Chapter 166 Headquarters Battle (5)

“Gaaagh… … !”

Magical power ran out of control in the body of Archbishop Polka whose core was destroyed.

The mana heart was dismantled and the mana was deployed throughout the body, but since he could not control it properly, he had no choice but to go berserk.

However, like Archbishop Jennula and Archbishop Charnard, even if the core was destroyed, the body did not disintegrate.

It seemed that Polka’s consciousness was still there.


Still, it seemed that he couldn’t maintain his reason properly.

All he could do was twist his body while screaming.

As Brantly raised his sword again to finish it off, something strange happened to Polka’s body.

Strange protrusions or tentacles began to grow all over the body.

“… … .”

Brantley frowned.

It was because the opponent who had been competing with all his might just before had turned into a monster that aroused instinctive disgust.


Polka had completely lost her temper and transformed into a screaming flesh monster.

The wriggling tentacles only reminded me of black cloth seven-dyed swordsmanship, and it was difficult to find Polka’s fighting spirit until just now.


At that time, Heinrich arrived panting.

They dealt with the small fish and caught up with Brantley.

“Brantley, that’s… … !”

Serene, who arrived later, was shocked to see Polka’s appearance.

“It’s Archbishop Polka’s magic runaway.”

Brantley explained briefly.

He also gave instructions to the guerrillas who arrived later.

“Looks like it will have to be hacked up and completely dismantled. All guerrillas, focus your attacks on him.”

“yes… … !”

Brantley and the guerrillas launched an attack to completely silence the hugely swollen Polka.

If you defeat this guy, you will be able to enter the headquarters.

From noble mtl dot com.

* * *

After defeating Archbishop Alberich’s alter ego, I immediately woke Chloe.

Chloe opened her eyes startled, but immediately grasped the situation and let out a sigh of relief.

“Aernas-sama has defeated you.”

“It wasn’t too difficult to kick it out because it was an alter ego.”

“Alternative body… Was it Archbishop Alberich by any chance?”

“Yeah, right.”

Everyone already knew that Archbishop Alberich was proficient in all sorts of magic.

“As expected, Archbishop Alberich is a scary being. Even if it’s an alter ego, to infiltrate this far alone… … .”


“If Archbishop Alberich had made up his mind and made an ambush, it would have been dangerous.”

As Chloe said, it would be dangerous if I was ambushed before I had fully recovered.

However, Alberich would not do such a thing.

“Alberich has no intention of taking my life.”


“The reason I sent the archbishops up until now was to pass the time. The archbishops were all fooled.”

I muttered with a bitter expression on my face.

“Because the only thing that matters to Alberich is the Patriarch.”

“What does that mean?”

“Alberich is preparing to make the Patriarch the strongest being. The transcendent existence pursued by the Black Heaven Demonic Cult… I’m thinking of making it black.”

“Heukcheon class… … !”

“Sending out the archbishops to deal with us is also intended to buy time for the patriarch to reach the level of darkness. I don’t really expect Archbishops to take us down.”

Even if archbishops die one after another, Alberich has nothing to regret.

This is because if only the Patriarch reached the Black Heaven level, there would be no need for Archbishops.

“If the Dark Heaven Demonic Cult intends to rule the world by conquering it, they should leave behind cadres like the Archbishop. But what the Black Heaven Demonic Cult wants… It is anarchy.”

The Black Heaven Demonic Cult inherits the ideology of demons and pursues a state of ‘war of all against all’.

That is why there is no need to leave behind high-ranking officials to rule the world.

“Besides, the archbishops have their own power within the Dark Heaven Demonic Church. Based on that power, he might try to rule as a king later.”

“You mean you purged early? Are you using us?”

“That’s how it is.”

In other words, the cumbersome task was left to the Knights of Lichtenau.

If the power of the Lichtenau Knights was consumed in the process, the hassle could be further reduced.

“then… It means that the Patriarch has the confidence to defeat us once he awakens to the Black Sky level.”

“that’s right.”

Alberich thinks that if the Patriarch becomes the Black Sky, neither I, nor Brentley, nor Valentiano, nor Angela will be a problem at all.

