The God of All Worlds Begins with Harry Potter

Wanjie Law God starts Paper 525 from Harry Potter

Others can't compare with her.

Just six years in the basic teaching, Sisters, Sisters, and Zhang Qiu almost almost have been difficult.

Only by self-study, Dad Ros is relying on basic textbooks and the library to the students' open part. In these disciplines, they are soon to catch up with professors. This talent is really amazing.

Under her threat, not only Furong sisters and Zhang Qiu, even the other girlfriends of Yund Yan did not help but worked hard when they were studying - no one hopes to be difficult to be difficult to be in front of the students.

This also indirectly accelerates their improvement in the new magic.

However, even so, Ye Yu also decided to conduct a person to guide it after Daluros began to stay in school.

He is obvious, this girl is indeed a genius that can reach the legendary level, especially the talents of logic, human body and spiritual studies.

After learning that the girl is deeply interested in the unusual interest of the artificial, energy materialized life, Ye Yu even saw a familiar man's shadow on this girl.

That is the character from a very old dangue, name is also called Daren.

That duck name is "the thing of the sky".

In that downtown, Dalorus was honored as the greatest scientist in the heavens, invented powerful "universal angels".

As a human life, universal angel combines the characteristics of humans and machines, although it is a weapon, but there is a real soul, with your own feelings, all the universal angels have a flying wings and their eyes, which seems to be ordinary. The wings have an unimaginable function: some wings are like radar (eg Nimf), etc., the electronic war with universal Angel Nimf's wings seem to be like rainbow, strategic with universal angel Isalos's wings It is used to capture air defense; even every universal angel has its own ability.

Although the universal angels are just the size of the human size, there is a powerful power, and the weapons of "strategic universal angels" can even destroy a country.

Although these universal angels are a scientific product, there are also some almost magical capabilities, such as "cards" that can achieve any desire.

These "cards" are also inventions of Dad Ros.

All in all, Dad Ros in the "Treatment" is a quite a powerful scientist.

Nowaday, Ye Yu is watching a Blue-haired Dadoss, the more the inventor of "Tianzhi", according to the talent of Dad Ros, if specialist, it is indeed possible to achieve the "Tianzhi" The point of the inventor.

It's hard to do, she is really that Dadoss?

Still, the world is overlap?

Think carefully, because his butterfly effect, some strange plots are not impossible to the moon world.

After all, Dad Ros is all the names of the Greek myth, saying that Sinapp is from ancient Greece? After all, in the history of the month, the previous generation of Greek gods is a powerful mechanical life from the outside world. Although the greek gods of this generation be restarted to become local gods, who knows what they have been left? Darose discovered?

In this way, maybe the plot is round, maybe a parallel world has happened to happen.

The wonderful chaotic sea, he has not figured out now.

But if this is true, only the "universal angel" can create a "universal angel", perhaps, maybe it becomes the power assistant of the artificial life, and may even combine magic and scientific with him. Magic Science and Technology.

So thinking, Ye Yu immediately announced that Daluros received a student of his third pro-passession, will be taught in person.

The rest of the student is naturally quite envious about the situation of Dad Ros.

However, Dalurus's talent is there, although there is no talent in battle, but magic is not a discipline designed to fight.

Whether it is Daduros's annual assessment results, or she is more praised by professors when she is a professor assistant, she is not a person who can match the ordinary person.

And Daluross did not live up to the expectations of the Rong.

In all students, she is not only the first to break through the seven rings, but also become the assistant of Yudu studies the research of energy substances.

In the research of magic technology, how to combine the logical language and magic of science in science.

Although the magic is also studying logic, there is also a typical, and logical spell, but the magic is more ideal, more attention.

The logical language of the computer is not, such as a cat, naturally there is a concept of this species, but in the logical language of the computer, cats and dogs are just a organic life, or through a specific gene match To confirm the species, either discriminate from the appearance by adequate machine learning, even if so, the former is still too complicated, the latter will make mistakes, but in the concept of magic, the cat is a cat, No matter how to dress up, it is useless - this is the difference between magic and scientific logic.

