The God of All Worlds Begins with Harry Potter

Wanjie Law God starts from Harry Potter, Chapter 114

Above a hills in the sea, sitting on this wedding banquet - sitting in the wedding man, Zhuo Geka (tribal leader, DozLo), he is leading The largest Karaka (Nham Duo Durack) tribe in Dorslak, the nomadic, and there are more than 40,000 soldiers under the hand.

He has the bronze skin, black eyes and hair, is a tall and beautiful man. Zhuo Ge had a long beard, but also compiled his hair into long, the length can make the braids have been going to his thigh, and the braids have a small bell. His hair has never been cut once, representing Zhuo Ge in the battle never lost.

Zhuo's side is sitting with a delicate and beautiful girl, she has silver gold hair and purple eyes, this is the standard Valerian look, the entire Vistlo and Esos no Several people are like her, because she is the front of Vistlo, the end of the Tangerilian Dynasty, the smallest daughter of the mad king Danieli Tangerian. Gui'an family is a nobility from Valeria, only they have such a feature.

The Valerian has long had a tradition of tame dragon. The nobles in them are called "Dragon King", but final Vaareria has been suffering from unprecedented endless robes, only Tanger Lan family fled to Vist. Luo, and ride a dragon conquer the here. In seven countries, Tangeri's family is called "Zhenlong Blood".

Today, Daniel is dressed in wedding dress, timid and helpless. His brother Verry Tangrian and Freedom City Pantos's Illina Motpatis's generals were prepared to marry her to Zhuo Gomio to exchange the Doslak's army attacked Vister. Luo, defeating the seven countries, let Weesilis on the throne and re-restore the rule of the Tangean Dynasty.

However, Daniel is not like this at all, she feels fear of Zhuo Ge, and I don't want to marry this "barbarian" at all, but she finally agreed to this. Claim.

Weeris sat in her, wearing a new black wool sweater, embroidered a scarlet dragon in the chest. The new servant of Illia and Verry is sitting from Jazz.

However, in this sea, it is only a longevity, but Daniel is only a lonaled loneliness. My brother wants her to smile, so she works to keep a smile until the face is muscular and sore, and tears will not live down. She tried to hide tears, because she is too clear if Teaching Wameris will have more angry, she is more afraid of Zhuo Geka's reaction.

She can only wear a wedding dress, a glass of honey, not easy to eat, quietly speak quietly.

"I am a true dragon," she told myself, "I am a storm, the princess of Dan Nili, Longshi Island, the blood flowing in the" Conqueror 'I]

The sun just moved in the sky, the violent factors and strange values ​​in the blood of the Doceracks began to play: the soldiers began to enter the circles of the dancers, and they use their hands to dancers' arms, press Falling on the ground, on the spot, just like a bus and the mare.

Sometimes two men have grasped the same woman, blinking, and two Yazk shards have been scattered.

This is a weapon of half sword semi-sickle, the blade is very long, like a razor.

The two soldiers immediately launched a sword dance, wrap around the circle, killing each other, flying, the blade flowed, shouting. No one shot intervention.

According to the Dosolan's words, "Any Doslak wedding, if there is no at least three people, even if there is a failure."

There are more and more in battle and death, and the banquet has gradually reached a climax, but the fear in Dani's heart is not reduced. In the end, she can do it, just try to control himself, do not make a scream.

She is afraid that these acts are monster, like a Doslack, which is like a piercier beast; I am afraid that I can't reach my brother's expectations, I will do anything about myself; but I taught her scared, or the night, my brother Handed her to drink at the moment, drinking, there is no expression, brutally like a weird giant wearing a bronze mask, he will do things in the stars.

"I am a true dragon." She said it again.

Finally, the sunset gradually western fall, Zhuo Goma's shot, all drums, screaming and drinking banquet, suddenly stopped. Zhuo Ge got up, then Fu Danni got up. The ceremony of the gift of the bride is started.

But she is very clear, when the gift ceremony is over, after the sun goes down the mountain, she is really married. Dani tried to throw this idea, but it is unreasonable, can only be tightened, and try not to tremble.

Brother Wo Sriz sent her three maids - Danny knew that he didn't spend half a text at all, it must be the pocket of Illinae, and Eli and Ji Qi are playing apricot, brunette brown Dors. Rock, Dolia is a blonde blue-eyed Lis girl.

"Good sister, these are not ordinary slaves," they were brought to her before, my brother told her, "all I have chosen for you and Ili Europe. Is Ali will teach you to ride, Ji Ki will teach Your Doslack, Dolia will teach you to bed. "

He smiled shallow, "she is an expert in this area, I can guarantee it with Iri Europe."

The Governor of Illina, whispering, four thick slaves immediately carried a bronze decorated cedar box fast forward.

After opening, she found that the most popular velvet and damask produced by Free Trade City State ... I still lying three huge eggs.

Dani almost gasped. This is the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. The three eggs appear different, and the colorful richness on it makes it think that the surface is facing jewelry, and she can use two hands to hold one. She carefully took the wing, I thought this was the upper ceramics, the glaze or glass made, but I can't think of much more than that, as if it is hard stone.

