The God of All Worlds Begins with Harry Potter

Wanjie Law God begins in Chapter 190 from Harry Potter

"Svreus, you can't pretend that all this is not happening!" Kakarov's voice listened to it and hoarse, it seems to be afraid of being heard, "a few months, it has become more and more obvious. I am very worried now, I can't deny - "

"That run," Snape's voice said impatiently, "Escape it - I will open it for you. But I want to stay in Hogwarts -"

Snape and Kakarov turns a bend. The wand is held in the hands of the hand, and the roses are bombarded on both sides. His boss face, the expression is ugly. Many flowers came out of the screams, and several black figures came out from the inside.

"Ravenk slanting is very, Fuxi!" Snee custody said that a girl ran from him, "Hece Pache also built very, Stabbins!" Another boys chased The girl went.

Snee Kakarov did not speak again, soon, their footsteps are gradually far away.

"They ... what do they mean by them?" Hermione breathed, while looked at Ye Yu asked.

"Please," Master "Master", you can't ask for it to ask these questions again? "Ye Yu smiled and pinched the softness of the girl, and immediately took it right away.

"Please, you will tell me, people really want to know." Hermin suddenly squatted on the chest of Yund, and the brown scorpion looked at the eyes of Yund.

Although there is basically no such thing in the past, Hermami San is really cute, but Ye Yu always feels weird, feeling with her people do not match - Is it true that the girl has a spouse? Tips?

However, he is not Hermione, Ye Yu is still explained for her.

He mentioned the identity of Kakarov and Sneps originally eaten, and after this year's Queci World Cup finals came.

Hermione immediately understood it.

"You are said that the deadies have felt, their owners, Fu ..."

Haven't finished it, the girl was covered.

"Don't say that name." Ye Yu said something annoyed, "You don't look at our current state."

The name of the volt demon was given a curse. As long as someone read this name, Vulid Magic can perceive the position and state of that person, although the Yeting does not fear the magic demon, he will often read this name, but He also doesn't want to be inexpensive by ugly eight no nose.

Then, he recognized Hermione's guess and reminded: "Two games under the three strongest competitions, you have to be careful, I always feel that there is anything in the three strongest hegemony, this is why I am Will personally act as a referee. "

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he hit the needle for Hermione.

Chapter 0264 enters Black Lake

In the blink of an eye, the time is in February, and the second project of the three hegemony competition will begin.

In the morning of the game, Zhang Qiu was called by Dumbledor. There were three other people with her, and Ye said, they would be as a hostage, hidden in the lake of the black lake.

To put it, Zhang Qiu is a hostage of the alternative, although she is indeed Hermione's good friend, but recently, the relationship between the two girls is not very good, because Hermione Suddenly began to become a sticky person, Pak is not allowed to be together with Ye Ji for one day, even if the library is not willing to stay, for this, two girls have more conflicts.

After eating breakfast, the little wizards walked to the lake to watch the second project along the river bank.

On the lake on the lake, the audience is already a seat, and the reflection is reflected in the following lake. The referee and players sit next to the table with a golden yellow tablecloth. Hermione, Furong and Krum are standing next to the referee, they have waited for a while, and Harry Potter runs.

"I am ... I am here ..." Harry did not take a breath, slipped in the mud, stopped, accidentally splashing the hibiscus robe.

"Where did you go?" A lot of voice is dissatisfied, "the competition will start now!"

Harry turned his head. Percy Wesley sits next to the referee table - Mr. Clacko has not come.

"Okay, okay, Pelti!" Luo Bagman said. He saw Harry, it seems that a stone in his heart fell, "let him breathe!"

Dumbledamo Harry smiled, but Kakarov and Maxim had seen him very unhappy ... From the expression on their face, they obviously thought he would not show it.

Ludo Baghman came to the middle of the warriors and told them to be on the shore, each ten feet per person. The front is to wear hibiscus and Hermione in the coated swimwear. Yeting did not forget to apply a observation of their swimsuits, and Harry rossed in the last, next to Krum. Krum wears swimming pants, have taken out the wand and prepare it.

