Chapter 123 Claubice’s Sword (5)

Suddenly, I remembered the last time I met Perfectio Landstein.

The last time Claubice met Perfectio was at the Six Swords Meeting 15 years ago.

At that time, Claubice was trying to disrupt the Six Swords Council by alienating the heads of other renowned swordsmanship families, but the only one who did not waver was Perfectio.

Claubice tried to seduce Perfectio somehow, but it didn’t work at all.

Seeing those unwavering eyes, Claubice felt eerie.

Perfectio’s pupils were filled with a conviction close to madness.

After that, Claubice tried not to touch Perfectio as much as possible.

Because I instinctively felt that I was an opponent that no slander would work for.

The fact that Claubice was able to stand up with confidence this time… It was because Perfectio was in a situation where he could not get involved in the outside world, confined to the mausoleum of the Iron Blood Sword Emperor.

‘But, I never thought I’d be beaten by that son… … .’

Son of Perfectio, Ernas Landstein.

From the first time we met at the meeting of the Six Swords, I thought he was no ordinary guy.

However, he never thought that he would lose everything because of Aernas.

If I had known it would turn out like this, I would have killed him directly after the meeting of the 6 swords.

‘No, it was useless.’

If I tried to kill myself… It would have been counterattacked and met the same end.

Just like his father, Perfectio, he was someone who shouldn’t collide.

As long as I became hostile to Aernas, this ending was certain… … .

“father… … !”

Someone grabbed the hand of the falling Claubice.

When I checked the upper part, I saw Verithlyse stretching out her arms with a desperate expression.

“Relax! i now… … !”

“… … .”

Come to think of it, it could have had a different ending.

It is the conclusion of accepting the proposal of Berithrisse and reconciling with the academy.

If you form an alliance with the academy and support Aernas, you will be recognized for your achievements later and take power under the next emperor… … .

‘No, that kind of thing is unacceptable.’

Reconciliation with the academy means admitting that Aernas will become the Grand Duke of Lichtenauer and entering under it.

I can never accept that.

‘Yes, the reason I’m bending over while watching Aernas go on a winning streak… I absolutely hate it.’

While thinking so, Claubice shook off Berrisse’s hand.

Verith Lize opened her eyes wide with an expression that she couldn’t understand.

“Father, why… … !”

“joy… … .”

Even if he survives with the help of Berrisse, what awaits Claubice is a humiliating defeat.

The Schreier family, who succumbed to the academy, will have their limbs cut off and become incapacitated, just like the Waltfeld family, and Claubice will have to accept everything with a crippled body that will never be able to wield a sword again.

After that… We have to watch Aernas win and win in silence.

It was an unbearable humiliation.

“Something like the Schreier family… I will hand it over to you, Berithlyze.”

“… … !”

With the breathless face of his only daughter in his soul.

Claubice fell to the ground with the walls collapsing.

* * *

The castle of Schreier has been captured.

With Klauvice down, it was no longer possible to stop the academy.

There were swordsmen who tried to resist until the end, but they eventually put down their swords.

It was thanks to Berrisse’s persuasion.

“then… Berisrize became the temporary head of household and disarmed Schreier’s side.”

“Yes, thanks to that, I was able to minimize the damage.”

I met Serine after a long time and had a conversation.

Celine is currently a trainee in Yoles Class. It is said that he participated in the battle along with Yols and made considerable achievements.

In this siege, it seemed that the attack from the detached party was well blocked from the rear.

“Berisrije must have been very heartbroken. I lost my father.”

“yes… … .”

He is the one who tried to kill himself, but his father is his father.

It’s not a personality without blood or tears, and since my father died right in front of my eyes, I can’t help but feel sick.

“I heard that Claubice shook off Berrisse’s hand and chose to die herself, is that true?”

“Yeah, right.”

“Why did you do that… … .”

“He must have hated living as a loser. The next day… You can just leave it to Berisrize.”

Claubice is a thorough egoist.

Rather than enduring humiliation and rebuilding the family, he thought it would be better to just die.

“That is too much.”

Serene sighed.

