Hmm... It is estimated that this first film should be able to pass [-] million at the box office, which is a very successful.

After all, the investment in this movie is not high, mainly because the main actors are really cheap.

After the box office of the movie came out, the little witch Emma also called Bai Anli to complain.

No way, who told him to forget that he promised her to star in this movie... Fortunately, after the reunion starts, the role of Scarlet Witch should be able to make up for it.

He Bai Anli spit and nails, can't let his reputation be ruined!


As for Marvel, "Iron Man 2" will be released soon, but it should be two months away.

How should I put it, Bai Anli deliberately asked to avoid "The Dark Knight"......

It's not that he is cowardly or something, one is a movie of his own company, the other is a movie that he acted in, he is crazy and beats himself......

And because of the explosion of "Iron Man 1" before, the popularity of the two characters Iron Man and Batman has alternately increased in North America.

Basically the kind that replaces the first one every once in a while.


In fact, Marvel also made a "Invincible Hulk" in the middle of it. The box office was not particularly high, but it did not lose money.

The charm of the green fat man is not enough. . . . . .

"Iron Man 2" is about to be released, "Thor 1" and "Captain America 1" are already filming.

The follow-up is basically to strive for the release of two to three films a year, and then "The Avengers" comes out to harvest this rhythm.

Very comfortable!

The development of this cornucopia of Marvel is very smooth, and basically he does not need to worry about it.


Just before Bai Anli was about to join the group for filming, Lao Mouzi came with his new movie "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling".

Looking at the other party's propaganda methods, Bai Anli felt a bit amazing!

"Me and Bell Playing Boat Show" ......

Geez, neurosis!

The national teacher's film, the publicity focus is on the boat show?Is Zhang Weipin, the newly painted Mian crazy?

This guy is also a big mouth. Whenever Lao Mouzi's movie is released, this guy will definitely jump out and do things. . . . .


Originally, Bai Anli also watched the news and had fun, but it didn't take long for Zhang Weipin to make a more showy operation!

Bringing blockbusters to threaten the cinema!

There is simply going to be a wave of 666 for him here. Is this person a real warrior or is he a little too wild?

Not only will the minimum ticket price be increased by five yuan, but the film party's share of the cinema chain will be adjusted from 43% to 45%!

incredible!To grab food from the mouth of the theater!


If Bai Anli is the owner of an entertainment company, this matter is still good for him. After all, if this guy makes it, he can earn a lot of money for each movie.

But....... Hongli Cinema is the most important part of the company!How much interest is there here?

Cutting someone's fortune is like killing one's parents...Although Bai Anli doesn't care how much money he can make now, he doesn't want others to steal money from his pocket!


The code, in the aspect of the theater chain, his family has spent so much money, to be honest, he hasn't paid for it yet!

Although the Hongli Cinema was bought by his father as a gift to Bai Anli, he is not a prodigal ......

"Resolutely disagree!" This was Zhang Xiaoman's attitude.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you. I'll wait for Zhang Yimou to fall out with Zhang Weipin, and find a way to dig up our national teacher!" Bai Anli said.

"Ah? Are they going to fall out?" Zhang Xiaoman looked puzzled.


These two are like conjoined babies. How many years have they been working together?Is this about to fall out?

"Just wait and see, it's not long before we can get in touch with Director Zhang." Bai Anli said mysteriously.

"Okay, I see!" Zhang Xiaoman nodded.

Bai Anli really has no interest in contacting Zhang Weipin who likes to jump up and down to touch porcelain. That person is a lunatic......


Of course, this product is taking the old man seriously, the simplest example, money!

Can you imagine?A director of Lao Mouzi's level has spent ten years from the five films "Hero", "House of Flying Daggers", "A Thousand Miles Alone", "The Golden Armor in the City", and "Three Guns". That's more than [-] million paychecks... . . .

Ten years.......the income of the national teacher.......

It's a miracle that she hasn't fallen out yet!The old man is's very difficult...Bai Anli feels a little distressed for him.


