The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 1123: Dragon's Bride (Part 1)

Compared with the first epic, the second song and dance tells a lot more plainly.

It tells the life of a princess. At the time of birth, there was a pearl in his mouth with the mark of a dragon.

The prophet in the court described a terrible disaster. He said, this jewel is the mark of dragon to his bride. On the day when the princess became an adult. The evil dragon will bring war and plague to the kingdom, marry the princess, and take away half of the kingdom's wealth. Inflict natural disasters on the kingdom for ten years.

The princess who should be the jewel in the palm, because of this prophecy, became the most unpopular person in the kingdom. If it weren't for worrying that killing the princess would make the dragon go crazy and destroy the kingdom. The king would never allow the princess to continue to live.

Only the mother of the princess truly loves the princess, taking care of the princess alone, not willing to let anyone take over.

And the king did not give up, he kept summoning the warriors, summoning the army, and slaughtering the surrounding dragons. In just twelve years, his kingdom has become the famous dragon-slaying kingdom.

But nothing has changed, the prophet's prediction is still the same, without the slightest change.

The threat of the evil dragon always lingers over the kingdom. In the end, someone made a vicious suggestion to the king.

And the king followed the advice. The princess, who was only twelve years old, was taken to a mountain in the north of the kingdom and locked in a cave.

Except for three meals a day, there are no other conditions.

This kind of behavior is like imprisonment, even an adult may not be able to bear it, let alone a child who has been cared for by his mother for twelve years and has no knowledge of world affairs.

For the first few days, the princess cried and looked for her mother, but her mother was also in the palace. Even without this, her mother could not leave the palace because of her.

At this level, the queen realized that her love for the princess was not pure maternal love. She is also very selfish. When it really involves her own interests, she will also choose to abandon the princess.

After nineteen days of imprisonment, the princess also understood. I was abandoned by the last relative.

The young princess, like a little beast, huddled up in the cave building every day. Apart from three meals a day, there is nothing to keep her active.

During the period, the queen visited her.

For the first time, she was very happy, crying and wanted her mother to take her away. But the mother refused.

The second time, she made this request again, and her mother asked her to wait, and it was soon enough.

For the third time, her mother said with a smile. Next time, take her away next time.

She was excited for a long time. But that is just a lie. Her mother never came again. One day, two days. One month, two months. One year, two years.

Two full years have passed. The princess is used to life in the cave. The smile on her face disappeared completely, every day, humming a little tune in the cave, weaving with some plant vines. That was the technique the queen gave her when she was young.

Until now, she didn't know why she should be treated like this.

On her fourteenth birthday, an exquisite jade appeared in the cave. There is a dragon pattern on it.

The princess picked up the orb and heard a voice. That is the dragon's whisper.

Although she had never heard of this language, the princess still understood the meaning.

"My dear bride."

Nothing else, just repeating this sentence.

The princess hesitated for a long time, and finally asked in a low voice, "Are you talking to me?"

The voice stopped. This made the princess a little disappointed. But then, a new voice rang from the beads again.

"Of course, my bride."

The princess' eyes widened, looking at the beads panic. But then, she responded to that voice without hesitation. Two years of lonely experience made her extremely cherish this kind of communication.

"Who are you? Why do you say that I am your bride."

"I am a dragon, the only calamity dragon in the world. Because of the calamity, I can't find a partner. So, I prayed to the gods to give me a partner who can bear all of my partners. The **** responded to me and gave me a partner. A bead. He said that my partner will be born with another bead. When she was fourteen, I could talk to her once a year. Until, when she was eighteen, I could Marry my bride."

The princess covered her mouth, feeling incredible. But then, the dragon's voice became urgent.

"We are running out of time to communicate. One thing is very important. You must do it. Absolutely, you must never lose purity. Before I marry you, you must never lose purity. Please, this is my switch Yes, I beg you, you must agree."

"Okay, no problem. So, what should I call you?"

Without any response, the princess lowered her eyes. She knew that it was time. The next exchange will be a year later.

However, the princess was still very happy. At least, she knew that someone needed her. Rather than being a captive who was thrown into a cave like a prisoner like a burden.

Inexplicably, the princess began to look forward to her eighteenth birthday. Even if she knew that it was a terrible dragon who came to take her away. With anticipation, the princess became a lot more lively.

And a few days later, the queen came to the princess with a smile of joy.

"My dear, you are free, I will pick you up."

Two years late for the promise. The Queen made a lot of effort for this in two years. Simply, she succeeded.

At first, she thought she would see lively girls, happy girls.

But in fact, the princess who got the news only showed a formulaic smile. Thank you.

There is no joy of reunion after a long absence, nor the familiar intimacy of the past.

The queen felt the princess's resistance to her. The alienation from her.

There is no alternative to this. In order to obtain this warrant, she has been running around for the past two years. But she believes that time can smooth everything out. The appearance of the princess now seemed to the queen to be just a child's anger and awkwardness. It will be comforted soon.

In this way, the queen took the princess back to the kingdom.

This time, the princess had her own palace. A beautiful palace is full of golden decorations. There are many toys that princesses once liked.

The princess has never experienced this. After getting along, as the Queen expected, the smile was re-displayed, and the strangeness was also dispelled.

The queen would often hold the princess and coax her to sleep. And she hopes that this can continue.

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