The God of All Worlds Begins with Harry Potter

Wanjie Law God starts from Harry Potter, Chapter 728

As for Ji Mengri ... That's because Ye Yu has a deep impact on another Jimmond - including the legendary chest that will shoot out ...

This also caused the Duke of this devil who appeared in the eyes of Ye Wei.

However, this difference in the world's world in comparison is the same as Lily.

Although the demon gods happen to have a red hair, there is also a good appearance and proud figure, but there is no "destruction force".

In fact, the predecessor of this devil is a destiny goddess, which is good at the speech and abilities of the prophecy.

These two - or three, after all, Beliore is twin - the magic God is asked by Yetuan, Beliar and the old friend Sami stayed together, and Jimmond in the goddess Listen to listen.

There is only one magic god that has never been willing to leave the seal.

That is the 20th Devil, and Yatalo, one of the four columns.

The powerful devil, the God of War, the gods of the gods, love god and Golden Goddess, the terrible mad soldiers on the battlefield, quite hard, stay in the seal, at all, did not respond to Ye Wei's new owner idea.

However, for the attitude of this female madman, Ye Yu is not intentionally, from the rest of the devil, he has already understood the character of Asil, so I plan to give it to Afdi to deal with.

The same is the Golden Goddess, they probably have a common topic ...

The Lord was pitted by Solomon, and dying is already destined.

The ........... ............... ..

However, this result, and after another how to find the renewal of the law, everything has nothing to do with Ye Yu, he has long left this right and wrong.

After setting up the demon god, he took two cats and Dantan once again on the journey.

This time his goal is the last goal of the Global Tour, which is the Nordic Shen.

This God is extremely famous in the later generations, the famous god King Ododia, Rays Sol, the Eli Temple, the gods, etc. are all in the fantasy works.

It can be actually, very few people know that this god is not as a orthodox family, as the Greece's Olympus.

The ASA's nation and Warner's gods are the name of the world's two major rulers, the so-called king of God Octadines, the role of the female martial arts, all from the Assa Atha.

As for the Warner of Warner, the first member is Niord, the god of the ocean, the storm, some of which are like Poseidin in the Olympus God, but the forces and status are obviously much higher.

Warner and Asazi were once launched God battle for the status of the rule, but finally reached a reconciliation, the two sides exchanged the hostage, since then, the Assassin is standing on the top of the nine-European gods, and Warner is second. .

In fact, although the Warner of Warner is not obvious, it can be sent to Assassin's hostages but Ding Ding - That is the two children of Niord, Frey and Frea.

The gods in the in the ASA.

As for Fre, it is also the god of the famous harvest of the Assa nation. The artifact holders is the sword of the victory - this invincible victory sword can fly the first level of the enemy, no matter who has mastered this sword, This sword will fly with the hopes of the swords, they fly in the battlefield, which is a symbol of the glory of the sun.

Perhaps the name of the Sword of Victory is not as good as the name of the name, the sword of the victory, but the other name of the victory sword is more famous.

That is the destroyed magic sword - Lavateinn.

Because in love with the biggest enemy of the gods - the beauty of the giant family, Gian, Fre, the Sword of the Victory is a female giant.

Although after that, the marriage of the two is very happy, but the Sword of the Victory has also fallen into the hands of the fire giants in Sulit, which will change the magic sword of the world.

In the dusk of the gods, Surtel killed Frey, and had to say that this is indeed a trader and sad drama.

When it comes to the dusk of the gods, they have to say that the Nordic God system and the rest of the gods are completely different.

Although there are many opponents of the mainstream rulers in each of the gods, there are various evil spirits - such as the and giants in Olympus, Chaotic Snake Apapfis is Hurio Lis God, Angola Mann is in the god of Joroside.

However, the ending of most of the gods is just a just victory, and the gods win the evil magic.

Only Northern Ou Shen, the gods seem to be high, in fact, their opponents' forces and they are almost harmed: the magical dragon of the world tree, the hull of the hull of the hull, the Snake of the Snake of the Snake, Passed the Meditation, The endless sea puller of the endless death force, there is a frost giant, the flame giant ...

