Chapter 147 Imperial Palace of Chaos (1)

There was a heavy silence for a while.

In front of Brantly, who was glaring with his mouth shut, Captain Safias opened his mouth again.

“His Majesty’s health continues to deteriorate. According to doctors… They said it would be difficult to get past spring.”

“… … .”

“It’s something I’ve been preparing for, but it’s too early. If the Emperor passes away like this, the whole country will fall into chaos.”

Safias sighed for a moment.

Then, Martha, the second-in-command of the Iron Blood Knights, who was to the left of Saphias, opened her mouth.

“Brantly-sama, originally, the imperial palace judged that there would be at least six months left.”

“… … .”

“In six months, you can select the Archduke of Lichtenauer to assist Her Highness. But at this point, choosing the Archduke of Lichtenau… It is too soon.”

Following Marta, Siliond, the 3rd seat of the Iron Blood Knights, who was to the right of Saphias, opened his mouth.

“At this point, if I had to choose the Archduke of Lichtenau, I had no choice but to choose Ernas Landstein. but… It’s not clear yet whether he’s a person who can be entrusted with the role of assistant to Her Highness.”

“… … .”

“Besides, the fact that Ernas Landstein becomes the Grand Duke of Lichtenau… Isn’t that hard for you to accept?”

Siliond stroked his white beard and said.

From noble mtl dot com.

“Anyway, if the Emperor passes away now, too many problems will arise. So we need a way to break this way.”

“… … .”

“so… It is to try a secret technique that has been passed down from generation to generation in the empire.”

Saying that, Siliond smiled.

“Since you are also the head of a famous swordsmanship family… You may have heard of the name of the Biederkeren magic trick.”

Biederkeren Enchantment Spell.

I’ve heard of Brantley.

It is the ‘magic’ mentioned in the legend of the Iron Blood Sword Emperor who built this empire a thousand years ago.

“Magic that allows a person’s soul to dwell in another person’s body… Biederkeren’s magic tricks do exist. Of course, it has been sealed away for a long time because it is forbidden magic that goes against the providence of life.”

“… … .”

“But if His Majesty passes away now, there will be great chaos and countless lives will be sacrificed. so… It is the decision of His Majesty the Emperor.”

Siliond shook his head.

“Since His Majesty has decided so… We have to follow.”

“As Lord Siliond explained… This is the decision of His Majesty the Emperor, who was concerned about the future of the empire.”

Safias opened his mouth again.

“Even if you use Biederkeren’s conjugal magic, His Majesty the Emperor will not be able to enjoy eternal life. Because it’s not a perfect technique… Even if you get a new body, they say that the limit is to endure for only a few months to a year.”

“… … .”

“However, in the meantime, if His Majesty takes the lead in state affairs again, the entire empire can be organized so that the succession to the throne can be carried out smoothly.”

Right now, he is lying in bed and can’t do anything, but the emperor is a graduate of the highest level who ruled the empire with powerful charisma until a few years ago.

If he could return to state affairs, he would be able to organize everything inside the empire for the princess.

“Duke Agrippa, as a result of internal review… It has been concluded that you are the most suitable person for His Majesty’s new body.”

“… … .”

“As a graduate, you have the best body. Moreover, His Majesty’s body is similar to that of His Majesty when he was younger.”

Saying that, Safias made a complicated expression.

“Academy’s Aldbaut, Valentiano, and Ferdinand are too old to withstand Biederkeren’s magic tricks. Yoles is said to be seriously injured, and Angela is a woman.”

“… … .”

“At this point, the highest grade graduate who can provide a body for His Majesty… Just like you.”

Brantley is the only middle-aged male among the top graduates currently active in the Empire.

Yoles suffered a serious injury and had to recuperate for a while… Because Perfectio Landstein is inside the mausoleum.

There were a few more until not too long ago, but since they had died one by one in the battle, only Brantley was left now.

“If you offer your body for Biederkeren’s magic, you will die.”

“… … .”

“However, His Majesty the Emperor will never forget your sacrifice. In return… He will make your son, Heinrich, Grand Duke of Lichtenau and marry Her Highness the Princess.”

