35. Hell Lord

“You want to add a phase change?”

“yes. That way, it feels more realistic that the entire continent is becoming a mess.”


Taeyeon pondered for a moment.

phase change.

It is a system that changes the surrounding environment according to the progress of quests and events.

For example, the area that was the enemy camp before accepting the quest turns into a normal friendly base when the clearing is completed after accepting the quest.

The game that uses this properly is World of Warcraft, which was inspired by the Atlantian Electric!

It has been developed so that you can enjoy the scene where the terrain is destroyed due to the invasion of the enemy in real time.

“It is certainly necessary to put the plan into action. But the work form is so big… … .”

“We need to hire more people. If you bring in some of the friends I used to work with, we can do it all!”

I didn’t ask if it was possible to create and apply a phase change system.

Because he was the one who taught it.

“great. However, I will also participate in the interview. I want to see with my own eyes if he is really worthwhile.”

“Yes, of course, but you will like it.”

Planner, programmer, original artist, modeler, animator… … And that precious effector!

Park Myung-hoon uploaded a total of six resumes.

‘His career is compliant.’

From the 3rd year to the 7th year.

He has experience in launching at least one game from the early stages of development, and also has experience in maintenance.

“Let’s have an interview.”

Face-to-face, figure out your personality through conversation, and check your abilities through the status window.

‘They’re really good people.’

Of course, you can’t fully understand a person’s personality with just a brief conversation.

‘A reference check exists for times like this.’

In simple terms, it is a task to find out what kind of person the interviewer was at a previous job. As long as she has a long career in the industry, Taeyeon has a deep and thin manpower.

-Ah, Kanghyun Kim? He’s a good person. I also have skills. But why? Is PD trying to hire you?

-Ah, Kim Bo-hyun… … I’m the type to work quietly. Still, he is very good at his job and quick-witted, so when he asks for something, he quickly pulls out the work. So it had a good reputation.

‘No one is angular.’

Status window stats and reputation are both good.

“Then there is no reason to hesitate.”

Taeyeon said to Park Myunghun.

“First of all, let’s put it in the Atlantian electric team and create the necessary content, including the phase change system. By the end of this year.”

“It’s going to be transferred to a new development team next year, right?”

“Sure. Please give me a good explanation. Because there can be confusion from the party’s point of view, and there may be dissatisfaction with the team constantly changing.”

* * *

development caught fire.

From nob le mt l dot com

Most of the work was not new, but was carried out in a way that recycles existing resources.

Thanks to this, Taeyeon was able to concentrate on other tasks with peace of mind.

Once a week, we have inspection team meetings and work, and develop Pantheon and Pandaemonium.

From time to time, I was also interested in news from the studio next door.

From nob le mt l dot com

Monster Eater on Neckple Plus!

It seems that the number of new subscribers is not increasing explosively anymore, but the connection rate is being maintained steadily.

‘That alone is enough to save.’

Everything is cruising!

‘I hope this atmosphere continues.’

* * *

Rumors have been circulating that the atmosphere at Nexle has changed surprisingly.

The change was also evident in the office worker app and the Reed Forest game lounge.

-Only one head of the division has changed, but the atmosphere at the company has changed dramatically. It seems that the number of management ranks flirting with nonsensical reasons like before or not doing their jobs and doing lupans has really decreased… … Am I the only one who thinks so?

└ No. definitely decreased. Cancer what is the reason? The general manager checks the progress of each live studio overtime work from time to time. He’s a practical master and a master of tricks, so he can’t behave as modestly as he used to.

└Director, you are a really strict and scary person. Last week, we didn’t check the progress of our PD’s work properly, went in for a weekly work report, and woke up while watching other studios.

└Ah, I saw that. Was it your PD? It was broken to the point of being really pitiful. I just cried afterward… … lol

The beginning of the change is Yoo Tae-yeon, general manager!

-It’s just that one head of headquarters has changed… … .

└This is why the role of the chief executive is important. Everyone, whether it’s a PD or a team leader, was working with tension when I opened my eyes wide and sent a watchful eye.

As the news spread throughout the industry, the number of job seekers also increased significantly.

-Someone else around you is behaving recklessly so that you can’t concentrate on your work? Send a letter to the general manager or one of the inspection team. resolved soon.

└ I also asked for help by email from the general manager for some reason, and he was really kind to the interview and solved the problem well. Thank you so much.

Nexle’s stock price, which had been declining for a while due to the box office success of Monster Eater, also turned to an upward trend.

From nob le mt l dot com

Meanwhile, in the game community, the following was a big issue.

-Yoo Tae-yeon, producer, has begun to repair Atlansia Electricity in earnest!

-The Atlantian Electric is from the scenario, world view to balance… … Many things will be changed. Literally to the level of cataclysm!

– Plan to create and apply a new system! Development is already in progress.

From nob le mt l dot com

My friend is the developer on that team… … .

The rumors that spread through Kadera said one thing.

– They said they would make Atlansia Electricity into an MMORPG that smells like World of Warcraft.

There were a lot of negative comments about this part.

-Wow, ever… …

└ Once upon a time, you and I all wanted to make a game like WoW. I thought it would calm down for a while… … ;;;

└ WoW sales and popularity have declined significantly. Wouldn’t it be a bit silly to aim for that game now?

