The God of All Worlds Begins with Harry Potter

Wanjie Law God starts from Harry Potter, 775

"But ah," Dante Li'an took a deep breath, and the tone became strict: "If you want to know how your Genesis is leaking, let me tell you - this is from the past The energetic revenge of the gods in the hand, you have to pay for the past! "

For a long time, Dante Lane pre-made a standard proud girl in Ye Yu, two people got along so many years, clearly girls have a deep feeling of him, but they always have a poisonous tongue. Ye Yu is only a girl's spoiled.

In addition, Dante Li'an is a standard literary girl, in addition to collecting new knowledge, reading new books, Dante Lane has never looks like a wind and light, no matter to let her shake.

Today, in the face of all the devils who have defeated them, they seal them, let them kill each other, this cute proud girl, the rare genital genital genital genital genital, emotional It becomes excited between.

Ye Yu noticed that her tone was excited, hatred and fear, complex emotions proved how deep the psychological shadow of her.

This is also no wonder that after all, the Lord of the Lord led the angel to slaughter the God of Dantan, and forced her into the terrible god group.

There are countless familiar gods died in the hands of the Lord, and between the god groups, in order to survive your life, how did this bruises spent?

Every time I think of it, Ye Yu will feel embarrassed.

After all, the Lord took the way, it was from his plan.

Even if Dante Lie An doesn't blame him.

However, in the embarrassment, Ye Yu did not regret.

In order to reduce the world of the world, in order to make the people's successful rise, this is a must experience for the Alexe's plan.

The Yeting can only give Dant Lian more warmth, let her forget the dark past.


"Hey ... is it one of the false gods in my face?" When the Yund is in the face, the Lord has a psychological shadow, but for Dante Lane, he has no fear, but it is fierce. : "Oh, , , become the food of my food - this is the Tianzhi, the evening, the day, the hand, today, etc., etc.

"No ... Will n't!" Although because of the anger of the Lord, Dantan did not retreat, but the stubborn tat, "You are mixed with yin and yang, it is not a monkey opponent, color monkey ... Monkey will defeted you! "

Looking at Ming Mingyi, but he is not willing to take the Dantle Lian, Ye Wei passes her soft and delicate body, touch her head.

On the other hand, Altira doesn't know why, I feel sad in my heart.

"Reassured, Dantan," Yushan said, "I will defeat him, your hatred, your fear, I will be eliminated for you."

"... I know, thank you, color monkey." In the warm embrace, Dante Lian shrilted the shrinkage, and found a comfortable location, and suddenly realized that it was wrong.

"Wow, color monkey, you ... what are you doing! Color monkey! Abbrevance! Copper! Don't take people as a child to say!"

It is still confrontation with the enemy. The result suddenly because of the shyness, Dantan is indeed a typical proud.

Shake the head and let the girl come, Ye Yu looked at the LORD.

"You have two questions, I have already answered the first, let me tell you the second answer now."

So, You Yu waved.

It was almost almost the same as the LORD, and the "Solid Normalization · Chaos of Chaos" was immediately dissipated. He took place for a long time to return it to chaos.

However, next, he doesn't need to use this inherently ridden ...

Or, if you don't force the Lord's big trick, in order to see the power of the Lord, see the normally of the creation of the century, and he does not need to use inherent nungees.

With the calm-scale tone, Ye Yu's voice: "My goddess, my love, magic net goddess, you are the custodian of magic, you are the mage saint, the spirit of the world is yours. Hands and feet - show your greatness in front of me! "

With his words, the LORD is confident, the "Genesis · Eden" originally completely controlled by His hand, starting with His hand, starting to listen to His command, the independent changes.

"How is this going?"

The sky is changed, this gods begin to disintegrate, start, as if the entire half-position is in general.

If the Lord at this time is located in the half-plane, He will find that this is located in the area of ​​Canaan. It was originally in the eyes of the outsiders. At this time, it is like a huge, glitter sphere.

This sphere is not independent, but a core, the spiritual pulse from all sides is connected to this core, just like a huge spider web.

