Because he knows that many people are very easy to lose themselves on the road of infinite pursuit of power, and eventually they either become murderous or become all kinds of arrogant lunatics and finally fall when they are at their most brilliant.Modi doesn't want to be like that, and he watched too many novels, movies, and TV in his previous life.

So keep your own xinxing, don’t think too highly of yourself and don’t look down on others too much, don’t think of ordinary people as ants because you have unmatched power, and try your best to treat yourself as an ordinary person in many things.

This is Modi's mentality and mentality that he thinks that he should keep going in the future.

However, he maintained this mentality in order not to lose his mind, but Tohka and the others could not maintain such a mentality.As long as he lives, he will protect them for a day, so as long as they are cute as always, Modi will take care of everything else.

So Modi just smiled and didn't educate Tohka like an old pedant.

The three of them were busy for a while while Tohka was yelling and shouting. Meiyi suddenly came to take pictures with her camera. Modi turned his head and saw the camera, wiped a sweat that didn't exist and said. "If you take such a close-up shot, your face looks big."

Meiyi smiled shyly and saw Modi's movement of wiping his sweat. Although his face was still clean and sweat-free, she still subconsciously took out the handkerchief.I just saw that Modi was busy and didn't mean to pick up her handkerchief. He hesitated for a while, and from the corner of his eyes, he paid attention to Origami and Tohka, then picked up the handkerchief and wiped it gently on Modi's face.

With Modi's physical fitness, how could he sweat? What's more, it's getting colder and colder from October to November. In such weather, Modi's face actually has no sweat at all.Therefore, Meiyi's act of taking out a handkerchief to wipe Modi's sweat has no practical significance, but no practical significance does not mean that there is no potential significance.

Her action of wiping the sweat of Modi immediately attracted the attention of Tohka and Origami who were raising the bar, and also attracted the attention of Ai, Mai and Shiori not far away, and made Modi pause for a while... …The atmosphere suddenly quieted down, only the cool wind blowing through the mountains and forests made a sound of "swoosh" passing through the forests and mountains.

"I...I, I have nothing else, just wipe the sweat for Modi-kun." Facing Tohka and Origami's burning eyes, Meiyi, who had just been brave, became timid and said weakly.

Modi didn't want the little beauty to be ugly, so he smiled and said softly, "Thank you. Meiyi."

Origami squinted slightly, knowing that the girl had fallen into the trap again.But she doesn't care how many girls like Modi, she likes Modi anyway, and Modi likes her too.All kinds of quarrels with Tohka used to be because Tohka was an elf and she didn't like her identity, but now it's because this kind of harassment has long since become a habit.

In the original book, Origami has always only fought with Tohka. When encountering other elves, they are shouting and killing or expressionless, that is, they will be noisy every time they meet Tohka, which is good in a sense. sister...

Shiori, Mai, Ai, and the others looked at each with some wonderful expressions. Shiori was a little understanding and helpless, but Ai and Mai were a little envious and encouraging.Maybe if they were braver, they would have done the same thing as Mii.

Only Tohka felt that it didn't matter, and she was always disliked and beaten by Origami when she set up the tent. Now that she saw Meiyi wipe the sweat off Modi, she deliberately took a few breaths, "I'm so tired! It's so hot! No way, I'm going to take a break and take a few breaths~ Oops, I also need to drink some water~" After saying that, he turned his head regardless of Origami's blow, then picked up the drink and drank it himself, while talking, he simply sat on the side and ate something.

Anyway, I don't know how to set up a tent, so I'm not lazy, I just didn't go to help!

Chapter 212 Half-day and one-night tour by the hot spring

After about an hour of work, the eight tents were completed. In fact, only the first tent took the longest time, and the later ones were much faster.

Why eight?

Modi must have three girls with him, and there must be three "three clothes" three girls and three girls. Modi himself counts one, and the remaining one is to arrange for other students But it is said that Teacher Xiaozhu, who will come to the tent here at night, will prepare it, so there are eight tents in total.

The quality of this tent is not bad. It costs [-] yen to rent a tent a night. Even in Japan, a country with slightly higher consumption, it is a bit expensive.

However, there is only one store on the top of the mountain, which belongs to the seller's market.So even if it is a little more expensive, it is excusable, not to mention Modi and the others are not people without money.Being able to relax on vacation is more important than anything to keep the girls happy.

After setting up the tent and digging the drainage ditch, Origami suddenly asked a very realistic question, "It's very convenient for boys, just find a place with your back to it, how about us?"

Of course, Origami is talking about going to the toilet. Although Origami is often straightforward, she is also a girl after all, and girls pay great attention to safety and psychological acceptance in this regard.