The Emperor himself appoints him as the Archduke of Liechtenau.

no one can object

“Heinrich will be a being above all, and the Agrippa family will become the best masters of swordsmanship leading the empire.”

“… … .”

Hearing that… Brantley imagined what would happen if that actually happened.

In the meantime, the Agrippa family has been stronger than any other family because they have built up internal stability without intervening in the war.

If that power is added to the authority of the Archduke of Lichtenau, it will be possible to wield great power in the reign of the next emperor.

“Brantly, this must be a good opportunity for the Agrippa family as well.”

“… … .”

“Heinrich-sama will have to shed a lot of blood in order to defeat Ernas Landstein and claim the position of Archduke of Liechtenau. But if Brantley decides… No more blood will flow.”

Listening to Martha’s words, Brantley remembered the recent war.

The Waltfeld family, the Schreier family, the Ignias family… A great amount of blood was shed because of the ambitions of various master swordsmen.

Brantley did not want the Agrippa family to do such a thing.

“The academy is just an educational institution that must follow the orders of the imperial family. If His Majesty the Emperor gives orders to obey the Agrippa family, the academy will have no choice but to obey.”

“… … .”

“If you make a decision, there will be no war between the academy and the Agrippa family… Peace will come to the empire.”

Siliond also persuaded Brantly with a soft voice.

“Brantley… You are a different person from the heads of other famous sword families. As a true loyalist of the Empire, make a wise decision.”

“… … .”

Hearing that… Brantley slowly raised his head.

Then, looking at Saphias, he opened his mouth.

“Sir Saphias, let me confirm one thing.”

“What do you mean?”

“What if I refuse?”

Saphias, Martha, and Siliond wear swords at their waists.

It appeared to be a sword made of true silver, a metal with excellent magic efficiency.

“Are you going to use force to force me into submission?”

“Duke Agrippa… It can’t be.”

Safias shook his head.

“To take your life by force is too irrational. I don’t do that.”

“Then why are three armed men coming at the same time and surrounding me?”

“that… … .”

“Of course, there must be other candidates besides me.”

Brantley said in a calm voice.

“Aernas Landstein could also be a candidate. Because that guy is also at the peak of graduate level.”

“that… yes.”

“But isn’t that a bit strange?”

“Is it strange?”

“Unless you really intend to force it on me… All you have to do is ask Aernas to make a sacrifice.”

If Brantly refuses to sacrifice, then Aernas is the only one left.

“But if Aernas accepts Biederkeren’s magic trick… The position of Archduke of Lichtenauer would naturally go to Heinrich.”

“… … !”


Aernas is the most likely candidate, and when that Aernas dies, the turn goes to Heinrich, the next candidate.

“Then, from my point of view, it would be most advantageous to leave it to Aernas. Because I can make Heinrich the Archduke of Lichtenau without my sacrifice.”

“Duke Agrippa, this is… … .”

“Am I wrong?”

Safias opened his mouth again, but Brantley continued speaking without delay.

“There are many unnatural parts of what you are saying. Aren’t you lying to me?”

“Lies, never… … .”

“It would be either one. If I refuse to sacrifice, it could be that they really tried to force me to submit… … .”

Brantley glared at the knights.

Unlike them, it’s bare-handed without a sword… said without hesitation.

“It could have been a blatant lie to say that His Majesty would use Biederkeren’s magic to extend His Majesty’s life.”

the moment you said it.

The faces of Martha and Siliond hardened.

However, Saphias’ expression was still cold.

“You talk so nonsense, Duke Agrippa.”

“is it?”

“Imagination goes too far. Are you saying we’re plotting something in the name of His Majesty the Emperor?”

To Saphias’ question… Brantley smiled for the first time.

“Let me tell you one thing, Sir Saphias.”


“Before I depart from the stronghold of the Agrippa family… A letter was sent by telecommunication magic.”


“It was a letter from the East. As for what it was about… … .”

Brantley said, slowly getting up.

“They were all related to the Dark Heaven Demonic Cult, so be careful. It’s a magic that was lost a long time ago even in the imperial palace.”

