Ready (2)

* * *

The conversation with Jin Hyo-yeong was short.

This is inevitable not because they are exploring together, but because they are supervisors for information cross-validation.

So, once every 12 hours, we decided to meet at the promised point in the dungeon and re-explore the places we went to.

However, even if it wasn’t the reason for the déjà vu I felt at the beginning of the conversation, I definitely felt Jin Hyo-young’s suspiciousness.

For a hunter whose main position will be exploration, the combat uniform he wore that fit his body is personal preference.

The strong smell of perfume or excessive make-up is also subjective, so it is possible.

However, Jin Hyo-young continued to scream in pain throughout the conversation with Kang-hu.

He said that he was level 85, so it was difficult to participate in a combat team, and he said something regrettable.

And he said that he had longed for an assassin class like Ganghu from before, and asked about the skill without knowing it.

If Kang Hu didn’t know much about Jin Hyo-young’s true nature, he would have thought that she was a curious female hunter.

The style was really good too.

Except for the strong scent of perfume, there were many elements that could attract men enough.


There were a total of two constellations of her constellation information caught in Kanghu’s constellation scan.

Unless you are a skilled hunter who realized your abilities early, your level will go over 200 at this level.

If I had the skills to sign a contract with a Constellation early on, I would have been assigned a combat team instead of an exploration team.

She seemed to have lied, thinking Kang-hu would never know. It was a pretty clever lie.

Kang Hu thought she might be a watcher from the Jeonghwa Guild.

Or the possibility that it was planted outside was not ruled out.

In any case, the composition of such a team is done by internal officials at will.

As long as not all the executives of the Jeonghwa Guild care about the composition.

There is a high possibility that the team was formed according to one’s taste by paying a moderate amount of bribes during the team formation stage.

‘Shall we play in moderation? It seems to be an intentional approach, so it wouldn’t hurt to see what’s behind it.’

Kang Hu decided to tune in to Jin Hyo-young’s suspicious approach. There is a 100% chance of a hidden purpose.

* * *

6 pm.

The search team’s entry has begun.

Kang Hu and Jin Hyo-yeong’s 132 team was assigned the southeast route. This was the direction Ganghu had requested from the beginning.

They said that the terrain was rugged and there were many variables, so everyone was reluctant.

That’s why it was a better story for Kang-hoo. Because the point of Giyeon is right there.

Upon entering the dungeon, Kang Hu was greeted by the banquet of the endless black earth.

I thought I knew why the name ‘Hell’ of the referee was attached.

The entire surface was filled with black lava plateaus created by cooled lava.

There was not even the slightest trace of vegetation, only acrid and unpleasant smoke rose through the cracks in the ground.

It’s a pity, but there have already been victims, and the rapidly decomposing corpse was also visible nearby.

“Wow, look at the size of the giants.”

“It’s pretty big.”

“Is that enough for the 15th floor of an apartment?”

“Could be more.”

In the direction Jin Hyo-young pointed, the battle between the giant and the capture team was already taking place.

Middle Boss? main boss?

It wasn’t.

One of the members of the giants, it was a normal monster.

In the first place, all of the giant monsters have such ridiculous size.

The rewards given by each were very generous. It is a reward that is not lacking even if hundreds of people rush at it.

Of course, the contribution of the Hunters of the Purification Guild would be high, and they would take almost all of the net exhaust.

The rest of the members are like maids of honor, but they themselves may not be aware of that fact.

At that time, Hyoyoung Jin shouted.

“I can see Sihwan Jang too!”

Indeed, as she said, I saw Jang Si-hwan sitting in the air and pouring magic like crazy.

Is it because I lost the pure black seeker?

It seemed to utilize white magic skills rather than black magic skills that required a mixture of darkness and magical power.

‘It’s cool.’

There are many splendid performances of magicians, so there is a part that makes you bewitched just by watching.

Even so, the inside must be rotting. Because there’s nothing more f*cked up than losing something you had.

“See you in 12 hours.”

“is it so. May you be safe.”

“That too.”

Kang Hu lightly greeted Jin Hyo-young and moved in the opposite direction from her.

And throughout the move, meticulously documented the surrounding terrain. Some were even simply drawn.

As long as there are assignments that have been assigned to him regardless of his purpose, he did not delay what he had to do.

Whoops- Whoops-.

Even though it was a very long distance, whenever the giant moved, the shaking of the earth’s axis was transmitted to this place.

Perhaps in one movement, several hunters will lose their lives like flies.

Nine out of them, no, more than 99% of them would be mercenary victims who participated without knowing it.

* * *

Like the other day, in the golden goblin’s mine, the point of opportunity was the hidden thorn bush under the mountain peak.

In the case of Judgment Hell, there was a point where hot magma continued to flow around.

The point is that the words are good, but in fact, going in without knowing why was like going to death.

This is because the point where the occasional eruption of magma occurs is less than 100 m away.

Although magma rises with some regularity, it is not perfectly patterned.

[The reason Jang Si-hwan came here was because of the sense of difference he felt from the moment he entered the dungeon.

His highly sensitive senses were constantly focused on a hole barely large enough for a single person to fit through.

It’s clear.

It was not a hole simply dug, but a hidden space covered with poorly cooled lava.

His guess was that there could be at least one twisted space in such a super-large dungeon that was not born perfect.]