"Look for a small bush." ​​Tohka suggested very unreliably: "It's like this in the book."

The book is like this, and then the male protagonist listens to the gurgling sound of the stream from the back of the small tree, and the female protagonist blushes from the back of the small tree, and psychologically establishes a sense of intimacy with the male protagonist.

I don't know what novel she is reading, but Modi has seen some romance novels in her bedroom in Wuhe's house.

Ignoring Tohka's unreliable words, and looking at the embarrassed faces of several girls, Modi suggested: "I thought about it, let's dig a rectangular hole, and use the surrounding Fill it with soil, so that when we leave, we can also fill the hole, and there is no smell, and it will not affect the environment.”

Modi's suggestion is very good, considering that several girls have drank a lot of water, and after a morning, with their daily frequency, it is time to solve the problem.

Even an elves as powerful as Tohka cannot get rid of this kind of physical and physical matter for the time being.In fact, most of the elves in this world have the same body structure as human girls, and have a monthly menstrual period and various other female characteristics.The only difference between them and human girls is the huge and terrifying magic power in their bodies and various attributes similar to the laws of heaven and earth.

Therefore, they also have to eat and sleep, and they will also lose their temper when the aunt comes, and of course they will need to pee.

Modi knew that they must be embarrassed, so he had to pretend to pick up the shovel and dig a hole in the middle of the bushes not far away. Many cobblestones, dug deeper is relatively soft soil.

The shovel was also rented from that store. It seemed to be a military product. The quality was very good. Modi kept one next to him to facilitate the burial of excrement.

But... Modi looked at this shovel for a while, the quality is really good, it is very consistent with the reputation of military products.But what Modi is a little strange is why there is such a level of military products in a small store on the top of the mountain in a scenic area, and it looks very new and there are many more in the store.

In fact, apart from the shovel, Modi has already discovered a lot of such doubts.

For example, the store seemed to have been built there more than ten years ago for some time, but Modi saw the newly dried wall paint in an inconspicuous corner of the wall.And how did so many goods in that store go up the mountain, because there is no good road for cars to go in Le Songshan class, and Modi doesn't think there is any good way to get so many goods up except for airlifting.

The problem is the shipping cost for air freight... In addition, this store sells things very cheap, even cheaper than those stores on the market.

So Modi has long felt that this store is very suspicious, but now the people in [Ratatosk] are not around Modi can't let them investigate, plus Modi is very confident in himself.Self-confidence has the ability to protect the girls and the people around him in any situation. As for those students who care about him as much as he does, he doesn't bother to care.

If something really happened at that time, he could save it or not, and he wouldn't feel ashamed or anything like that.

It's too far. After Modi dug it up, the girls who had endured it for a long time used it, and then gathered together to discuss the evening meal.

The food is actually already prepared, with fresh products, as well as finished and semi-finished products for camping, bacon, vegetable buns and freshly cut meat.

They were all bought at the store on the top of Mount Lesong that Modi thought was suspicious. Modi had already checked the food and brought it here without any problems.

"Let's go catch fish, catch pheasants and catch wild boars to eat." Yatoshen Tohka felt that since he was coming to camp, of course he had to source materials locally, otherwise, what was the difference between cooking and eating at home?

She remembered that in the romance novels she had read, the heroines and heroines went out to camp and ate all the materials from the mountains and the sea. Now that they have come to the mountains, they should naturally learn from those heroines and heroines.What's more, she has been wanting to try the taste of game for a long time, and now is a good opportunity.

"Everyone's been busy all day, so you're all a little hungry. Why don't we eat the ready-made ones first, and then go catch fish, pheasants and wild boars tomorrow?" Meiyi was more considerate and considerate, but she didn't believe it. Students with little weapons can handle big guys like wild boars on their own.

Catching fish and pheasants is a little more reliable, but it seems that the difficulty is not that low, and it is not suitable for them, where girls make up most of the team.

Origami rolled her eyes on Tohka and moved her mouth. In the end, she didn't say to Tohka, "Are you thinking of cannibalism again?", she just said softly, "According to the [Japanese Environment and Nature Conservation Regulations], Wild boars and pheasants are protected animals and are not allowed to be caught."

"Let's go catch fish." Modi said, and then he got the unanimous support of the girls.

The reason for this is because there is another pool not far under the hot spring waterfall. Modi and the others went to see it just now and saw a lot of river fish in the pool, especially Tohka saw a big one just now. The carp is dormant at the bottom of the water. It is quiet and the bright color looks very appetizing. Tohka thought that he would eat it at night, so when he was talking about the food, he actively said that he wanted to catch fish. .


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