So it didn’t matter if he lost his power as an archbishop.

“Aernas-nim, then we must quickly go to the headquarters and defeat the patriarch. Before the Patriarch reaches the level of Dark Heaven.”

Chloe, who has a brilliant brain, properly grasped the current situation.

As Chloe said, it is important to enter the headquarters and defeat the Patriarch quickly.

but… … .



“I’m sorry, but you pass it on to Professor Valentiano and Professor Angela.”

I said while sitting on the floor of the carriage.

“I can’t move because I haven’t recovered yet, so please leave me alone and go inside the headquarters.”

“… … !”

Chloe looked at me in disbelief.

* * *

The power of the Demonic Cult, which guarded the headquarters, was annihilated.

Archbishop Polka, who was in a frenzy, was completely silenced by Brantley and the guerrillas’ attacks.

The monsters that came pouring out were also cleaned up by the graduates led by Valentiano and Angela.

Now all that was left was to rush directly into the headquarters.

the problem is… … .

“Chloe, did Aernas really say that?”

“Yes, Professor Valentiano.”

Hearing what Chloe had told him, Valentiano frowned.

“There’s no way that guy would act out in this situation… Then it must be in really bad shape.”

“Aernas-nim said he was sorry too.”

“No, it can’t be helped if the mana heart is not stable. We can’t send someone like that to the front.”

“He said he would follow as soon as his magic power stabilized.”

Aernas is still in the back.

The commanders who received the story from Chloe showed various reactions.

“It doesn’t matter if Aernas stays behind.”

“Vice-captain Brantley… … .”

“Because the power of the Black Heaven Demonic Cult is running out anyway.”

Unlike Valentiano, Brantley reacted coldly.

Although he consumed a lot of stamina in the fight with Archbishop Polka, his eyes were still clear.

“The only officers remaining are Archbishop Alberich and the Patriarch. That should be enough to take it down with the power here.”

“Yeah… … .”

“Professor Angela, what do you think?”

Brantly asked a question, but Angela kept her mouth shut, lost in thought.

and… He turned his gaze to Chloe.

“Chloe, did Aernas really tell us to go into the headquarters alone?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Chloe nodded and replied.

“Yes, I mean.”

Angela fell silent again and thought.

Seeing that, Valentiano frowned.

“Professor Angela, why is that?”

“No, nothing.”

Angela shrugged at Valentiano’s question.

“If Aernas said that, we would have no choice but to rush into the headquarters alone. And we need to subdue them quickly before they do anything strange.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Valentiano nodded slowly.

“In the meantime, we relied too much on Aernas. Forgetting that Aernas is still a young man, only about 20 years old.”

“Yes, if Aernas is in a very difficult situation, it would be better to let him rest.”

In the end, he left Aernas to rest and rushed into the headquarters.

Vice-captain Brantly will take over from Aernas as general command.

“… … .”

Watching the graduates who came to that conclusion and started moving… Chloe let out a small sigh of relief.

* * *

I meditated as I sat cross-legged in the carriage.

‘If it’s Chloe, she’ll follow my instructions.’

Chloe knows that I have already recovered.

But if it was Chloe, she would be able to fool other people without pretense.

‘If it was Serene or someone else, I would have been a little anxious… Chloe is good at this.’

It was fortunate that Chloe was by my side.

Despite the sudden order, Chloe did not ask the reason for the skewer.

He understood that I had a plan and just nodded.

‘For now, I have no choice but to let other people rush in.’

You can’t just wait outside indefinitely.

In the meantime, it is because Alberich does not know what to do.

So, it is better to force the others into the headquarters and put pressure on Alberich.

If you’re lucky, you might be able to finish everything before the Patriarch wakes up.

‘I can deal with Alberich with all my strength.’

The problem is if the patriarch’s awakening ends sooner.

As I expected, time is very tight.

When the Patriarch awakens… Even if Brantley, Valentiano, and Angela attack together, it’s not enough.

‘and… It’s the same even if I join in.’

Including myself, there are four people at the peak.