That moment.

The expressions of the iron-blooded knights in front of me hardened.

“You guys, since when did you become a devotee to the Dark Heaven Demonic Cult? What plot were you plotting in the imperial palace?”

Because the Iron Blood Knights are guarding it, the Black Heaven Demonic Cult cannot even come close to the central area where the Imperial Palace is located.

But the Black Heaven Demonic Cult… What if he had already infiltrated the imperial palace as the head of the Iron Blood Knights?

“If it wasn’t for the letter Aernas sent me, I would have been fooled.”

It is unknown why Aernas sent such a letter.

But now I felt like I should thank Aernas.

“Brantley, you misunderstood!”

“You really have no choice but to use force if you go on a rampage, Brantly!”

Martha and Siliond warned while holding onto the hilt.

However, Brantley sneered and moved his hand.

“Do not underestimate the Agrippa family, disloyal knights.”

The Agrippa family’s true German swordsmanship… Agrippa’s Blue Moon Swordsmanship exploded.

* * *


An explosion was heard from somewhere.

To the extent that those of us who were waiting in the corner of Area 4 could feel it… A huge explosion occurred.

“What is it?”

“well. There’s no way a battle took place in the imperial palace… … .”

Serene and Chloe tilted their heads.

but… Heinrich jumped up from his seat.

“The wavelength of this magical power… … .”

“Heinrich, why is that?”

Valentiano looked at Heinrich with a puzzled expression.

However, Heinrich did not respond and tried to leave the waiting room.

“Why is that person like that?”


When Viola and Schmitz were staring at Heinrich’s back in embarrassment, the door suddenly burst open.

“Everyone, this is an emergency.”

The nameless iron-blooded knight spoke in a serious voice.

“Brantley Agrippa… It showed reversal.”


Not only Heinrich, but other people were astonished.

“Hey, what are you talking about?”

“Brantley Agrippa rebelled… … ?”

“We are trying to infiltrate the first sector where His Majesty the Emperor is now. In response to Brantly Agrippa, the unidentified assailants are also moving… It is a difficult situation to stop with the Iron Blood Knights alone.”

After saying that, he lowered his head.

“I hope the academy will cooperate to stop Brantly Agrippa. Please.”

“Wow, something is wrong! Why is my father… … !”

Heinrich raised his voice and listened.

but… I restrained myself by pulling my shoulders.

“Aernas, this is… … !”

“Heinrich, calm down.”

Speaking in a calm voice, I turned my gaze to the knight who delivered the news.

“Did you come under the direction of the 4th seat knight of Poltiana?”

“no. The chief knight, Captain Saphias… … .”

“That’s right.”

Before the knight finished speaking, I unexpectedly deployed the Lightning God.

“100 million… … !”


The fist extended like lightning struck the knight in a single blow.

Everyone in the waiting room was shocked by my sudden action.

“Eh, Aernas?”

“What are you doing now… … !”

“They intend to collide us with Brantly Agrippa.”

From noble mtl dot com.

Taking away the sword the knight was wearing, I explained in a calm voice.

“And the one who survived the fight… I plan to use force in the imperial palace to accuse you of a traitor who aimed at His Majesty and punish you.”

“… … !”

Since the situation is very different from the novel, I thought that this might not happen.

However, I sent a message to Brantly in advance, just in case, and it seems to have worked.

If Brantly had been tricked by their lies and accepted the Biederkeren magic trick… Brantley would have been their puppet and attacked us.

“Eh, Aernas! What the hell is going on?!”

“I don’t have time to elaborate, Heinrich.”

I said in a calm voice to Heinrich, who grabbed my arm.

“What matters now is that your father is in danger.”

“… … !”

“And we are in trouble as well.”

I used Attilion’s magic detection technique.

Dozens of graduates were rushing this way.

and… One graduate of the highest level is also approaching this way.

“If we hesitate, we will all be cornered as traitors. It needs to be wiped out and organized before that happens.”

The Academy and the House of Agrippa.

In order to stop the conspiracy to eliminate the two remaining forces at once… The battle with the Iron Blood Knights has begun.

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