"How, Harry?" Baghman took Harry and went a few steps forward, avoiding Krum, asked Xiao, "Do you know what you want?"

"Know." Harry said, while massaging the ribs.

Baghhman smashed Harry's shoulders and returned to the referee table. He pointed his throat with a wand, just like in the World Cup, said: "The sound is loud!" So his voice is like thunder, brushing the dark black lake to the stand.

"Everyone is good, our Warriors have already all. I whistle, the second project begins. They have a whole hour, and they have taken the things that they are robbed in their hands. I have to three. One ... two ……three!"

The sharp whistle responds in cold and stationary air. A burst and applause broke out on the stage.

Hermione walked first to the lake, jumping up a perfect arc, jumping directly into the water - for this, she practiced for a few days.

Furong and Krum first used the wand to give them a magic, hibiscus used a spent curse, this spell can form a bubble around her head, the bubble can be isolated on the lake, which is free to breathe.

Krum turned himself into a shark, in fact, his background was not happy, so only a head, but the most critical mouth and the mulk of the sterility have completed the deformation.

Harry didn't wait for other warriors, and he even didn't even have a swimming equipment. He took off his shoes in three or two times, then took out the pockets from the pocket, put into the mouth, and the water went into the lake.

"Scorpio, our player Granger is first jumped into the lake," said the spirit of Bagman's god, "as the last game, she is useless, I still don't know that she is going to be What kind of method takes place in the water. "

"Miss Drakul. Mr. Krum, all the magic itself, the former used the gun head shaft. This is the most suitable for this game. The latter uses deformation to turn himself into sharks. It seems to be free to move in the water. "

"Mr. Potter seems to have a lot of mouth in the mouth, then we wore clothes to jump into the water, what did he eat? Oh, our referee Ye said, he ate a plant called a chili grass. It is said that the people who have eaten this plant will live in the fish, and they will be able to move on the hands and feet. This allows them to move in the water. "

"The thief of the evil!" On the tipgs, Snape was a thunder, "I finally knew who was sneaking into my storage room."

The next is Ye Yu, he is responsible for the safety of the players, so it also needs to enter the water.

However, he just took off his coat and did not prepare any magic. Now he has been able to suffocate in the water. It is not a matter of one hour of the district.

However, when he took off his clothes, the audience came a burst of girl's screams and whistle, no way, Hogwo girl didn't have the opportunity to see his naked, now Ye Yu finally Take off our coat, that perfect muscles are amazing.

"Wow, Mr. Ye, Ye, is really robust," Baghhman said loudly, "The teacher said that I have never seen such a good figure. I want to be my ..."

Said, he recalled his experience as a hitter in the year. He did not self-blown from this period.

At this time, Ye Yu has already shed in the water, and the idle scene is in the middle of the singular scenery, and the ear is silent.

The water of the black lake is not clear. He can only see the scenes of the square ten feet. He is in the water, there is a new scenery from the front of the darkness: fluctuating, tangled black water grass The jungle made of sparkling sparkles with sparkling small stones.

He is more and more, the deeper, move toward the center of the lake. His eyes woked bigger, wearing a gray, dramatic lake, looking at the black shadow in the distance, where the lake is dark.

This look doesn't find the warrior at all, so he closes his eyes slightly. When his eyes are open again, it appears. It is no longer the dark eyes, but a pair of golden pupils, this is the golden flame, as if there is a golden flame in it ...

This is not a human eye, but the end of the dragon.

The scene in front of me is clearly clear, even in the dark turbid lake, today, he has also been able to see a scene other than hundreds of meters.

Now, it is time to see what the warriors are doing.

Chapter 0265 Fish

Black Lake is too big, even if it enhances vision, Ye Yu has not discovered four warriors' traces. He has some regrets why not do a magic mark on every Warrior before you are in water.

However, suddenly, he heard a fine song in the water.

Ye Yu sat down, it seems to be a female chorus, so he swimped in the direction of the voice.

After going forward for tens of meters, he has been able to listen to the clear sake, Ye Yu recognizes that it is a chorus of the people, because Ye Yu specially learns mephony.

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