In conducting energy studies, in order to make the created life can have rational thinking and computer rational thinking, Ye Yu specializes in the logical language and magic of the computer, and has prepared a special magic rune and Its corresponding programming principle.

Unfortunately, since this combined with science and magic work is just the grass creation, runes and logic are too complicated. Even if Pandora is not willing to learn, until now, only Daren Ros is willing to learn, and learn will.

Chapter 0673 is worried

Since the Mistra College is open on Coleis, the blink of an eye is decades.

Today's Mistra College has undoubtedly become a strong power in the Greek gods and hidden in the dark.

In decades, thousands of mages graduated from the college. Of course, there are more semi-hanging mages that have not been reached by graduation.

From the entire Greece, the Michtra College came to the system's magic education, then they left here, returning to their hometown, returning to the corners of Greek gods, and spreading the existence of magic throughout Greece.

These masters of the magic, some have become the Chongcai Qing in the palace, and some have become the hidden in the mountains. Some of the prophetic, for others, and some have a street artist with illusion. Some people For the heroes, with magic to meet their own adventure, more people fall into the dark, regard the magic as their own way to make money.

However, their existence allows the Mistra College's influence throughout the entire god dominery, no matter the black and white, whether the prince will still have a pawn, all people are more or less understanding of the existence of magic.

For this knowledge of the mortal, some people have a magical power, some people have nose, think that this is just a small trick, but some people are not sought after, but some people will become one of them.

Unfortunately, the mystery of magic will not open the door to everyone.

Magic is an extremely talented skill. Before the fuma, the energetic to make the biggest constraints of magic is intelligent, and each year, Mrstra College will recruit a group of students throughout Greece, all the talented people Either joined the college or refused the invitation, others, and learn not to learn.

In addition, according to the rules of the college, unless it is the skill of the invent, it will teach the magic to others privately.

There are also ambiguous generations trying to find the Mistra College, capture there, let all the Master use it.

However, without saying that they did not play the mage in the college. Before they were there, they did not even find the right of the college.

In order to hide under the eyelids of the gods, try to delay the time to pay attention to the gods, and Ye Yu has made many measures.

First of all, he uses the magic in the vicinity of Coleis Island, "dispeller" spells, the average person occasionally, even if the boat is occasionally going through the sea area near Coleis Island, because of this The reason is around here: or turn more about a rudder, or paste the wrong direction ...

In addition, Coleis is also surrounded by the fog from the role of magic, and once the vessel is mistaken into the big mist, it will seem to enter the maze. No matter how it turn, the final end will also be from another. The direction leaves here without going into the islands.

In addition, Coleless is also an unmatched spell. It is not possible to appear on a map, all people trying to do so will forget that there is such an island.

For the college itself and nearby forests, Yetuan placed it in a half-plane, the position of this semi-position and the spirit of Coleis, so that the power of the spirits can fully nurture this half. But in fact, the half-bit face is just a phase with the combination of the space, there is no special method, even if the school is in the space, it will not be able to find the trail of the college because it is unable to enter the half-bit face.

Finally, every mage from the college signed a confidential contract unless the gods personally shot, otherwise no one can get the secret of the college from them.

Through this weight-also a heavy confidential means, the Mrstra College is perfectly hidden.

Of course, the so-called perfection is just relatively.

Based on the internal intelligence from Afdi and Altamester, the gods have noticed the existence of magic.

However, for high gods, humans are just the presence of their play, they don't need human beliefs, nor does it require human wealth, and the so-called beliefs, dedication and shelter are just from Gaia's instructions and their Some of the responsibility for the presence of similarity like their appearance.

Therefore, even if humans have mastered the power of magic, they also think that there is nothing big. In addition, in addition to the Mistra College, most of the magistrates of the outside world is not high, and the low-key and cautious of Master habits make Most Masters to hide themselves. If you don't frequently show the mystery of the magic of the people - too high-profile, people who are more and more thanks are not well magic.

However, Yeting still maintains a certain concern.

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