The surface of the egg shell covers the fine scales, and they turn to her fingers, reflecting the sunset gain, emitting the gloss like a metal. One of them is dark green. With the angle of Danyi, it exposes all kinds of bronze spots; the other is a light milk white, has gold stripes; the last one is black, like midnight, but there is an angry dark red Waves and vortex.

"What is this?" She asked Xiao, and the mouth was surprised.

"This is a dragon egg from Siamese East Shadow." The Governor of Illina said, "After millions of years, it is still moving."

"I will always collect them."

The ceremony of the gift is still continuing, suddenly, a strange style is coming, blowing a crowd a chaos, the banner is hunting in the wind, the bonfire and the fire are also extinguished with the strange wind.

The wind is getting bigger and bigger, and the sound of wings is constantly coming, Zhuo Teo has seen the largest flying eagle on the sea of ​​Doslak, but there is no big noise when they wavles.

A huge shadow roses all the top of the person.

The noise shouts disappeared, and everyone's eyes turned to the sky. A majestic and elegant figure appears in front of them.

The air is like glue, and a fear is full of people's soul.

Even the most powerful Zhuokaio is no exception, he and his wax fault is stiff at the spot.

"Dragon ... is a dragon!"

I don't know who it is, I sent a horrible shout in this weird quiet.

All of them, flew over a real dragon, huge body covers the sun. Its scales are like a diamond, and the wings are launched from the tip to the root.

"After more than a hundred years, the real dragon has once again?" In the crowd, some people screamed loudly, it was Weedes.

"Look, this is the fate," he shouted in the surrounding people. "When I am about the Junlin Visto, even the dragon who disappeared for a hundred years will once again, and loyal to me. I am missing. It is the king of the seven countries. "

Not just Yiliio and Joela, even Zhuo Ge looks at his eyes.

Before this, no one slammed him, Zhuo Geka believes that he loves the limelight and the emperor, and the I-Riuri has always regarded him as a political chip, the dragon's appearance makes everyone changed their views, they have to Reconvestment: Is the Tambidian family return home?

However, fate did not care about him.

The Dragon opened a big mouth, issued an amazing dragon sound, then the burning flames swallowed Vietris, and swallowed all the people around him: Governor Ili Europe, Zhuo Geka, Cardo's Blood League, Daniel, even even three dragon eggs were swallowed by endless flames.

Under all the Dobrack's public opinion, their Caao and all the leaders were buried in the fire sea.

Chapter 0161 meets for the first time, Danieli

Burning all Dragonfia, manufacturing huge disasters throughout Karaza's most central.

The fire sea is like a roaring giant behem, covered with weak screams, spit out long fire tongue, and squats the night sky. The smoke is more and more dense, and the Doslack is coughing, and the back is back. The orange giant flame drums the strong wind of the purgatory, blows the nearby banner, the shining embers rises from the smoke curtain, fluttering the boundless nights, imitating a number of hundreds of new firefly. The flame is high, waving huge and flaming wings, forcing the Doslack Festival.

The Doct Lilack, who is close to the fire, can even hear the taste of the human meat, which is no different from the breath of the grilled horse on the fire.

This largest Karaza, Docelak, has become unrespared between the blink of an eye, all the Cas (the small tribe under Karais) (the leader of Cas) and some other small Karaza, which came to visit. Odou went to Po Zhuo Ge, and then was taken along with Zhuo Ge.

However, these Docers have no differences, because the dragons are always hovering in their sky.

They in the tremendous pressure of Dragon Longwei, as well as the devastating dragon inflammation, all the battle is in the ground, the original brave and bloodthirsty nomad, now a small beast, I don't dare. Looking up standing straight to the horrible dragon, I can only sneak look at one or two eyes.

Occasionally, one or two Docers can't bear the pressure, screaming, wanting to escape, but will be chased one by one by Julong, then funen up in Dragonfia, become a coke-like body, let others make more people more Dare to act rash.

Soon, the center of the fire sea gradually disappeared, the original grass has become the coke of black smoke, and the most powerful Zhuo Koka, which has been strong, Caio, and Doslak sea has become a A frucial body, the jewelery they once worn, the weapon in his hand, now also constitutes a red iron water.

Looking at this peeled scene, the Joela is an exclamation.

Since his identity is only Way Sri's servant, at the gift ceremony, he is not allowed to close to Zhuokkaio, but a little far away from the three new maids of Danieli after giving gifts. This allows them to be hard.

His new master, he only gave a day of Weisris, and he became part of this purgatory. Qiao La can recognize, one of them has a thin body is Weiseris Tangerian, because all of the scenes The Ski people are strong, even if Irili Governor is also a big fat.

"It's all deceived," he muttered in pain, "What 'Zhenlong Blood", what' blood fire homology ', is a lie ... "

Qiaola originally a Lord of the Morse family and the Duke of Xiong Island. In order to give all the money to the second wife's luxury, it becomes a debt. In order to pay attention to the debt, Qiaola violates the law of the seven kings, selling the poem to the Telosi people to do slaves, after the incident, the guardian of the Jun, the Seven Kingdoms China, and the Aid Starke The death penalty.

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