The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 1220: Aluart's backhand

Although it is not clear what the purpose of the other party is doing this, it is certainly not possible for the other party to achieve their goals.

Yu Tu immediately raised his hand, and the long-accumulated regular power turned into sharp thorns and flew directly towards Wright.

A refreshing breeze passed. Wendy, the goddess of wind element, had already stopped in front of Wright, and the two-headed knight's spear in his hand was swung, and all the thorns were easily stopped.

Although those cone thorns are composed of erosion rules. Has a strong ability to break defenses. But the spear in Wendy's hand is not a simple commodity.

The violent wind element attached to the surface easily bounced off the weapon composed of corrosive force. Even if a part of it is destroyed, with the richness of the elements here, there is no need to care at all.

While Wendy stopped Yu Tu from attacking, Mayfair and Dark also moved.

Duck held up the broad sword in his hand and rushed towards Yu Tu. The violent dark elemental power on the surface of the body constantly affects the rules around the two, so Yu Tu can only mobilize the power in his body to fight.

The weapons used by the two have an eroding effect, and they are constantly swallowing each other. Yu Tu can still have the upper hand for the time being. This was the result he achieved under the influence of the magic of the earth goddess Sola.

Compared to him who has experienced countless battles, these goddesses, who have never seen other lives since their birth, are terrible in combat.

However, they are also making rapid progress, it is not like they have never been in combat.

Yu Tu glanced at Aiwen's side. The current strength of Aiwen was suppressed to the sixth rank, and his personality was reduced to the queen of fire elements. Regardless of the strength or the strength of the rules, they are far inferior to the goddess of fire element Phil.

But the current situation is indeed that Ivan is unilaterally suppressing Mayfair under the influence of Solei's magic.

According to this rhythm, at most one day, the two of them can beat all these elemental goddesses to the ground. But the problem is that there are two guys who haven't participated in the war.

The shadow behind Wright is still absorbing the power of the six element rules. Yu Tu couldn't guess what kind of existence that thing would eventually become.

But it is definitely not something to deal with.

Compared to the battle that wastes time here, Yu Tu still tends to achieve his goal and leave quickly.

He calmly adjusted the battle position. Make sure that Water is always in his field of vision.

Once the problem is not right, he will catch Water for the first time and leave with Aiwen. This can be regarded as fulfilling the original purpose of coming here, which is to obtain the crown of the queen of water elements.

Of course, it is definitely better to get the wind element.

Looking at Wendy who stopped in front of Wright, Yu Tu turned his attention to the gate of the Temple of Wind Element.

The door at this time is already open. In other words, he had the opportunity to rush in directly and take out Wendy's body.

After weighing the pros and cons, Yu Tu gave up this idea. At present, Water is a case by case. Although other element goddesses lack combat experience. But it is not that there is no room for resistance.

Not to mention that the Temple of Elements is their absolute home.

Think about this, the next thing you need to do is simple.

Yu Tu spit out a syllable suddenly. Subsequently, the magic in the body quickly resonated with the surrounding dark elements. In Duck's confused eyes, the magical elements around the two detonated instantly.

At the same time, Yu Tu also kicked Duck in the lower abdomen.

The position of Duck who flew out was right where Wright was. Wendy immediately controlled the wind and caught Duck. This also makes them lose the most suitable time.


Yu Tu had already grabbed Walter, the heraldry in his hand was crushed. The space began to oscillate, and the channel was rapidly forming.

Ai Wen forced back Faye with a mouthful of Long Yan. Quickly rushed to Yu Tu's side. At this time, the elemental goddesses had no way to stop them from leaving.

At this time, the shadow behind Wright was completely solidified.

Yu Tu and Ai Wen were stunned looking at the familiar shadow.

An existence similar to Aiwen. His body was covered with a colorful feather weave, just like the feathers of a phoenix.

Surrounded by twelve magic **** of different colors, exuding the aura of twelve element attributes.

The eyes are the same as the previous Chimera, with brilliant rainbow colors.

No need to introduce themselves, Yu Tu and the two also know each other's identity.

The goddess of the elements, Eluart.

"Yu Tu? It turned out to be you."

After seeing the two of Yu Tu, Aluyat's face showed a strange expression.

The atmosphere created when it first appeared was instantly broken.

Yu Tu looked at the space door behind him, and began to think about whether to jump in now. I always feel that Yu Tu sees the mess left by her in the past from Aluart's expression.

"Stop him, don't let him run! This scumbag!"

In an instant, even Aiwen's eyes on Yu Tu became weird.

Yu Tu started to think about the intersection between herself and Aluyat.

Before that, Yu Shuang had already got out of the space door.

"Brother! What happened! Why didn't you leave after the door opened!"

As soon as Yu Shuang came out and saw this weird scene, it was a little baffling. However, the look of the elemental goddess who is aggressive and holding a weapon does not look like a friend at all. Subconsciously made a fighting posture.

"Stop first, I feel something is wrong."

"Wait! Stop moving her!"

Both of them stopped their own people. Then, he looked at each other.

From the words just now, Yu Tu has heard something different.

And Eluart's expression became tangled.

"So, who are you? I don't remember, I have seen the goddess of the elements. As a **** who came out of the abyss, no, to be precise, you should be a certain abyss lord."

"Why? Do you look down on the Lord of the Abyss? Anyway, I have bought you hundreds of years. When is it?"

The expressions of Yu Tu and Ai Wen both became strange. The character of the goddess of the elements feels quite different from what she expected. No, it simply subverts cognition.

A **** who can make a decision to sacrifice himself and a whole group of people to liberate the seal and re-seal the abyss. I thought it was a more solemn god.

Who would have thought that it would have a personality like this kind of female rascal. The gap with her sister is too big.

Even, the most absurd point. Among her clones, the closest to her character turned out to be the goddess of water element Water.

Ailuart seemed to see Yu Tu and their thoughts, and looked at Yu Tu with disgust.

"Forget it, I don't have much time, I don't care about you. This is what I left behind. To ensure that the elemental elves will not completely disappear. If you guessed it correctly, you are here to get the final crown. Yeah. You can take it, but it comes at a price."

"What's the price?"

"I want you to kill an abyss lord."

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