└I think the goal setting is wrong… … ?

Regarding this opinion, users who like MMORPGs and still play them have refuted.

-What about wow?!

└ It is true that sales have decreased and popularity is not the same as before, but it is still the number one MMORPG worldwide.

└Wow when? … . There is no MMORPG like that even now.

└ It’s such a well-made game that it’s difficult to make it feel similar.

Game development takes a lot of time.

No matter how good rumors spread, you have to wait quite a long time to confirm the truth.

However, gamers were used to this long wait.

In particular, the Atlansia electric community collected development rumors from time to time and calmly built up expectations for the game that would change.

* * *

This atmosphere was also known to the Atlantian Electric developers. It was because there were a lot of things being mentioned in the game community after the meeting.

Anyway, isn’t it a good thing to get expectations from users?

But it was not the time to be excited.

development meeting.

Taeyeon dropped the bomb.

“It’s a famous MMORPG, but the content other than PVP is too lacking. We will drastically increase the PVE content. It’s crazy that you can’t do in our game what you can do in other games.”

Take a look around and declare.

“In that sense, it’s a work focus period for a month starting tomorrow.”

“… … !”

“The director will give you a detailed explanation on this. I’m busy.”

When Taeyeon left the seat, Myunghoon Park chanted.

“It’s the beginning of the hell week.”

“What is it?”

Park Myung-hoon asked at the words of the female developer of the original painting team.

“Hell Week, there is a special training practiced by UDT. It’s five days of intense training without sleep.”

Unexpected explanation!

A male developer asks with an ominous feeling.

“Are you talking about crunch mode?”

“It is a little different. I don’t work overtime. But it will be harder than that. In many ways.”

Developers with nervous expressions.

“It refers to creating an environment where non-work activities are limited as much as possible, and schedules are tightly adjusted so that you can focus only on getting rid of work.”

Park Myung-hoon smiled.

“Hell give this. In other words, I used to say ‘Yoo Tae-yeon mode’.”

“Yoo Tae-yeon mode?”

“Time to work like Yoo Tae-yeon. What does this mean?”

“ah… … .”

“A sight is not worth a thousand words. If you experience it tomorrow, you will feel what this is.”

* * *

Early moning.

A suffocating silence filled the Atlantia Electric Development Studio.

At the center of it was a man.

A person wearing a neat navy suit, combing his hair and staring at the monitor with a cold expression.

tadak. tadadak… … !

The keyboard typing sound emanating from ten slender fingers resonates exceptionally loudly.

Even though my fingers weren’t strong, it rang in everyone’s mind to a strange extent.

The reason is that… … .

“Mr. Kim Jung-won, the head of the level part. Let’s take a look at the new map plan.”

“yes yes? Now, hold on… … .”

“Even if it’s not finished, I’ll take it into account and see, so bring it.”

“… … All right.”

“Please prepare the document for the next Shim Ju-hyeok escort quest system renewal. I will review it in the rain.”

“Yes, yes!”

That’s it!

He created his own work position in the development room, and reviewed the work at regular intervals.

If there is anything wrong or incomplete… … .

“Have you not planned a map yet? You have to write down the numerical settings properly.”

“omg! Sin, sorry.”

“Especially, the high-low survey design part is too weak.”

Relentless comments pour in.

But it doesn’t end with a scolding.

“In this case, look at the actual geographic map taken as a reference and supplement it by referring to the survey figures. There’s no one to say anything about that. Most of the time, that’s how I work.”

“A real map… … Oh, you can do that.”

“I will tell you a good site to refer to. If you don’t have the actual terrain you’ve captured as a reference, check it out now, and make sure to supplement your map planning as richly and accurately as possible.”

“yes! thank you.”

“Remember. Level planners need to guide and familiarize themselves with surveying. Study the basic survey figures of major cities so that you can recite them with your eyes closed.”

“All right!”

“I’ll check again at 11:30 before lunch. The next Mr. Shim Joo-hyeok. Let’s see the escort quest renewal plan.”

Truly an iron man!

No, superman!

Developers were completely fed up with the way they accurately checked the schedule minute by minute, confirmed the work, and gave feedback.

What is even more surprising is that he proceeds with his own work separately.

“Ah, PD-nim is here. The Pantheon Deus Ax Machina design.”

“This part… … .”

“Peddy! It’s time for an interview now… … .”

“There are two people interviewing in the morning, right? let’s go.”

Respond to requests for feedback from the new development team as well as requests for all kinds of business support, such as personnel affairs.

The program manager, who was watching Taeyeon at work, whispered to Myunghoon Park, who was sitting next to him.

“Were you that kind of person?”


“It’s Yoo PD. The way you work and manage your schedule is very bloody? I’m seeing someone like that for the first time. I am not a person.”

Park Myung-hun looked at Yoo Tae-yeon.

While typing on the keyboard as if possessed, her eyes are scanning the results brought by other developers. Then, when a work call comes in, stop your hands, talk on the phone, and direct your work with your fingers.

Park Myung-hoon shook his head.

“no. Originally, I was known for being hard on work, but it wasn’t to that extent.”

“is it so?”

Park Myung-hun let out a quiet voice.

“What the hell happened when I couldn’t see you for a while?”

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