The Glory of the Godfather

Chapter 691: 2011 Winter Transfer ④

At the press conference after the game, the focus of the media was on Fang Jue, who led Aston Villa to tie Arsenal's 49 unbeaten record.

All kinds of praise and flattery, surrounded him without money.

This neglected Arsenal coach Wenger.

The professor's expression was calm, and he watched all of this with great restraint.

It was Fang Jue's thoughtful consideration. He shifted the topic to Arsenal and praised Arsenal's record of forty-nine unbeaten matches that year.

"I saw this news on TV news back then, and I was very surprised." Fang Jue said with a smile, "I thought at the time, it's amazing."

After complimenting Arsenal in the past, Fang Jue began to praise Arsenal today. He praised Arsenal for their excellent performance today. If it were not for time, Arsenal might tie the score.

Although some reporters pouted, even if Arsenal equalized and Aston Villa's three-pointer turned into one point, it would still tie Arsenal's unbeaten record of 49 games.

However, in any case, Wenger, who lost the ball, performed very well, and Fang Jue, who won and tied the record, was also very polite.

At the end of the press conference, Fang Jue and Wenger shook hands and embraced.

It looks harmonious.

As for what the two parties thought in their hearts, there is no way to know.

After the press conference, the Aston Villa team left the stadium and returned to their hotel to rest.

The media got the news that Aston Villa Club has prepared an internal dinner at the hotel where they are staying to celebrate the team's tie-in with Arsenal's record.

Emirates Stadium.

The Arsenal fans have already retired, and the players have also left by bus.

Only the staff are checking the maintenance of the turf, and the cleaners are cleaning the **** on the stands.

Wenger put his hands in his trouser pockets, did not speak, and walked on the sidelines alone.

He bent down and touched the turf of the court.

"The turf is very good, and the stadium is very beautiful." A voice rang from behind Wenger, "However, we are still more used to and miss Highbury."

The professor turned his head to look, and was stunned. He clapped his hands and patted off the grass clippings, "You are here."

Wilton, a photographer on the official website of the Arsenal Club, pressed the shutter, clicked, and took a picture.

At the empty Emirates Stadium, 61-year-old Wenger stood there with deep wrinkles. In front of him were 41-year-old Bergkamp, ​​37-year-old Pires, and 41-year-old Lay. Man, at the far end, 33-year-old Henry is walking slowly with two people.

In the empty stands, a banner slogan faintly shows Arsenal, it cannot continue like this


In the newspaper published the next day, almost all the headlines belonged to the undefeated Aston Villa in 49 league games.

Diego Costa and head coach Wenger, who scored four dollars.

The photos of these two people are the most frequently used photos on the front page.

Although only tying Arsenal's record, Fang Jue and his team are enough to impress and admire everyone in today's Premier League.

It can't be overstated.

Fang Jue gave the whole team a half-day holiday.

There are fewer first-team players in the training base and it's obviously much quieter.

Fang Jue does not have a holiday, the players can have a holiday and the coach has no rest.

"Has Liverpool replied?" Fang Jue asked.

Just after yesterday’s game, Aston Villa issued an ultimatum to Liverpool.

Costa's transfer fee is 50 million pounds, a penny is not less.

Liverpool gave a painful sentence, if they are willing to spend the money, they will complete the transfer; without this courage, the transfer negotiations will end.

Aston Villa asked Liverpool to give an answer within 24 hours.


"What do you think of Vera's information?" Liverpool boss Henry asked.

Even for a large-scale negotiation of 50 million pounds, the big American boss did not come in person. He participated in the meeting through video call.

"The news we got is that Costa scored four goals in yesterday's game, which made Fang Jue regret it. He hesitated and didn't want to sell Costa." said the club sports director Comoli.

"It's possible." said Michael Edwards, the club's director of technical analysis. "We have also received news that Costa's agent, Mendes, has become less enthusiastic about the transfer. It is said that it is Mendes' daughter. Come out and communicate to help Fang Jue persuade Mendes not to continue to promote the transfer."

"It's the Marina Mendes who has a good relationship with Fang Jue's wife. He is Mendes' daughter." Gordon said to the big boss Henry.

"What about the coach, what's your opinion?" Henry asked Dalglish.

The old man was silent all the time. He was turning the pen silently. The pen-turning technique was terrible. After making two laps, he fell.

"My opinion has always been clear." Dalglish said loudly, "I want Costa."

