After digesting the news, Gu An tried his best to restrain his emotions, and only then did he barely maintain a calm expression.

For a long time, she gritted her teeth, and her voice shot out from the deepest part of her chest: "Qiao Qingxue, can you be responsible for what you say now?"

At this moment, the look on her face was extraordinarily serious, and her eyes were fixed.

Qiao Qingxue insisted: "Gu An, everything I said is true. At the juncture of life and death, I can't make fun of you with my life!"

She didn't dodge in the slightest.

In fact, she is also betting in her heart at this moment.

Because she knew that this news was extremely important for Ji Nanxun and Gu An!

"Okay, I believe in you." Gu An said, "After clearing the remnants of outsiders who have infiltrated Lin City, I will arrange a new identity for you and send you out of here."

"Okay!" Hearing this news, Qiao Qingxue complied, ecstatic.

She knows that Gu An never promises easily, but once she says it, she will definitely do it.

With the ability to take care of An, she will definitely be able to arrange a seamless identity for her, so that she can spend the rest of her life safe and sound.

Moreover, in her opinion, Gu An is not a stingy person. Obviously, when the time comes to send her away, he will prepare a large amount of extra money for her.

When she thought that she would finally get rid of the nightmare that Ji Nanxun brought her, Qiao Qingxue finally let go of the hanging heart.

However, at this moment, Gu An's mood was obviously different from that of Qiao Qingxue.

She slowly walked out of the ward step by step, her legs were filled with lead, and each step was extremely heavy.

Even though there was an unexpected assassination just now, the hospital is always the busiest place in the city.

Countless people shuttled back and forth in the corridor, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of disinfectant, which added a bit of sobriety to everyone while they were busy.

Gu An rarely encounters a time like now, not because of physical fatigue, but from the deepest feeling of exhaustion in his body.

It was like a huge rock that was so heavy that people couldn't breathe.

Until a light and shadow appeared in front of her.

A tall and tall man came from the light and shadow. He was as handsome as a god, but unattainable. He was cold and fierce, and he was unstoppable. Only when he looked at her, the coldness in his eyes was replaced by a soft color.

"What's wrong?" he asked softly.

Gu An bit his lip slightly, remained silent, just leaned in his arms quietly, struggling to digest the news he just heard from Qiao Qingxue.

Gu An shrank in his arms, her voice was like that of a kitten: "Will you hug me?"

The girl in front of him had removed all the thorns on her body and presented all the softness in front of him.

Huo Tingxiao opened his arms and hugged her gently in his arms, pressing his palms against her long black hair like a waterfall: "Okay."

Now that Gu An didn't want to say more, he didn't ask, and waited quietly.

Early on the way to the hospital, Huo Tingxiao had already learned from his subordinates that there was a private conversation between Gu An and Qiao Qingxue.

Although I don't know what the content of this conversation is, but thinking about it, this matter must be of great significance to Gu An.

If she is willing to speak, he will listen quietly; if she is not willing, he will not ask too much.

In front of him, Gu An can always be himself without reservation.

Because even if the sky fell, Huo Tingxiao would raise his hand to help his little girl hold up the sky.

The corridors of the hospital are full of people, and the world is noisy and never stops. Only here seems to have opened up an additional new world.

They stayed in this world quietly, hugging each other, as if time stood still at this moment.

I don't know how long it took before I heard Gu An's voice lingering: "Just now, Qiao Qingxue told me that Mr. Ji had doubts about Ji Nanxun's life experience, and before he died, he left a fortune for Mrs. Ji. Qian and a group of men have prepared a back-up man.

However, the second son of Mrs. Ji, Ji Jingchen, is not the biological son of Ji Zhenshan! "

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