What happened in "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" this time, the division of the theater chain into this incident is considered incidental, and it is true that the old man was abducted to Honglilai.

So far, Hongli really lacks a director with real reputation and strength.

Now such a good opportunity to abduct the national teacher, tsk tsk....... The mouth can be split open with laughter......


Ask for flowers!Ask for a review ticket!Ask for a reward!Please customize!

535、Why do I want your head?

"There are so many things that can be said about the movie, how can Xin Huamian seize such a vulgar point and use it to hype? The grade is too low, it is just wasting the work of the staff. Just like a good child who sold it to a brothel and brought it back Showing off, people have spent so much effort, and now it will be sad to see that we put our interest here. This is not propaganda, it is making trouble!"

This is what the old man said.

Hmm....... Bai Anli liked the Weibo that reprinted this sentence!

Then, it was discovered immediately.


"Bai Anli Supports Lao Mouzi", "National Teacher or Will Join Hongli?" ", "Looking forward to the cooperation between Bai Anli and Zhang Yimou"......

Media!Really sharp sense of smell.

Bai Anli just liked this sentence, and suddenly many people started to make up a bunch of follow-ups. They are really talented people who make up stories!

Even Lao Mouzi himself is a bit baffled. He doesn't know Bai Anli? !

Lao Mouzi's extreme concentration is rare in the circle.


The big names in the entertainment industry will have their own regular gatherings and organizations, and Lao Mouzi has never participated in it.

He is afraid of socializing, and he has no time and energy to make interpersonal investments for himself in the circle.

His films never place ads, and the reason is not because he rejects commercial vulgarity, but because he thinks he will be distracted, unable to concentrate, and have to give up.

Lao Mouzi's dependence on Zhang Weipin started from his blind trust in people and a deep understanding of himself....... I am most afraid that things other than movies will distract him. He doesn't want to, and he also Can't hold it.


When Zhang Wei can take care of everything for him properly, he naturally cannot do without such a strong partner.

The super-long strengths and the amazing weaknesses are extremely concentrated in the individual of Lao Mouzi.

The cooperation between Lao Mouzi and Zhang Weipin was doomed from the beginning.

Zhou Xiaofeng commented: Between the two, it is not the encounter of good and evil, but the encounter of two weaknesses in human nature, the encounter of greed and cowardice.The chemical enzymes that catalyze each other are multiplied.


Hongli's poaching of the old man did not wait for the two turns after "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling".

But it has already started from this time.

Bai Anli's show on Weibo is only the first step.

The two fell out not because of any unexpected event, but the outbreak of the accumulation of long-term conflicts.

In fact, if Zhang Weipin hadn't started pointing fingers at Lao Mouzi's movies, maybe Lao Mouzi would have been able to endure it forever.

Tsk tsk, really good-natured, it is also Zhang Weipin's ability to push an honest person to this level!


"Why are you sure that the two of them will fall out?" Zhang Zifeng came from the curious classmate.

That's right...... It's Zhang Zifeng, the "Daughter's Country" project has been initially launched, and the little girl squatted next to him all day long to discuss the plot and so on under the bad excuse of learning more with Bai Anli.. ..........

In the past two days, Bai Anli called Zhang Xiaoman every day to discuss how to dig the old man over, and Zhang Zifeng was not avoided in various exchanges.


In fact, this can be regarded as a commercial secret, the little girl can be moved!

Hearing Zhang Zifeng's question, Bai Anli was stunned for a moment, then touched her head and said with a smile, "Why are you suddenly interested in this?"

Zhang Zifeng was a little unhappy, Bai Anli still seemed to treat her like a child with this action......

"That, Brother An Li, I've grown up, I can't rub my head like this anymore!" The little girl protested with a puffed face.

"You can't rub it when you grow up? What's the reason?" Bai Anli asked with a smile after blinking.


"That's...that's..." Zhang Zifeng was at a loss for words and didn't know how to answer.

this little girl.........

Bai Anli thought it was funny, seeing the current Zhang Zifeng slowly lose the baby fat, although the appearance in the entertainment circle is not the kind that is particularly amazing.

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