"Mr. Dalglish, we communicated before, and you agree that Carol is an alternative." Comoli said.

"Yes, I admit that I agreed to consider Carol, and that guy is indeed good." Dalglish said irritably, "but Costa has the highest priority."

"What did Newcastle say?" Gordon asked.

"The scumbag of Ashley offered 35 million pounds and refused to accept the price reduction." Edwards said, "Although the Vera people greedily set a price of 50 million pounds for Costa, the conclusion of my analysis is that Costa More reliable."

"Gordon stays, the others can leave." Henry said in the video window.

After the others left, Gordon closed the door.

"It's very obvious. Now they all know that we bought Torres for £50 million, so they all offered high prices and they were unwilling to lower the price."

At this time, Edwards, the head of technical analysis who had just left, quietly opened the door. Compared with the General Administration of Sports Comoli, this young man was more trusted by the big American boss.

"Moreover, a very important point, whether it is Costa or Carol, Aston Villa and Newcastle have no reason to sell." Edwards said, "Even if Costa offered the transfer invitation, but, The news we got was that his relationship with Fang Jue was not affected. As long as Fang Jue actively persuades him, Costa may withdraw his decision to transfer and leave."

"So, this means that we have to spend money to get players, and both Aston Villa and Newcastle understand this."

"Michael, what's your opinion?" Henry asked.

"I choose Costa. This player is in very good condition now, and he is the top scorer in the Premier League." Edwards said, "This is Costa's second Premier League season. He has adapted to the Premier League. Mr. Coach has a saying that I am very Agree, in terms of tactical status, Costa is more useful than Torres in the current competitive state."

"As for the price of 50 million pounds, it is indeed high." Edwards said, "However, this is the best choice under the current situation. It is difficult to find more suitable players for a winter transfer."

Both of them have finished talking, now it's up to the big boss Henry to make the decision.

"Ravenous British guys, they are all staring at my money." Henry scolded very uncomfortably.

"Ashley is British, Fang Jue is Chinese." Gordon reminded.

"They are all guys who are staring at my purse." Henry had a temper. After a while, he finally said, "Without considering the money factor, Costa changes Torres, do you think it is worth it?"

"It's hard to tell." This is Gordon. "But Costa is really good."

"Worth it!" This is Edwards, his position has always been firm.

"Notify Dalglish that his request has been met." Henry thought for a few more minutes, and finally made a decision, "I hope our 50 million pounds can show value."


That evening.

Vera training base.

The players have left the training base after finishing the afternoon training.

The lights in the meeting room of the office building are still on.

Including the head coach and owner Fang Jue, club chairman Rebeto, club vice chairman Evelyn Papakarina, club chief executive Bob Clark, club general manager Byron, club technical director John Pitts, etc. .

Clark's cell phone rang.

After a simple call, Clark hung up and said happily, "The Liverpool people agreed, and the fax of the £50 million offer has been sent."

The Vera executives in the conference room cheered. Except for Rebeto, the servant winked at Fang Jue and moved his lips to the capitalist.

Fang Jue ignored this guy.

"Next I announce." Miss Papa knocked on the table, "Three things."

"Strive to expedite the completion of Costa's transfer process, this is left to Mr. Clark."

"Negotiations with Ajax on the transfer of Uruguayans should also be accelerated. This is handed over to Mr. Byron, and Mr. Pietels is also involved in the negotiations.

"One last thing." Papa turned to look at his husband.

"Leave it to me." Fang Jue smiled, "everything is ready, I have been waiting for the Liverpool people to make money."


After the meeting.

Miss Papa made Fang Jue a cup of Rebeto knocked on the table, "Papa, mine."

"Don't pay attention to this guy." Fang Jue said angrily.

Miss Papa was used to the bickering between the two people. She also made Rebeto a cup of coffee.

"Don't call yet?" Rebeto said to Fang Jue.

"It's up to you if I can't call."

"Ha, I knew you were making this idea a long time ago." Reberto had an expression that had seen everything through. "Last summer, the Real Madrid wanted to dig the Croatian, and Fatty Li was considering agreeing to the offer. But, if you say that it is not suitable to go to the rich, the Croatian will listen to you and choose to stay in Ibiza."

"Fatty Li can see it too. At that time, he complained that you were the most insidious one."

"I understand this as a slander of jealousy." Fang Jue lifted his legs, picked up the phone and dialed a number, "Luca, it's me."

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