The contents of the original work were not wrong, and they came to mind clearly.

At that time, when I was finishing the day trip, I saw comments full of resentment from readers saying that Jang Si-hwan’s growth was slow.

That day, in the process of closing the manuscript, it was an impromptu idea that was put in.

Originally, the main story of the judgment of hell should have come out, but it fell through the delayed route.

The response from readers was good.

However, from this point on, the development I thought was twisted, and I had to struggle throughout the closing.

From noble mtl dot com

‘It was spread properly. No, it was actually an upgrade that the main character needed.’

Kang Hu nodded.

It was a meaningful opportunity for Jang Si-hwan, who had already grown considerably.

There is a much longer way to go than that, and it has many times more meaning for Kang-hoo, who has higher potential.

“Definitely comfortable.”

It seems that Dokgodai’s constitution suits him.

I walked alone, not caring about anyone’s eyes, so my steps were light and comfortable.

Since it takes quite a while to get to the point anyway, it’s time to keep an eye on the surrounding terrain.

Since I was offered a good place, I should of course do what I was given.

* * *

while moving.

Ganghu had been looking around for some skills that he hadn’t been able to get his hands on, as if he was unbalanced.

It is important to increase the number of skills, but it is also important to make good use of what you have.

None of the skills Kanghu had acquired so far were useless.

At least, the cutie I got from the Slime King! The skill was surprisingly useful for blocking long-range attacks.

The innate cuteness of the slime itself is a bonus. Looking at it, I don’t even want to explode it.

“Quick evasion.”

It was a skill that was not used well even though it was a level 40 basic skill of an assassin.

I was accustomed to short-distance lateral movement and leaping, so quick evasion that required a little pre-concentration was annoying.

The advantage of quick evasion was in the side effect rather than how far it could be avoided.

【During evasion maneuvers, the effect of the barrier of resistance is activated. The evasion rate for skills increases.]

just this effect.

The higher the evasion rate, the higher the chance of being pushed back, as if the same poles of a magnet meet.

As a result, the skill will appear to miss. That is the principle of avoidance rate.

“When a tricky skill flies in multiple directions, it might be okay to believe in the effect of the curtain of resistance.”

An appropriate picture is drawn.

Sometimes the least effort yields the greatest efficiency. The Veil of Resistance is such a case.

“A protective barrier.”

And the protective barrier was also used selectively, or went in the direction of almost not using it.

However, this guy also has useful points for side effects.

[If the protective barrier is destroyed, a ‘devastation’ effect is activated, evaporating all mana within a 10m radius.]

When the opponent is a magic type, it is very good for momentarily cutting off the supply of magic power.

In particular, when the mana is insufficient, if the devastation effect is applied to the field, the supply and demand will be disrupted even more.

Good for variable creation.

However, there was only one reason why Ganghu had never really had to use the protective barrier itself.

This is because he has always fought in extreme attack, abbreviated ‘extreme attack’ mode.

Jeon Jong-doo, who had tremendous strength right away, did not back down and ended it in a head-to-head match.

However, if you encounter Kang Dong-hyun or a more difficult enemy, the value of use will increase rapidly.

“I also used hallucinations and sorcery in a very limited way. No no. Fixing the repertoire is not good.”

widely! right!

Kang-hoo snapped his fingers as if to call attention.

If the repertoire becomes obvious, it will be quickly eaten by an enemy with good eyesight.

Wasn’t there a lot of times when Kang Hu suppressed him like that? There is no law that the contrary case will not arise.

* * *

Two hours passed.

Ten sheets of ignorant notebooks that Kang-hoo had brought with him to record his search were filled to the brim.

Since it is impossible to use electronic devices inside the dungeon, I have to use these old-fashioned records.

I felt the old sensibility and it was good. The writing and drawing itself has a taste to chew on.

Anyway, when I looked over the contents again, it seemed that all the meaningful information I had checked on the way here had been melted away.

With a little bit of selfishness, it seemed like it wouldn’t be a problem even if it was a record of 100 points.


“at las.”

The key point that I had been looking forward to from the beginning was right in front of my eyes.

As expected, hot magma flowed down the road that had already been created.

In the midst of the magma flowing up and down at intervals of about 30 m, there was a pit in the middle.

Ganghu threw himself into the pit without thinking further. The exit is different anyway.

And as long as there was no need for a battle, he went inside without being nervous.

Soon after, what greeted Ganghu was a completely different landscape from the name of the dungeon, Hell of Judgment.

Yes, it was a place full of light and warmth that fits well with the words heaven or paradise.

A familiar landscape that I had drawn in writing.

In line with the scenery, memories of the original work also begin to emerge.

In addition, I also remember the ‘luxury’ that Jang Si-hwan enjoyed.

A running horse, the growth stimulants that were essential to give wings to the main character, Jang Si-hwan.

Now the time has come to take it as another being in this world, the true protagonist Xin Kang-hu.

An antique-shaped wooden round table is placed on a field where a gentle breeze blows.


There are two books.

Each is a different book, and each contains a kind of ‘essence’ that leads to a story.

Although it has the shape of a book, in fact, the contents are activated just by touching it.

Ganghu’s hand naturally went to the book on the right.

Because I was more curious about the results related to this book.

that’s right.

“Hidden skill.”

A special skill that only exists in a total of 77 types in the world of hunters! It was about one of them.

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