Even if all four of them rushed in at once, they couldn’t defeat the Patriarch who had become a Black Sky level.

‘In the first place, Alberich must have wanted me to attack the Patriarch.’

Right now, Alberich will be waiting for me to enter the headquarters.

Because he intends to make me ‘prey’ for the Patriarch.

‘Since I declined the offer to join the Black Heaven Demonic Cult… Now, he must be planning to use it as food for the Patriarch.’

Alberich sincerely intended to embrace me.

If I wasn’t very interested in power, I would be able to serve as the Patriarch’s successor.

But since I rejected it with a single stroke… It should be used as food for the Patriarch.

‘Alberich, I’m sorry… That’s not going to happen.’

Thinking so, I turned my head.

There is the alter ego of Archbishop Alberich… No, the body of the alter ego remained.

Alberich’s alter ego is not an illusion, but remains as it is because it is a physical body.

‘Because of the big mistake you made.’


Alberich made a huge mistake.

Originally, Alberich was an archbishop who divides his body to engage in quantity warfare, and there are a lot of alter egos like that waiting in the headquarters.

So I thought it wouldn’t matter if I sent at least one alter ego to me, but… Sending an alter ego connected to his body was Alberich’s biggest mistake.

‘You saw through to the fact that I had artifacts, but you didn’t know how they worked.’

Earlier, when I neutralized Alberich’s alter ego… I deliberately did not kill Alberich instantly.

Because of this, there was plenty of time until the alter ego’s life activities stopped completely.

‘That’s why I had time to use Eusrecht.’

Before waking up Chloe, I touched Alberich’s alter ego and used the ability reenactment.

and… He succeeded in obtaining the ability from Alberich.

[Currently, the abilities acquired through ‘Ability Reproduction’ are as follows.]

— Provisional Acquisition —

[Cervest White Flower Swordsmanship (SS Rank)]

[Wald Felt Diamond Sword (SS Rank)]

[Marteris Two-wheeled Swordsmanship (SS Rank)]

[Iron-Blooded Sword Magic (SS Rank)]

[Black Sky Mine Great Law (SS Rank)]

— Permanent Bind —

[Ionian speedy swordsmanship (SS rank)]

[Kalessius Lightning Swordsmanship (S Rank)]

[Lichtenauer Sensitivity (S Rank)]

[Atilion magic detection (S rank)]

[Eastern magic technique (Rank A)]

Dark Heaven Demon Great Law.

Deleted the SS rank Dark Heaven Demonic Technique that he had so far, and it was the magic technique newly acquired from Alberich.

As the name suggests, it is the power to obtain a demon-like body… Dismantle mana hearts to fill the veins of the whole body with magical energy.

Right now, the Patriarch was trying to reach the Black Heaven level by using this Black Heaven Demonic Law.

‘However, the Black Sky level is not the correct answer.’

The Patriarch wants a transcendental state beyond the pinnacle level.

However, I know that the Heukcheon level is not a truly transcendental state.

Even in the novel, the limits of the Dark Heaven level were described in detail.

‘and… I already have a way to overcome that limitation.’

From noble mtl dot com.

How to overcome the limitations of Heukcheon class.

that… It is an iron-blooded sword magic trick obtained from the emperor.

‘If you combine the iron-blooded sword magic method and the dark heaven magic law… … .’

Iron Blood Sword Magic Method.

The Dark Heaven Demon Great Law of the Dark Heaven Demonic Cult.

Combining these two disparate methods of practice has never appeared in a novel.

However, it is possible for me.

Because I was a being who specialized in harmonizing different abilities from the beginning.

‘Through this… I can open a tightly closed door.’

Archandel, the protagonist of the novel, could not take this approach.

I had to walk a more difficult path to jump over the wall.

However, I harmonize the iron-blooded sword magic method and the dark heaven magic method… I was able to break the wall from the front.

“… … .”

With my eyes closed, I operated both the Iron Blood Sword Magic and the Dark Heaven Demon Demonstration at the same time.

The iron-blooded sword emperor and the philosophies of the Black Heaven Demonic Cult are mixed within me… The door to the transcendent realm began to open.

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