In Ye Yu, don't have to wait until the end of the generation, just the dusk of the gods, it is enough to hurt the whole Nordic God, and it can't.

Therefore, here, Ye Yu also did not have too many things, but in the spiritual pulse, then left this cool place.

By the way, he also cheated the spell of Lunn rune from a certain female Wu Shen.

I don't know how to get the resentment of the god of the gods after the Ye Yu people disappear.

In short, after passing through the Nordic trip, Ye Yu has visited most of the spiritual pulse on this planet, and the Trump's tentacle of the goddess of the magnet goddess spread throughout the world.

Although there is no completion yet, Ye Yu knows that over time, very fast, Hector will become the goddess of the world through Yund Rong, the spirit of the magic network of the world, the spirit will truly in the form of magic network in this planet Woven up.

At that time, in addition to the individual island, the magic flow of the whole world will be under the control of Hector, while the Magic Plan of Ye will start.

Chapter 0899 Rome

In Greek gods, it is over time for the Troy War of the year.

At the beginning of the Algo hero, the survivors of the Troy war either fortunate as the gods to upgrade to the Olympus mountain, or have to go.

However, the latter generation of the heroes left by generations, and maintaining the many countries of Greece, of course, there is still their thoughts.

In this time, Greece's situation is still constantly changing, the state is attacking each other, the old country declines, the rise of the new country - most of the dominant occupation in Greece is the descendants of the Alpha Heroes s country.

There is no way, the harm of the Aargo Tour and Troy War for the forces of the Olympus God in the ground is too big.

The former let the hero of the gods died in the journey and Coles, and the remaining heroes and the gods were rehorrible, the latter was a cruel civil war, although all this casting a grand Greek hero Epic, but also let the whole land of the greek gods.

As the hero's gradually fell, the power of the Master gradually penetrates the core of each kingdom, the so-called hero's era is gradually ending, and the human era has gradually emerged.

As one of the Troy War, one of Troy's Allies, Tromit King Pri Arms, the brothers, Junneas, also shared the glory of the winner, and then he became the son-in-law of the king of the Latin. Welcome the latin's princess Ravinia, became the actual investor of the Latin.

He and his future generation ruled the Latin Yu's sixteen generations. He went to the 16th generation. The king Numeo was unfortunately suffered from the brothers. The whole family was killed, only the princess Sylvia with stove hen This identity of the Tia's priest is alive.

Then she met the Ares Ares.

Even if it is being rejected by human rejection and dislike, Olympus is still my life, frequent lower borders in the world - just because the masters are strong, the heroes of the half-god have become more and more unable to Establish a great job in the earth and awaken human beings to the gods.

Even because of the dislike of this matter, Olympus's gods almost split, the 12th Lord God, Herztia has long lived in the ground, Apollo and Alta Misa are almost in addition to driving the sun and the moon. The rest of the gods lost their intersection, and Athena was simply moving out Olympus Mountain - she became a frequent visitor of the Mistra College.

For a few centuries, the authority of the gods in the mortal has fallen sharply. The strength of the Olympus Shenli is also weak because of splitting, and the gods are in the eyes of these problems. In the heart.

Perhaps the inspiration you got from Egypt's Huriopolis, finally, in the priest of the gods, the gods Arcean and Herstea's priest meta-princess Silvia fate.

So, Ares "love" Sylvia, very fast, the princess, a child of the war, and then returned to Olympus.

Kill the father of Sylvia, the princess's uncle Amo, Mamo, who heard, and the player put two babies to the Basket and threw it into the Tiber River.

However, in the dark of the gods, the Tiber River rushed to the desolate river bank, stranded next to a fig tree on the shore, there was a gossy mother wolf to raise them, and even fed his milk to this brother. .

This is a brother, a famous Rodus, a named Lemus.

Seeing this famous name, the story of the story is obvious.

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