The God of All Worlds Begins with Harry Potter

Wanjie Law God starts Chapter 250 from Harry Potter

After the breakfast ended, a group came to the eighth floor, and entered a must-seek house.

All the way, Hermione and Zhang Qiu still appear to Ye Yu, and the dialogue between the two is more intimate than the past.

Ye Yu saw such a situation and couldn't help but sigh.

For men, there are four big iron: I have passed the gun together, together with the window, and have been dirty together, and a female ticket is over the women.

Perhaps, Hermione and Zhang Qiu have also become such a hardcore last night.

As for this belonging to the gun, it is still a female ticket to the women's Chang, or I have been smashed together, this is not known.

All in all, they seem to have reached a novelty of girlfriends.

After entering a must-seek house, Hermione and Zhang Qiu seem to start searching immediately.

But Ye Yu raised his hand and stopped them.

"I heard you mentioned yesterday that I can find the soul of the soul faster after organizing this big garbage market. After that, I have a good idea, and I have done the experiment overnight. Now let me try it first. No use. "

However, the Yetuan has finished, Hermione and Zhang Qiu cast a glimpse of him.

"Mid night?"


"Are you serious?"

One person is one sentence, saying that Ye Yu smiles.

"I am of course serious ... You will not think I am talking about it?"

"Who knows if you are looking for an excuse?" Zhang Qiu turned a cute white eye to him.

"Just," Hermimin followed the Tucao, "Who knows what you are playing with bad ideas, and imagine that we deceive us last night."

Ye Yu has wanted to explain that Lua said quietly.

"Remaining you this evening last night?"

"No ... Nothing."

"Children ... don't ask these."

In the face of Lua's question, Hermione and Zhang Qiu's small face brush red, speaking also supported myself.

"But, you don't have a big year than me?" Lua smashed the head, strangely said.

This words have been out, Hermione and Zhang Qiuqi are stiff.

For a long time, Zhang Qiu took a reason.

"That ... that ... judges that a person is not an adult, not just to see the age, but also to see what he did."

"Yes, yes!" Hermione also attached, "only did it ... specific things can be called adults."

"Yes?" Lua nodded, then he looked at them again, "So, what can you be called adult? I want to become an adult now."

This question is directly, if you don't contact the context, you can listen directly, I have to scate the little girl here.

The two people looked at each other, and finally, Hermioni chose to answer.

"This thing ... is it can't do alone, you must be with your favorite boy to become an adult."

In their eyes, fascinating Luna is like a little sister who is not sensible, so they use the toddings of the child.

After Luca, I thought about it, I suddenly turned to Yund Yan, I went to him, grabbed his hand.

"Refreshing, come with me to become an adult."


"Cough ..."

Lua's words are really amazing. The original hands are holding the chest. Ye Yu, who is watching the play, is suddenly attacked by her, can't help but come.

And Zhang Qiu is almost laughing.

Hermione realized that his words made Lua caused misunderstanding, immediately stepped forward, pulling her from Ye Wei.

"You don't want to find someone like this!" She said loudly, "It must be two people like each other."

Lua was pulled by her, and looked at Hermione and looked at Ye Yan and suddenly asked.

"Remaining, do you like me?"

Ye Wei was stunned by her words.

- This child, what is the problem?

- When Hermione and Zhang Qiu, how do I answer me?

However, after a little thoughts, Ye Yu is still a positive answer.

"Lua's words, it is indeed a lovely girl, I like it very much."

Although I talked to Hermione and Zhang Qiu, but Ye Yu said his true idea.

Also, in the relationship between several girls, Ye Yu is in the dominant position.

Although he always started its Raiders, it is different from normal pursuit. His strategy is to brush the feeling, increase its attraction, and then gradually pull the relationship.

After the girls' good feelings, Ye Yu will not take the initiative, but let them take the initiative.

Since Ye Yu's ability and strength makes him always in the same level, even proud, like Hermione, often feeling his shortcomings in Ye Rong, in which case these are subject to others Girls who are goddess are very willing to take the initiative.

Ye Wei knew a truth in the last generation: I'm going to be in a disturbance, and I have been in love.

Although there is something like this, he has always been there in this world.

Perhaps this is also the reason why he has always been single.

And this is why, even in this case, he can also say what it will be like a steel straight man.

After all, he has no fear him, and will not worry about Hermione and Zhang Qiuzhen will flush.

And the actual situation is really like he imagined.

When he heard him, Hermione and Zhang Qiuqi were cheerful to him.

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