It turned out to be Rukia’s voice!

Liuyun stood in place, as if he was immobile like a statue, as if this soul had caused a huge impact on his soul.

Unfortunately, at this time, he was facing away from Rukia.

If Rukia had seen his face clearly, she would probably be even more surprised than Liuyun.

“How dare you kill humans under my nose?” Rukia mistakenly thought that the “human” in front of her was too frightened to move, but instead focused all her attention on the void.

In addition, since Liuyun had been wearing a righteous remains, there was no sign of Lingzi fluctuations on his body. From the back alone, it is indeed mistaken for him to be just an ordinary human.

In addition, in the consistent cognition, human beings without spiritual power cannot see the existence of death or nothingness.

That’s why Rukia didn’t pay attention to Liuyun!


Her figure disappeared in place and instantly appeared in front of the void~.


Rukia pulled out her slashing knife and slashed it neatly on the top of the void’s head, and the spiritual pressure from the blade immediately purified the void.

“Finally saved a human.” Rukia breathed a sigh of relief and put away her slashing knife. But when she turned over, the whole person was instantly stunned.

A familiar face came into view.

For twenty years, countless days and nights, Rukia has been worried about this face.

The scene where the teenager stretched out his arm and took her as a partner appeared in dreams countless times. Especially that gentle smile has become the most precious memory in the depths of the soul.


“It turned out to be you!”

Rukia’s eyes filled with tears, and her fragile mind could not withstand this sudden accident.

In the past twenty years, countless days and nights, she has more than once visioned the scene of reuniting with Liuyun.


Rukia never dreamed that because of the dispatch of Room Sixty-Four, an unintentional mission would reunite her with Liuyun.

At this moment, for Rukia, reality is no longer cruel, and the sky is no longer gray.

Like the flame of hope that was once extinguished, it burned again and lit the dawn.

Twenty years of waiting finally ushered in the scene of anticipation.

“Liuyun, is it really you?” Teardrops continued to slide down her cheeks, and Rukia’s thin body trembled violently because of her emotions.

Crying with joy!

“Rukia, you read that right, I’ve been living here in seclusion.” Although there were a thousand words in his heart, when it came to his mouth, Liuyun couldn’t say a word.

He was happy to be reunited again. However, whenever he did not give up his actions ten years ago, Liuyun felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

He is well aware that once irresponsible behavior has caused pain and concern to many people.

Because of this, Liuyun chose to go and escape the past.

However, the fated encounter led to his reunion with Rukia years later.

“Why did you leave back then?” Rukia asked affectionately.

“It won’t be clear for a while, come home with me first.” Liuyun sighed heavily.


Liuyun’s home.

Ryuun, Kurosaki Masaki, and Rukia sat around the wooden table. Delicious meals are placed on wooden tables, and the rich fragrance fills the room.

“So that’s the case, in order to save Miss Kurosaki Shinsaki, you were forced to stay in this world.” Rukia’s voice sounded both helpless and relieved.

“For the past twenty years, I have been living in seclusion with Shinsaki in Kuzacho just to silently protect her.”

Liuyun solemnly apologized: “Rukia, very hugged, and disappeared without saying a word.” ”

“Don’t mention the past, I’m already satisfied to see you again.” Rukia herself has a strong personality and quickly puts this matter behind.

Being able to reunite with Liuyun is already the greatest gift from heaven!

“You are Rukia, over the years, I have often heard Liuyun mention you.” Masaki Kurosaki smiled warmly, and although he had met Rukia for a short time, he completely regarded her as his own.

Even after losing the power of the Exterminator, with his innate keen sense of Reiko, Kurosaki Masaki can still see Rukia’s existence.

“Miss Masaki, this year, thanks to you being by Liuyun’s side with him.” Rukia smiled, also not saying anything more because of Shinsaki Kurosaki’s identity.

·· 0 Ask for flowers…

The two get along well and accept each other.

Originally, Rukia wanted to return to the Corpse Soul Realm immediately, but it was rare to meet Liuyun, but she risked violating the rules of the thirteenth team of the protective court and chose to stay in this world.

And just like that, five days passed.


Quiet Spirit Garden, Rokuban Team Building.

“Captain, it’s not good!” Asanai Kojigami, who was the vice captain of the Rokuban team, held a document in his hand and walked into the team office in a panic.


Asanai Koji pushed open the door of the team’s office and hurried to the center of the house.


“What happened?” Immortal Mu Baiya asked expressionlessly. After twenty years, his facial paralysis became more severe, as if nothing could disturb his heart.

“It’s the order of Room Forty-Six!”

Asanai Koji clutched the document with both hands, and a hideous bruise appeared on his neck, and he said reluctantly: “I just received an order from Room Forty-Six…”

“So what? Room Forty-Six controls the order of the thirteen teams of the court protector and even the entire corpse soul world, and you are too fussed. Immortal Mu Baiya scolded coldly.

“No, it’s not for this reason, but because of their orders…” Ansanai recalled what he had seen, and suddenly his face turned pale, as if he was about to face a painful torture.

“Captain, you know that too, right? Rukia was originally sent to the present world on a mission. However, five days after her scheduled return, she disappeared. Strictly speaking, she had already violated the rules of the thirteenth team of the court guard. ”

“So what?” Shiraya was still expressionless.

“Room Forty-Six… He ordered us to go to the present world to arrest Rukia! ”

“So that’s it…”

A trace of fluctuation flashed in the eyes of Immortal Mu Baiya, and he said coldly: “Where was Rukia last seen?” ”

“The current empty zacho.”

“Then let’s go to Kuzacho and arrest Rukia, just the two of us are enough!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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