The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 1087: Delayed decision

"I need an explanation."

Destiny looked at Shana, the chains on her body moved for the first time. Moving slowly like a poisonous snake, Shanna felt a trace of heart palpitations due to her strong sense of crisis. But she does not regret her decision.

"I think the abyss is leading you to open the seal. Those other worlds, the abyss lord. These are all."

"carry on."

Shana raised her head and stared into the eyes of Destiny and said: "I admit that this is an unavoidable battle. But it should never be forced to open the seal and welcome this war. We must take the initiative. In your own hands."

"You know, we have lost the initiative now."

"Where is it lost? All the seals are in the hands of that lord, and two ways to invade the abyss are blocked. The last one is the other world you are worried about. You only see the risks in it. Have you ever thought about one problem? World. Fusion has priority. It’s like you can swallow other worlds. Those other worlds will also be swallowed. What the abyss can do is to plunge into more abysses before that world is swallowed."

Destiny is silent, this way they are not unexpected. But this is risky. No one knows what the abyss can do. Once the abyss really has the ability, it can launch attacks from those other worlds, and even descend from another world. All their preparations will be wasted. This kind of risk is not something everyone can bear.

"Sana, you make it hard for me to do this."

"I know Master, I am ready. Even if it is dead, I will prevent the seal from opening at this moment."

"Do you know that the king has already sacrificed for the seal. You did so, just letting him waste his life in vain. The seal cannot be opened all the time. And the next guy who can unlock the door to the seal has not reached the level of sixth. You In this operation, the opening of the seal will be postponed for at least one year."

"Is it good to postpone it? You have more time to train those who have fallen from the sky. With those other worlds, the fourth-order sky-fallers are no longer enough. We need stronger cannon fodder. The fifth-order cannon fodder."

Destiny gave Shana a deep look.

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

"I know."

"Then you should know the difference between Tier 4 and Tier 5. Tier 5 is accessible to the rules. Even if it is pseudo Tier 5, those who have fallen from the sky may perceive something wrong. Once they notice that our world is Really, who can guarantee their thoughts?"

"You don't need to guarantee anything, they won't believe it. Because they don't want to believe that the existence of our useful and powerful forces is real."

Tianming looked at Shana with a firm face and sighed involuntarily. She knows everything Shanna said. Even the gods are very clear.

Even so, no one chooses Shanna this way. Because the players are always an unstable group. Give stronger power, can be strong enough to destroy the world. Destroy Exo Palma.

This is the only taboo.

Of course, at this level, we must find a solution.

Tianming closed his eyes, and the chains on his body began to move. Two chains were wrapped around Yu Tu's body, gently lifting Yu Tu.

There is also a chain directly wrapped around Shana's body. A section of the chain with a sharp cone pierced directly into Shana's chest.

Shana bore all this with no expression. Then, a surprised expression appeared on her face. Obviously the body was penetrated, but he was not hurt at all. The chains entwined around her body began to slowly squeeze into Shana's body.

Soon, Shanna realized. This chain, directly starting from her heart, bound the bones of her whole body. Before the bones and muscles, there were more chains with thick fingers, which made her suffer a certain amount of pain when she moved. Even in a static state. The pulsation of the heart will also shake the chains, causing continuous damage to the body.

This is the punishment given to Shanna by the destiny. Endless pain.

To be honest, Shana hasn't felt pain for a long time. She tried to move her body and nodded gently. At least it will not affect her actions. With her particularity, this punishment will not affect her combat effectiveness at all.

At the same time, this is also a statement of destiny. Since the punishment is chosen, it means that this matter has passed. Shanna's proposal, destiny must also be carefully considered.

Of course, Destiny will not simply make a physical punishment.

"For more than six hundred years, I have been suppressing you. Now, I give you permission. Go, go to those other worlds. Your goal is those who have mastered the rules. Those who stop you on the way. stay."

"Yes, master."

The Mandate of Heaven did not continue to stay, taking Yu Tu into the crack. There are still many things to be solved next. Other than that, Yu Tu's three-month weakness period is a big trouble.

After six hours, the players got the news that the game was temporarily maintained for six hours.

When they go online again, new missions and plots have already appeared.

After discussing with the gods, they could only choose to eat the existing alien world before talking. The upper limit of players' level has also been raised to the level of Tier 4 peak.

As for whether you can reach the fifth level. It depends on the abilities of those players themselves. Players who have the ability to get in touch with the rules and who know the real world of this world are qualified to step over the ladder and become an existence beyond the players.

Of course, it is impossible to see it within half a year.

Because of the changed method, the time to open the seal was postponed until after the other world was completely resolved.

During this time, many people have the opportunity to improve themselves. At the same time, the gods also began to look for those who had the opportunity to become gods, and cultivate as many gods as possible. Although it is a little vague, they will not have any losses.

To say that the worst of this period is Yu Tu.

The power on Shana's dagger is her innate power. Unlike the rules, even the gods cannot clear it. If it weren't for Yu Tu's promotion to God, his physical fitness would have been greatly improved. The wound was enough to keep him lying in bed for decades.

Now Yu Tu, the body cannot act, and the magic in the body is also affected. But one thing is not restricted.

His spiritual body.

When practicing soul control, Yu Tu directly pulled the spiritual body in the real world here and became a second spiritual body.

After that, the spiritual body merged, but this method was indeed mastered by Yu Tu.

With the addition of the evil clone in the Xie Lin Emperor God descending mode, Yu Tu had an idea.

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