The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 952: The call of Mother Earth

The heart, the core of most living things. It supports the important role of transporting blood. At least, Yu Tu's body cannot do without the heart. Without a heart, blood cannot flow. The organs of the body will lack the necessary oxygen and stop working.

Yu Tu took out a dagger and slashed his wrist. This is the most convenient way to judge. If the heart is still beating, a blood fountain will definitely appear when you hit the arteries. Of course, Yu Tu dare to do this in this world. There are medicines that can quickly heal wounds.

The knife slashed through the skin, and blood gushed out as expected. It drips slowly.

What made Yu Tu feel incredible was the color of blood, not the normal red. It is a reddish brown. It's like iodine. Moreover, a five-centimeter-long wound only squeezed out a few drops of blood. The wound healed quickly.

This gave Yu Tu a bold guess. This body now is not his original body. But apart from the internal situation, it didn't look like his own body.

Yu Tu had already begun to suspect that he was in an illusion.

He glanced at the source of the earth and chose to retreat. He needs to determine if this is an illusion. The simplest self-harm has been tried. But it is still not so sure.

Out of the passage, once again came to the wind and snow area. This time, Yu Tu could feel the wind but not the cold.

There is no special feeling when the snowflake hits the face. It seems to be in a coma once, and the whole person is different. He wrinkled and continued to go deep. He wanted to see what else was in the depths.

After a corner, he saw a person who was completely frozen. Walked over, looked at that twisted arm, and immediately understood who it was.

"Yumu, Yumu, can you hear me?"

Yu Tu turned Yu Mu over and saw his eyes move slowly. But a layer of ice has appeared on the surface of the body. At least action is impossible.

This puzzled Yu Tu. Yumu is very resistant to cold. The fire of the sun **** in his body is also enough to deal with the ice here. Even if it is the wind and snow built by the power of the gods, it is impossible to freeze the flames of the sun **** burning the world.

Just when Yu Tu suspected that it was an illusion, the part where he touched Yumu became hot. The ice layer was melted, and then a golden flame appeared, slowly moving to Yu Mu's mouth, melting the ice layer on his face.

"What's the matter with your arm? Also, where does the unknown heat source in your body come from?"

Yu Mu's words surprised Yu Tu, but he still needs to determine whether Yu Mu is true or false. Or is it an illusion?

"Tell me something that I don't know about you and Yu Shuang."

Yu Mu's expression became strange.

"Do I like Yu Shuang?"

"You are a human being."

"You don't need to remind me. Well, my creator is very similar to Yu Shuang, I can easily bring her in."

"Just a little bit important."

"You said what you didn't know. I told you how do you know the truth."

"Say one, I have a way of judging."

Yu Mu was silent for a long time before grinning.

Yu Tu immediately threw him to the ground and drew his weapon at him. He can be sure that Yu Mu is a fake. The real Yumu's smile has never been so natural.

"I still want to let you end all this in a fantasy world. Sorry, my child."

Yu Mu's voice became a gentle female voice. The appearance has also changed dramatically.

Not only Yumu, but the surrounding environment has also changed. The space is replaced by something brown-red. Everything disappeared, including Yu Mu.

When Yu Tu was vigilant, in this strange space, the part in front of Yu Tu squeezed out a female image. After the brownish red faded, an indescribable woman appeared in front of Yu Tu.

I can see it, it's very clear. But it is impossible to describe it. It's like a character in a dream.

"My child, sorry to call you this way."

"who are you?"

"I, Mother Earth, your mother."

"You are, Semy Liwen!"

"Calling the mother's name directly is not what a good child does."

Yu Tu was silent. He hasn't figured out why Sam Liwen would say that she is his mother until now. The power of the **** of this body, he was already quite sure that it was the power of Evelyn, Emperor Xie Lin. Even the mother, it should be Evelyn.

"You are my child. There is no doubt about that. The resonance with the source of the earth is the evidence."

Yu Tu still remains suspicious, but in this state, it is useless to question. It's better to just follow along.

"Then, Master Mother, is there anything you call me?"

A stunning smile appeared on Sammy Liwen's face, even Yu Tu was stunned for a while.

"My child, I, eager to go back to the ground and back to you. Help me, help me, get out of this cage."

"what should I do?"

"The source of the earth will tell. Don't question the choice of the source of the earth. Child, you are my only hope. This power is given to you by me. With this power, you will refuse death. Even the gods cannot Take you away. Remember, follow the choice of the source of the earth."

The light lit up, Yu Tu closed her eyes with excitement. When he opened it again, he once again returned to the area where the source of the earth was.

He pressed his hand on his heart and felt it, not the beating of his heart, but a hard object.

Pulling open her clothes, Yu Tu saw a brown spar in the center of her chest. There is a brownish red vein on it, spreading to the surroundings. It's like some kind of parasite.

There was a lot of information in his mind, making Yu Tu's head seem to explode.

When the others arrived, they saw Yu Tu kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily.


Fensny immediately cast a healing technique for Yu Tu. Misyitar and Yumu are on alert. Owen went to check Yu Tu's injury.

"I'm fine, no enemies."

Yu Tu has now passed the most difficult stage. He looked at the source of the earth on his chest with a wry smile on his face.

Who knew that the source of the earth could be such a thing? But at least, the task can be completed easily.

"How did you meet?"

Several people looked at each other, and Yu Mu replied: "You are the only one who is not with us. How did you come here?"

After Yu Mu stopped answering, Yu Tu's heart became more bitter. From the beginning to the end, it is the behavior directed at him alone. Whether it is the interception of the Ten Kings or the exploration of this underground world.

It's as if he is the only key. It feels uncomfortable that everything is under control.

"It's okay, go back."

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