The God of All Worlds Begins with Harry Potter

Wanjie Law God from Harry Potter, Chapter 640

Of course, this uncomfortable is really uncomfortable.

For them, such a feeling seems to put ourselves into the drum washing machine, and then cleaned, and all their physical qualities are extraordinary, and many people spit out.

However, it is only this.

As long as the gods and Poseidin don't personally shoot, relying on these small means is that they have no way.

As for personally shot ... Please, God is also a face - or compares to mortal, God is more necessary to face.

If the Algrao hero is dying from abnormal weather and sea conditions, it is possible to calculate the gods, such weather and sea conditions are still possible.

But if they personally shoot ...

Sorry, these are almost the same as the world, and naturally don't want to leave a black history such as "people who are discoudly resentful".

After three days and three nights, Zeus and Poseidong in vain were finally retreated.

The wind and heavy rain and tumbling huge waves are gradually refund.

The Algrao heroes can finally raise the mast sail again.

Ye Yu also passed the Olympus gods at this time ... oh, not, it is the truth.

He told the Source of this madness to the Algrao hero.

Because it rely on his magic, the Alpha Hero has spent this difficulties, so for Ye Yu, they are convinced.

The hero did this realize that the original gods not only deceived them to do the mission of death, but after the mission failed, they still had to kill them.

Learn about the true face of the gods, they have a bigger grievances of the gods.

The most striking natural is those who are they.

In the previous natural disasters, their father gods not only did not save them, even helped, and there was no hint, let them were tortured by Zeus and Poseus.

Obviously, they were betrayed and gotually abandoned.

Even the pro can give up, seeing God's mortal husband.

The gods definitely didn't think that there is still a dramatic party such as Ye Yu in the Alpha Hero.

They also thought that they were seamless.

Even when the hero passed E Eea, it was still equipped with a sacrifice, claiming that only this, in the future abnormal weather and sea conditions they would be asylum heroes.

Looking at the shameless gods of thieves, the heroes are almost ignorant, and they have to promise their requirements on the surface.

They know that they are weak, completely can't afford to god, in case of the gods, they have already learned the truth, and God knows what the gods that are angry and angry will do something for murder.

However, although they sacrificed their gods, they got the shelter on the surface of the gods. This does not mean that the next trip they won't touch.

In the next island, they touched the sea demon, it was a birds with birds, the lower body of the fish, and the upper body did indeed the beauty of the beautiful woman.

They are the ancestors of mermaid.

They often confuse the vessels through the sweet songs and destroy them.

When the Algo passed by them, they sang like the songs like lily, and the songs were melodious from the sea to the boat.

The heroes were attracted and confused by the songs. They did not know that they were ready to be on the beach, except for Yund Yu, Mimiya and the Inspire.

Ye Wei summoned the musical instrument, manipulating them to play with the magic, and the Inspire and Mita sounded the song, the music of the magic band should be with their singing, form a beautiful piece of music.

It turns out that even the song, Midia and the Inspire are not weak.

The song with the magic was suppressed to the song of S, and the Algrao hero finally woke up.

They immediately drove the Algor, as they left here.

For them, I would rather face what terrible monsters, and I am not willing to provoke the enemy such as a demon. For those of martial arts, there is no killing power on this surface, but the ability is incapable of the opponent is the most scary.

Chapter 0797 Mechanical Civilization and Taros

The temptation of Sierra demon did not represent the end of trouble.

After that, the Alca's island of Huaigana, they were hospitalized by Kings from the King Alcine.

However, the Coleis warrior from another road to Meti Dia has finally tracked.

By the way, although Algran claims that the world's first voyage big boat, this is not counted in Coles.

There is a Mistra College in the development of Coles's technology and civilization, which is except for normal levels.

Although the Alpha Heroes never be afraid of fighting, now they have more than a dozen people, facing the army from Coles or too reluctant - especially when the battles, the individual's brave cannot replace the vessel, originally The number of Aargo heroes has manipulated Algrad, and if they start at sea, they are absolutely not Corkes's opponents.

When both parties are prepared to expand the malfight, the King Alcine is intervened and said to make arbitration for both parties.

During the stage of the battle, the king said, adhering to the teachings of love, the real love should not be dismantled, so he announced that if Miriya is still a unmarried girl, then you should pay her father's disposal; but if she has already become an Yutong Wife, then you should not take them.

For the king obviously the conditions, the Algrao hero will naturally not reject the ruler, and Coles's chasing soldiers, before they come, the King of Egyrs has been from Mistra College. The hint, therefore, for chasing the Algo hero, the king people are just doing, only the gods and heroes are hidden in the drum.

In fact, they didn't even think about catching up with the Alpha Hero, helpless on the way to catch up, their warships all the way smoothly, even if they deviate from the road, they will return to the right channel because of various situations, even The women's fairy in the sea is coming to the road - it is the intention of Olympus.

Therefore, in order to end this task, they will naturally not reject this condition.

Then Queen passed the king's ideas to the Algrao hero.

Then, the Alpha Heroes gave the Ye Yu and Mei Dia, and Afdi was still like a wedding, and completed the last one for her prank.

Therefore, the second day Alcano Ros proclaiming Miriya could not be given to the Corkes and would provide protection to the heroes of the Alley.

In this way, Algrang has once again spent the crisis of being chased.

Next. Ager has come to Crete, this island is guarded by the Machinery Giant named Taros.

This terrible mechanical giant is made of bronze.

Of course, it is said to be bronze, but it has an additional incorporation of the legendary metal-mountain copper.

Mountain copper, also translated as "Olitha" is a mysterious metal in Atlantis's legend, and the fake gold, secret silver cold iron is also known as the most precious magic metal material.

Taros is a powerful mechanic that has been made up of bronze added to the bronze, it is itself a technology product that exceeds this era.

Its existence is related to the real Greek customs.

In fact, although it is a deceived earth, every corner of the world is full of gods, but these gods have different voters.

Most of the gods originate, but there are many exceptions.

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