“If this happens, I have no choice but to sympathize with Berisrize.”

“Don’t look like that in front of Berisrize. It will only make you angry.”

“I know.”

In the meantime, Celine lived as a roommate with Berrisse.

That’s why he probably thinks of Berrisse as a friend.

“Aernas, Berithlyze decided to cooperate with the academy as much as possible, right?”

“Yes, he said he would accept almost all of the academy’s demands.”

“but… There will be no return to the academy.”

“I guess so.”

Berithrisse must become the head of the family and rebuild the Schreier family.

There is no room for student life at the academy.

“That’s too bad. In the meantime, I have been stimulated by Berrisse a lot.”

When Serene sighed with a look of sincere regret.

A cold voice came from the side.

“Hey, don’t say anything you don’t mean to say.”

“Berisrije… … !”

Berisrize was striding this way.

She looked back and forth between me and Serine’s face, then spoke in a gruff voice.

“It’s better for you guys without me. is not it?”

“Berisrize, I… … .”

“Try to do well without me. Now, your competitor will be at least Heinrich.”

“… … .”

As Berisrize said, the only one who can stand against us at the academy now is Heinrich.

Lester and Gort had already been eliminated, Berithlyse had to lead the Schreier family, and Rufus followed his father to the East.

“Aernas, Heinrich will not give up until the end. There are still quite a few students who support Heinrich, so don’t be vigilant until the end.”

“Thank you for your concern, Berithlyse.”

“Dah, it’s not that I’m worried about it!”

Berithlyze frowned and got angry.

Seeing that, Serene made a puzzled expression.

“It seems that Berisrize and Aernas have gotten along better than before.”

“Sah, how do we get along?”

Berithlyze blushed at Serine’s point.

“I have no intention of getting along with this guy at all!”

“Hmm… … .”

“Why are you looking at me with such suspicious eyes! Aernas! Say something too!”

From noble mtl dot com.

Berithlyze tugged at my sleeve, but honestly I had nothing to say.

“Anyway, Berithlyze.”

Serene cleared her throat and opened her mouth again.

“I will neither apologize nor comfort you for your father’s death. Because Claubice Schreier was clearly our enemy.”

“Serine, you… … .”

“But you are not. Above all, I… Because I think of you as a friend.”

“… … .”

Berithlyse made a complicated expression at Serine’s remark.

Seeing that she didn’t deny it, Berithlyze must have had similar feelings for Serine deep inside.

At the academy, Berithlyse was the only female student with whom she could form an equal relationship with Serene.

“If there is anything I can help with in the future, I hope you can tell me anytime.”

“that… Are you speaking as the heir of the Bastian family?”

“No, I am speaking as your friend Celine Bastian.”

“… … .”

Berithlyze looked at Serine for a while, then let out a long sigh.

“I don’t have much to ask for help from you, but I’ll remember it for now.”

“Yes, I hope you remember.”

Saying that, Serene gave a small smile.

As if that smile was burdensome, Berithlyze looked away and said bluntly.

“Yeah, but that’s it.”


“There was something I wanted to confirm with you.”

Berithlyze looked at me slightly and asked.

“Serine, what will you do if Aernas really becomes the Grand Duke of Lichtenau and gets engaged to Her Highness the Princess?”


“Is it okay if Aernas gets engaged to someone else?”

“Ah, what are you talking about all of a sudden?”

Serene blushed at Berrisse’s question.

“I broke off my engagement to Ernas. So no matter who Ernas is betrothed to… … .”

“After talking with my father, I have an idea.”

Ignoring Serine’s words, Berithlyze spoke to me.

“Aernas, just because you’re engaged to Her Highness, doesn’t it mean you have to marry Her Highness?”

“… Why are you saying that?”

When I asked that question, Serene hurriedly raised her voice from the side.

“Beh, Berithlyse, what do you mean by that?”

“The Grand Duke of Lichtenauer is a position to assist Her Highness, who is still a young princess. Since he will marry Her Highness and become one with her, the logic is that the power of Archduke Lichtenauer is the power of Her Highness.”


