The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 999: Enslaved creatures

The entire underground space has exceeded Yu Tu's limit perception. That is, Yu Tu's one-way maximum sensing distance. From the current point of view, the world is hierarchical, with platforms connected by trees. There are branches of trees on the platform, and all kinds of life.

There are four most common types. The first is the monster Yu Tu and the others encountered in the passage. huge amount of. But the status is very low. There is a monster that resembles an ogre. In the process of moving things, he grabbed a little monster and put it in his mouth more than once.

It really is the bottom of the food chain.

The second common one is the kind of ogre. A bit like a subspecies of ogre, the skin is full of folds, grayish red. The power is so great that the others cannot be seen.

The third type is the element wizard. Water sprite. However, it is not a normal water sprite. Just like the pure-blooded elemental spirit like Ivan Shika, the body is a shrunken shape of ordinary people, with fair skin, and the clothes on his body are also pure elemental colors. Bright red, pure yellow.

The water elves below have light blue skin and dark blue and dark purple clothes. It seems to be the same variant as the God Blood Fire Elf.

The last one with a larger number is a kind of doll monster. Humanoid, with multiple arms, mainly for carrying. There is a beating heart on the bare chest, more like some kind of parasitic monster.

In addition to these four kinds, there are more than ten kinds of monsters. But relatively speaking, the number is too scarce.

What really puzzles Yu Tu and the others is what these monsters are carrying. It is something plucked from those branches of trees, like boxes, of different sizes.

How to say it, it looks like a mine, these monsters are miners.

"Yu Mu, have you found a different monster?"

"There are two special ones."

Yu Mu pointed to two positions, and Yu Tu quickly noticed the special monster Yu Mu said.

One is the water wizard. Slap is big, because the distance is too far, it is easy to ignore. Hiding in a thicket of trees. It is a real water spirit, fair skin, azure dress.

The other is a person. Yu Tu observed it carefully and found that it was a doll. Exquisite doll. Same type as Yumu. In other words, it is a re-engraved version of Yu Mu, even the appearance is seven points similar.

Now, saying that this has nothing to do with Wu Senia, Yu Tu will not believe it. Looking at each other with Yu Mu, the two immediately began to act.

With the help of the coat of arms, the two fell directly near the doll. Quietly approached the doll.

When it was less than five meters away from the doll, the doll seemed to have discovered something. He quickly turned around and raised his hand to where Yu Tu was.

Yu Tu and Yu Mu moved at the same time. Yu Mu appeared directly behind the doll and locked the opponent, while Yu Tu grabbed the opponent's hand, holding a gun in his right hand, and blocked the opponent's mouth.

After Aiwen and Xika made sure that no monsters around them noticed, Yu Mu shot directly and penetrated the doll's chest. As a doll of the same type, Yu Mu is very aware of the power source of the doll. After removing the power source, the doll lost the ability to move, and could only turn its eyes, watching Yu Tu and they dragged it away.

The two elemental elves also prepared, knocking the sap behind them to take away the normal water elemental elves.

There is no choice to stay below. Yu Tu and the others retreated into the passage. Intricate passages can save a lot of trouble. The only thing that will have an impact is the monsters at the bottom of the food chain.

After setting the position, Yu Mu and Yu Tu began to study the structure of the doll.

After cutting the clothes, the two unexpectedly discovered that this doll turned out to be a female model. Of course, in the eyes of two people, men and women are the same.

The only part that the doll can move now is the eyes. Because of the angle problem, only two people can be seen busy with her.

After waiting for ten minutes, Yu Mu set up the energy again. The doll found that she didn't even have the strength to get up.

"What did you do to me?"

"Take off the threatening thing. Of course, it may be a little unskilled. Your energy supply can only support the upper body."

"You are maliciously destroying other people's property."

"If you say that, you are either a prisoner of war or a trophy. You are not qualified to ask for anything else. Next, we ask and you answer. After we ask, we will fix it for you."

"Your words have no credibility."

"You can choose to stay here. We just want to collect information. You are not the only choice."

The doll turned his head and saw the water elf who was unconscious on one side, with a look of contempt on his face.

Seeing this expression, Yu Mu and Yu Tu frowned.

"I promised. I hope you can keep your promise."

"Then, explain, the area just now. What is going on in that underground world?"

The doll thought for a while, and began to describe that special underground world.

This is a mausoleum. Or the extension of the tomb. It has a history of about a thousand years. The name of the doll is Jeno. It is a doll awakened from the tomb. She didn't know the meaning of her birth, nor did she know the rest of her life. After walking all the way out of the tomb, he came to that special underground world.

The entire underground world is an extension of a tree. That is the main body of the tomb. Those monsters are all slaves after being affected by the tree.

After these trees are swallowed, they will gradually affect the minds of monsters and enslave these monsters. The enslaved monsters will obey the tree's orders and carry nutrients to the tomb to ensure the normal operation of the tomb.

If you really want to say, this is just a special ecosystem.

At the beginning, Jeno didn't think anything was wrong. But over time, the behavior of the tree began to change. It began to devour life.

Those enslaved monsters are being swallowed up all the time. A fragile little guy like the water elemental spirit will not live for more than seven days.

In order to survive, these monsters began to devour the nutrients gathered by the tree. This led to their mutation. At the same time, it also made them more enslaved.

That is the monsters that Yu Tu and the others have seen, which have completely mutated.

Those monsters can be said to be slaves to the tree. They are like worker ants, constantly transporting nutrients and supplying the queen.

"So, where are you hiding, what do you want to do?"

"Me? I just want to go back to the mausoleum. Find my master. My memory wakes up a bit over time. I remembered that I had a master. I'm going to find him."

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