Of course, the scale of this spider web is much greater than anyone.

Because this spider web is wrapped in the whole world.

Yes, the spirit of the whole world is connected to this half-bit side. In the past, these links did not reveal, but as Ye Rong said to the magnet goddess card, today, the connection of the spiritual pulse formed a long The road of light, crossing the space from the world to the half-plane surface, really revealing.

At this moment, on the nearland track, the officers and men of Daqin and the essence observed this wonderful scene - a net formed by countless optical band, presented on the surface of the earth, complete all the earth and the ocean cover.

"This ... Is this what is the contagination of the global global? True ... terrible." On the barter track dock, a Mang Shi sighed.

"It is worthy of being, this magic attainment ..." Another Master agreed.

Chapter 0953, the goddess

The changes in the outside world are in the "Genesis · Eden", and I don't know.

But this god god on all the rules of the half-plane is so stupid, and now I am not talking about it.

He felt that the half-plane is constantly disintegrating, feeling that the original world rules are eliminated, their own control of the half-plane is gradually lost ... and even their existence begins unstable.

"What is going on? I am the power, my world ... I am disappearing, ... What did you do ?!"

Originally, it is still high, as if it controls everything, even through the power of "Genesis", re-casting the world's gods, now looks a panic, surprised and angry, no longer arrogant.

Even the Yund Ri Lian and Alphrah, even the only revolution in the pool of the reincarnation of the "Genesis" affected by the "Genesis" also reversed in the strange situation.

Looking at the LORD that suddenly sees color before his eyes, looked at the curious girl around him, Ye Yu smiled.

"Jehovah, claim to be all of the gods of all, don't you understand now?" His voice covered with irony, like a cold blade, generally pierced into the hearts of the Lord: "The Century · Eden" is given by me. The world. Although you are fully integrated with this world rules, become the rules of 'Genesis · Eden', no matter what the trap is set, but you know? This world is not really belonging from the beginning. "

"What does this mean?! Obviously, I am the dominance of this world. I spent so big thoughts, paying a big price, I am clear that the rules of this world should be attributed to my control!"

The voice of the Lord is desperate and screaming. For Ye Yu's statement ... He can't help but believe it.

"Yes, this world rule is of course to be controlled by you." It seems to be a child, Ye Wei's gas is perfunctive, "But it is just as the 'Genesis · Eden' as the world." - In fact, the essence of 'Genesis · Eden' is never a simple world, but the node of the spiritual collection of the world. "

"... what is the node? What is it saying? How can the 'Genesis · Eden' will be the node of the spiritual pulse?" The voice of the Lord has become a bit hoarse, he is completely unable to believe this answer, "but ... this Never possible, it is impossible to bring together the spiritual pulse in the world to a little, let alone create a half-bit face ... ! "

"Ha ha? Lying? I have no more guys who have been destined as you, why should I ly?" You said, hit a thoughts, "Since you don't believe, let you see it, you will defeat Whose hand is there. "

With the crisp sound, the LORD suddenly saw that behind the human mage, a shadow suddenly emerged.

That is a beautiful woman, exquisite and beautiful appearance, the floating body does not reach the ultimate of women, with floating gestures, women's arms hold the Yund Yan in front of him, overlap in his hands Chest.

"... What is your back ... Standing is Greek god?"

With the characteristics of dressing and power, the LORD immediately recognized the identity of the goddess - she was absolutely one of the gods of Greece. As the king of the Shenkan Shen, I almost destroyed the cross-sized God of China. The god of teaching, the one of the LORD is still there, but the specific to the identity, He is completely unable to determine which God.

In Greek gods, powerful goddess refers to the number, but the Lord can be determined that the goddess in front of them is not any of them.

Yue Shen Albeis compared to her than icy, God Hero didn't have her youth, Athena compared to her, but the agricultural goddess demean is too solemn. Too simplicity, it can be said that in terms of appearance, in addition to the God of love and beauty, almost no god can compete with her, but this is almost a beauty that is a full advantage of women, and obviously has almost reached God God. The goddess of the gods, His Lord is unheardful.

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