“However, when Her Highness the Princess becomes an adult and the imperial authority stabilizes, there will be no need for Archduke Lichtenauer. To be precise, you don’t have to marry the Archduke of Lichtenauer.”

“… … !”

Leaving Celine, who was holding her breath, Veris Lise turned her gaze to me.

“Aernas, like you said before, if we dismantle the six great swordsmanship families and promote a centralized system, the imperial authority will become stronger. I don’t think you need to formally marry Her Highness as the Grand Duke of Lichtenauer… Am I wrong?”

“… … .”

“Heh, I can see the reaction. After all, I am right.”

Berithlyze crossed her arms and smiled.

“You had no intention of marrying Her Highness, the princess.”


I said lowering my voice.

“Don’t talk like that to anyone else.”

“I know. There’s nothing good about talking about this.”

If this story reaches the ears of the palace staff, they will express disapproval.

may be judged as a reason for disqualification.

“Then, Aernas.”


“In the future, if you cancel your engagement to Her Highness, and you become free again… … .”

Berithlyze took a deep breath for a while, then looked straight at me and said.

“I want you to consider me as your marriage partner.”


“Beh, Berithlyze!”

Serene, next to me, reacted more furiously.

“What, what do you mean by that?!”

“My father also considered an arranged marriage between me and Aernas.”

Berithlyze said with a serious expression.

“Now I am in a position to rebuild the Schreyer family. So you can’t marry just anyone.”

“… … !”

“If you think about it in that sense, there is no better opponent than Aernas.”

Saying that, Berithlyze looked at my face.

“How are you, Aernas?”

“Berisrije… … .”

I said with a sigh.

“It’s too late. And I’m not in a situation where I can discuss this.”

“I’m not asking you to come to a conclusion right now.”

Berithlyze said with a wry smile.

“just… Because I want you to consider it.”

“… … .”

After saying that, Berithlyze stepped back.

“Then I’ll be gone. There is still a lot of work left to do.”

“Berisrize, you… … .”

“Serine, I will tell you, but I will continue to practice swordsmanship while serving as the head of the household.”

Berithlyze looked at Serine and said.

“I will definitely defeat you someday, so until then, try your best too.”

“… Yes, got it.”

Seeing Serine nodding her head, Berithlyze also smiled.

And finally, he turned his gaze to me.

“… … .”

Berithlyse didn’t say anything more to me.

He only looked at me for a moment with a complex look in his eyes.

and… After clearing my mind, I turned my head and left immediately.

‘Berry’s Lize… … .’

Looking at the back, I was overcome with a complicated feeling.

In the novel, Berithlyse was a character who met a miserable end after being used by Aernas.

Aernas saw through to the fact that Berithlyze had a crush on him for a long time, and he used that to control Berithlyze at will.

In the end, Berithrisse dies miserably, but Aernas laughs at the death without any guilt.

‘At the time of serialization, readers sympathized with Berithlyse and cursed Aernas tremendously… … .’

Contrary to the novel, Berithlyze did not die in this world.

What kind of path will Berithlyse take in the future?

“Eh, Aernas.”

When I was lost in my thoughts, Celine spoke to me.

“I really want to marry Her Highness the Princess… … .”

“Serene, let’s not talk about that.”

“Ha, but… … .”

Serene seemed to want to hear more about this part from me, but then I felt the presence.

A professor wearing a monocle in one eye… It was Ferdinand.

“What are you guys doing here? Are you having a tryst?”

“Mi-meeting! We just… … .”

“We were talking for a while, Professor.”

“Heh, evasive words… … .”

Ferdinand was blunt as usual.

“Aernas, I want you to come for a moment.”

“Why is that?”

“I’ve been searching the office to find out the guilt of Claubice, but I found something unusual.”

“Something unusual… … ?”

“I guess this… … .”

At that moment, a faint smile appeared on Ferdinand’s lips.

“I think I can complete Amrita.”

“… … !”


An elixir of the ancients that has more effects than an elixir.

Ferdinand had been studying it ever since.

‘If only I could take Amrita…’ … .’

Graduated at its peak.

You will be able to secure the magical power to challenge that level.

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