The God of All Worlds Begins with Harry Potter

Wanjie Law God from Harry Potter, Chapter 920

Chapter 1116 Saying into the Temple

There is no Carli bird flying in the sky, and the team of prisoners will travel all the way until the door of the Dark Temple.

They didn't notice, in the nearby grass, a wild cat was staring at them.

That's right, this wild cat is growing.

To be honest, if it is in the moon world, Ye Wei will not consider turning into a cat class - as easy to be excited, and Batte, maybe some of the things he don't want to see.

But now, an inconspicuous wild cat is just suitable for investigating the orcs and mixed into the Dark God.

He noted that the soldiers sent by the soldiers were still in the entrance to the Dark Temple, and the team was still maintaining relative regularity, apparently not ordinary blackcomb, but an elite army.

After arriving at the destination, the orcs responsible for driving and the cavalry took out the package of the back, and took out some meat to feed the seat and the freshwater beast pulling the car.

Other warriors changed the tentles in the road, becomes unpredictable, they sit and sit, the sight of the blade, the war, and occasionally the direction of the darkness of the Darkness, and the eyes are jealous and fear.

The soldiers who guard the Dark Temple seem to be much more reluctant. They are equipped with more luxurious, freely dispersion near the gate of the temple, and from time to time trial and escort the orcs of the prisoner.

It is estimated that these talents are the true .

" -"

After a moment, the gate of the Temple was open. Under the leadership of a black robe, a team of orc took over the prisoner and brought the prisoner who pulled these freshwater beasts into the temple.

No one noticed that a wild cat was hidden under the prison bus.

In this way, Yetuan mixed into the Dark Temple.

After entering the temple, Ye Yu saw a huge hall. Perhaps because most people of the Shadow Parliament went to the battlefield, the whole hall appeared empty, except for the prisoner, only two huge creatures were squatting.

They have a giant corner, the skin color of the red, and the terrible body far from the ordinary people, holding a huge blade, and patrolling in the lobby.

It is the devil summoned by these Warlocks.

The destination of the prisoner is the Dungeon Dungeon, and Ye Wei naturally won't think about it. He taking advantage of the orc and the devil, an agile turned over from this "caucas".

Although the Yeting desire to be a "test product" can point out the position of the core member of the Shadow Parliament, the Shadow of the Shadow Parliament is not necessarily to be a human experiment. He wants to achieve a destination to wait patiently for a while.

During this time, he intends to go shopping in the Dark Temple.

As the old nest, the Dark Temple is indeed full of various detection magic, nodules, and traps, but may be arrogant, maybe because ignorance, these magicals will only hinder the big creatures. Can't block a small wild cat at all.

So, the whole day, Ye Yu is in the Dark Temple.

To be honest, the left-behind warlock is really too little compared to this huge temple. But the words come back, even the entire shadow council, put it in this Caraho Temple.

In the process of visiting the temple, Ye Yu saw a large number of traces left by Draney, including the lack of bones and blood in the clean-up - until now, the orc did not come completely to organize this temple once.

Nowadays, most people are now now, even if they add the slaves and soldiers under the hand, and the demon they call, it is still enough to let this fall.

The whole day, the incarnation of the cat is relatively long. Until in the evening, Ye Yu felt that he left the magic imprint, and the positions were finally started again after entering the dungeon, and finally sent it. The upper layer of the temple.

"It turns out that they are hiding there."

So, it's time to act!

Ye Wei began to run quickly in the hallway, and went to the way to the upper floor with memory.

At the place near the temple, he found the main stairs - when wandering, Ye Yu had an impression of this: in it, there are dozens of huge a corner of soldiers.

Although it is very inconvenient as a cat's morphology, he still barely puts a [stealth] and does not let them see yourself. Then move the silent pace, and the demon patrols are passed.

Good in this team, there is no hell dog - that is the most likely to find the existence of his trace. Ye Yu had a long breath and looked at the last devil disappeared at the end of the corridor and then began to jump to climb the stairs.

Always along the way, Yeting has passed several rooms, but there is no pause. His magic imprint is in the top of the temple, the sooner, the more you find the Zerui Crystal.

Finally, he stopped when he felt that he and the magic mark had only one wall.

But he did not rank into the room, but reached out of the paw and felt the air.

A unknown force blocked the way, these warlocks were still cautious.

But their sculptor small technology can't stop the Master of Ye Yu.

He turned back from the shape of the cat back to human form, but did not expose the trace under [stealth].

Yetuan tried to use mental strength to expose the barrier in front of his eyes, and quickly analyze its principle, then targeted the spells of yourself.

The whole process takes less than 30 seconds.

Then he continued to advance. Although he still feels that the resistance is squeezing when he is touching the barrier, it seems that he is trying to cross a wall. But this hindrance is like cotton, it is generally negligible, but it is only a little bit a little.

However, the barrier did not disappear, and the people inside did not make any response.

This is the mismuth of the Ye Yu magic. The unusual mage will only violently crack the barrier, and some of the high-graphics can be released through the minimum consumption of the minimum consumption. However, if Ye Wei is not targeting the barrier, it is completely targeted to the mage of the mage of its own campaign. Its high-spirited is almost high to the atmosphere.

After crossing the barrier, Yeting saw a huge room.

In the room, several orc warlocks were busy between the tables, which made him recall the experience of their own in Hogworth, in the Mistra College - Masters study the scene of the test magic Not outside.

But compared to normal mages, these orcs' tests should be dark and bloody, just like the synthesis of magic and sin. Under the influence of shadow and evil, these warlocks are not very normal: most of them look thin bones, squatting, wearing broken clothes, standing hard, this is unable to use Evil energy is the residual damage of the living.

But at the same time, they all use their eyes to be nervous and eagerly focus on their trial goals - a struggled, locked chain, brown orc prisoners on a large wooden shelf.

Ye Yu was originally curious about what they were experiment, but soon, his attention was attracted by one of the warlocks.

On the waist of the warlock, he clearly saw a spherical instrument - a treasure bead filled with thick shadow energy.

Chapter 1117

One of the bodies of the two Naru, the two Naru, Duri, and the core of Naru, but the Ye Yu is fierce.

In front of him, Baozhu, which is full of terrible shadows, but has more powerful shadow of Naru core than he has seen.

In other words, this is the Zeri Cloth crystal he wants to find.

"Strike the iron shoes, you have to come to the family!"

Looking at the Zeri cloth crystals in front of you, Ye Yu is in the heart, he can't think of you soon.

Originally, he thought that he had to spend another time. Who thought of just arrived here, Baozhu was sent to him.

But even so, Ye Yu still touched his thoughts immediately, but took the barrier according to the original road, leaving this room, guarded at the door.

Until now, the genital and cautious Ye Rong is still unwilling to show his own traces in front of the orc and burning legion.

As the most powerful Titan that has not been born, Azeroth has long been eyeingly eyeped, and Sadlas even personally took it, and the karaz is a long time by using Madi Wen's identity. In the near future, he contacted Gretean and introduced the tribe into Azeroth.

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