The God of All Worlds Begins with Harry Potter

Wanjie Law God starts from Harry Potter, Chapter 576

Although these women are ordinary, they can still rest.

Men, it is completely unlimited in the night, and it is unfortunately unwilling to break free.

In this way, even if they have different people who have different people, they cannot support it.

Ye Wei can foresee the loss of their future kidney organs.

Just when Ye Yu was waiting on the ship, Hercules could not sit.

In the fourth day, this giant found him.

"Mr. Ye, good morning," he is a courteous person, "I would like to know what I A Song and other crew do it in that city?"

"Nature knows," Ye Yu helplessly revealed, "naturally is doing what they like."

"Don't you think this is not?" Confirmed Ye Yu and he knows this, Hercules revealed the expression, "We brought this journey according to the Zhizhen's Juma, it is for glory. Take a risk with the adventure, instead of being eager for marriage and territory - those we can get in the land of Greece, why need you come to this? However, these brothers are now confused by their enjoyment. I forgot our fundamental purpose, this is too should not, isn't it? "

"You are right," Ye Wei agreed, "they have a reliable partner in them, it is indeed a blessing."

Seeing his opinion, Hercules exposed a happy expression.

"Mr. Ye is a wisdom, this is in these days, I have already learned, we all admire your wisdom, I believe you are not the kind of person who will shake because of the desire of the district, please ask if you can Go to those women's cities, before advakers someone who is controlled? I believe they will listen to your opinion. "

For the request of Hercules, Ye Wei is not willing to promise.

--how can that be? I still can't die in the pink plague, because this reason is ridiculous, but it should be a kind of happiness for the deceased.

Of course, such an idea Ye is not likely to say, so he finds a reason.

"In fact, I have long thought of this," said with sincerity tone, Ye Yu said, "But think about it, I can't do this with my identity. Although everyone respects my knowledge, but our relationship is not Ok, I can rely on this point for their decisions. If they take the initiative to seek suggestions, I will be willing to dedicate my wisdom, but if I let me take the initiative to persuade, especially for such things, then I am only The result is to be agaded by them. "

"I feel that you have a big hero who admire, and the relationship is also more intimate, you are the person who is suitable for persuade them."

In the case of the Kug, I also use a warning tone to Hercules: "Your black big break, let the uncle step into such places, let her contact the woman, go to you!"

Hercules thought for a moment and nodded.

"Sorry, I owe consideration, then I will stay in Algrant, let it suffer, I will be able to persuade them with Xulais."

If you don't have to dry, you will leave your own nourishment.

Looking at the back of him, Ye said sighed.

"What happened?" Asked in Atatera.

"Nothing." Ye Yu shook his head and put the idea in his heart.

Does he tell Atatela, he is not returning to the sigh Hercules? Sighing Little Ju Xulais is finally going to enter the world of adults?

Attana is strange in Ye Yu's abnormality, but did not ask.

One night, Hercules didn't come back.

This is also unfortunate, if there is no spell of Yund, maybe Hercules can advise the heroes in gentle and towns.

But now, a group of "zombies" can't use words to persuade.

Under accidental, even Hercules himself is also planted.

It seems that it is true now.

Just as the Ye Yu has some gloat, the Inspire and Atami have discovered anything wrong.

"Those guys, why don't you come back," The whole is waiting for the three days of the ink. "Is this what it means to settle here? I said that they are not reliable."

"It is indeed some superficial man." Atmosphere agreed.

"No, I have to go see, what happened in the city, how did you even have a stupid?" Impatient in the heart suddenly decided.

This decision made Ye Yu could not be shocked.

Chapter 0728 Chapter being opened by pit and Atami

In the case, I want to see it in the city.

The pink plague is not divided into me, although the igre is a mage, it hits the pink plague, and it is not like the Greek hero, but there is still a heart-effectiveness.

If this funny reason is pitted, Ye Wei decided to regret it for a lifetime.

"That ... still count," There is a ghost Yeting to the Inspire, "Let's wait, it is, it will come back when they come back."

"But I can't stand it," I am very irritated. "We have stayed here for six days, they are wasteing our time."

Suddenly, she doubtful to the Ye Yu: "What should you know? Otherwise, why not let me see."

This little girl is still very keen.

How can Ye Yan at this time recognition?

"What can I know?" Ye Yu put a look of inexplicably, "I just feel that everything is best to let it go, anyway, they are all adults should be able to control themselves ... If you must go see it Go, I don't stop you. "

I don't think about you, I am not afraid of any accident.

Seeing Ye Yu agreed to his request, although the Inspiration is still a certain suspicion, it is still a slightly, and it is always to look at Atami.

"How is the tower, want to go with me?"

"Don't call me Tower," because of the name of the Inspire, Atam is frowned, but it is still nod, "Okay, let's go together."

Such an answer makes the Ye Yu feel surprised.

When these two people have the relationship so good, the Inspire actively invited Atlantan, and Atami agreed.

In these two days, two people have not stopped each other, just like the real kitten and the little eagle generally Gege, but now he suddenly messed up.

Do you say that it is the relationship between "Damaged" between men?

Ye Yu didn't want to understand, but he used "ultimate hidden" hidden to follow the body and followed the city, all the way to the city of Leunos.

Then, they saw the pink scene as a bitter.

"What is Shishsh, these men," Just looked at it, and the inkiried her eyes, she was shameless, "How can I like this, actually in the street, but also There are so many people, too much! "

Atami is also turning his head.

The pink breath is filled in the city.

It seems to be aware that there is no infected person, and the man surrounded by women on the street suddenly struggled to open the four or five women around him, stand up, running towards the Inspire and Atam.

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