The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 1084: Yu Tu wakes up

The gods reached an agreement and opened up the restrictions on external gods.

A large number of known friendly foreign gods responded to the call and kept pouring into Esopama. Of course, the locations they chose were all areas that were eroded.

The same is invading another world, these outer gods can enjoy the rule bonus of the two worlds, and the increased strength can ensure that they can stably suppress the enemy.

To talk about this invasion, who is the busiest. It is absolutely destiny.

The current state of Destiny is very similar to the Earth Mother God. However, she has turned herself into a rule. This is the main reason she can bring players in.

And now, she began to try to incorporate those invading worlds into the rules.

What the abyss wants is to allow other worlds to invade, integrate into Esopama, and give itself more choices of entrance.

What Destiny has to do is to incorporate these invading worlds into Esopama, into the game system that he owns. Turn monsters in different worlds into game monsters, the enemies of players in the game. At the same time, with the help of assimilation, the seal covers those different worlds.

Simply put, it is the problem of superposition. The two worlds are superimposed on each other, and whoever is on top decides. It is this ownership that fate competes for.

And she was born for this thing now. Those other worlds have no ability to resist.

After all, this kind of struggle is more of a confrontation between two world consciousnesses. And those different worlds that have been eroded have no complete world consciousness at all. Were swallowed by the abyss.

On the third day after the introduction of the outer gods, Destiny completed the merger of the first alien world. That is, the world of relics on water in the rainstorm.

Destiny is not at all polite. Directly update the game and use that different world as a brand new copy.

All monsters have been suppressed, including those who have mastered the rules.

The boss titles are arranged one after another. After the players were back online, they were thrown into that other world without stopping.

For this world that nearly killed his younger siblings, Destiny showed his greatest malice.

Not only the player, but also a very terrifying foreign **** was led into that world by the destiny.

It can be said that that world has been completely destroyed. In less than a week, all defense lines were destroyed by the outside god, and he was successfully grasped by the destiny.

Everything about the abyss was also erased.

Such fierce behavior naturally caused the abyss to counterattack.

In other worlds controlled by the abyss, the army of the abyss began to appear.

But these abyss monsters have long been in the grasp of destiny. Instead, these different worlds have become players' favorite training grounds.

For this reason, the players' level and strength are rapidly rising, and they are already approaching the limit given by the destiny.

Even, Destiny has already put those duplicated mythological weapons in the dungeon or mission to speed up the process.

All this is because of Yu Tu. This important role has not yet awakened.

I have to say that this time Yu Tu suffered too much. How heavy is it? Can you imagine what it would be like to have all the muscles of a person crushed?

It is very lucky to be able to survive. Even Saslow’s physicians at the time did not think Yu Tu could wake up.

They can only say that they are doing their best to maintain Yu Tu's life, rather than saving Yu Tu's life. Only Yu Shuang used the sacred spell to heal Yu Tu's body continuously.

This is how the miracle happened.

In the beginning, Yu Tu's body was just passively accepting the power of the sacred spell. But with the passage of time, this acceptance becomes a request. Even Yu Tu's body began to actively absorb the free sacred attributes.

Yu Shuang is no stranger to this phenomenon.

That is Yu Tu's own rules. Special rules that swallow other rules.

Really used to describe words. That is the word rule.

Yu Tu's rule is the concept of the rule itself. All the rules, yes. All-inclusive beginning. It's also the reason why the Abyss must get Yu Tu at all costs.

With Yu Tu's rules, the abyss can easily swallow other rules, allowing himself to achieve his goal as soon as possible and become a real life.

Finally, Yu Tu opened his eyes again after being in a coma for a month.

With the return of strength, Yu Tu has taken the last step logically.

The sacred beam of light descended from the sky. The holy mountain emerged above the clouds.

Sixteen gods stood at the door of the temple, sending blessings to the new gods.

Yu Tu successfully understood and mastered his own rules and was promoted to God. The **** of rules.

Now he has completely got rid of the shackles of the power of the abyss. The body was directly destroyed by the mark engraved by the abyss. The pure power of the abyss became a part of the rules of the abyss in Yu Tu's hands.

Just after Yu Tu woke up, the first king at Jiding Tianshan opened his eyes.

"Seal, touched. Time is up."

In the void, the body of the third king slowly emerged.

"Are you sure you want to do that?"

"I was born for this. For, to unlock this seal. For, Evelyn."

"Then goodbye, old man."


No one knows. The most mysterious and powerful first king will choose himself. It never occurred to the king that this death was his true mission.

With the fall of the first king. Turbulence appeared in Jiding Tianshan. The seal hidden in the mountain slowly emerged.

Just waiting for Yu Tu's key to come over, open this terrible door, and cast the beast inside.

Yu Tu is now recovering her body in the Saslow Palace.

To say that it is recovery is more like adapting to your new body. During the coma. Constantly absorb the sacred magic power of the sacred curse. To some extent, his power has been improved. The body has also changed.

Not only that, after he understood his own rules, he also analyzed the rules of the power of the gods in his body and mastered more rules.

As the mastery of the rules increased, Yu Tu also noticed the limitations of his own rules.

He can analyze, plunder, and master the rules of others. It looks very powerful, but there is an irreversible result.

His body will continue to move closer to the rules. Constantly assimilated by rules.

When he has mastered enough rules, he will become a regular life form similar to the destiny. Lose the body, lose the ability to interfere with things. Become part of the maintenance rules.

This power is a poison to Yu Tu. An inextricable poison.

What is ridiculous is that Yu Tu will lose her body because of this power, losing everything that is life and leaving only consciousness.

But the will of the abyss can use this rule to become a perfect life.

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