in recent years, and Tanner Jungle is originally blood ring. The group's habitat's habitat. In the past three hundred years, the reduction speed in Tananian forest area is only 0.05% a year, but this number has risen more than 40 times in the past decade.

Among them, forestry decline, the most serious desert is a tribe: the most serious near hell fire furnace, the nearby terrain has been completely separated from the category of forests, is sufficient to be called desert. The tracker saw there only of the dryness and crack there, and the earth was covered with red dust and white bones, and such a terrain was still spread rapidly.

According to our estimation, within ten years, the entire Tananian jungle will disappear, and it is replaced by red desert.

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