The full-level boss is laid off and re-employed in StarCraft

Chapter 416 Start renewing the lives of the nobles (2)

For three days and three nights, Cen Wen drained the abundant life force around him, including the bodyguards, drivers and others waiting downstairs. No one was spared.

The noble lady returned to the age she wanted to be rejuvenated as she wished. From the outside to the inside, she was the most energetic fifty-year-old. In the circle of Wanhua royal family and nobles, it was the age when she completed all her studies.

Not only did the lady benefit from the vitality extracted, but Cen Wen also got a lot of it.

Everyone said she is not a good person.

When the common people found out about this, it was only the nobles who were scolded, not her.

After the life extension was over, the lady slowly woke up and saw Cen Wen showed her a face full of exhaustion.

"What has become of me now?"

The noble lady slowly sat up, touched her face, and looked at her arms with smooth and firm skin without any age spots. There was uncontrollable surprise on her face.

"Ma'am, do you want to look in the mirror?"

Cen Wen walked to the large closet that came with the room, opened a door, and pulled out the hidden full-length mirror inside.

Sitting on the bed, the lady could clearly see her rejuvenated face in the mirror.

"Oh my God!"

Regardless of the fact that her body was weak after lying for a few days, the noble lady quickly got out of bed and rushed to the mirror to look left and right. Regardless of Cen Wen beside her, she directly lifted her top to inspect the skin and muscles of her belly and thighs.

"Oh, look, my body has never looked better than it does today since I gave birth."

"With Wanhua's reproductive technology, does the child still have to rely on the woman's belly?"

"Oh, we are a traditional family, and childbirth is still the most important thing in a woman's life. But for ordinary people, in order not to affect her work and make money, the woman will use reproductive assistance technology from the beginning, directly using stem cells to cultivate sperm and eggs, and cultivating them through in vitro fertilization. cabin development, and harvest a child of your own on time."

"The cost of this complete set is not low, right?"

"Yes, it's not cheap. People who can't afford the money will still give birth on their own, but those who can afford it would rather make money on their own. Their income can completely cover the cost. This reproductive technology is The biggest support crowd.”

"This is also good. If there are suitable people, the technology will continue to develop."

"Yes, this technology completely solves the problems of declining birth rates, aging and population shortages."

The lady was so excited that she revealed a secret about the country's population in a gossipy tone. She didn't even know it, and she just walked around in front of the mirror, admiring her beautiful body.

Cen Wen kept smiling and decided in his mind that when the next nobleman extended his life, he would be more ruthless.

According to what the lady leaked, a fertility factory must have been established to use this technology to produce newborns. It doesn't matter if there are no parents in the family. They will be raised intensively and trained into the most loyal warriors to join the expeditionary force for overseas expansion and territorial expansion.

Let’s just say that the Wanhua United Nations has such a large territory and has been fighting for countless years. How to find the source of troops? They thought they were drawing people from colonial stars. It turns out that they have a more cost-effective way.

If you look at it this way, what does it matter if the average life span of the capital star's elites has dropped significantly? The fertility factories are full of replacement people.

Cen Wen, who had new ideas in mind, asked the other party if it was okay. She opened the door and called the maid, and took the lady to the next room to wash up and eat.

The bodyguards and drivers who were waiting on shift downstairs also sent messages home, preparing to go home.

More than an hour later, the lady, who had taken a quick shower, changed clothes, and had a simple meal, put on a hat with a veil and came down from upstairs gracefully.

The bodyguards and drivers waiting for her stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking at her in a daze.

Having served the master for many years, even with the veil blocking them, they could clearly see that the other person's appearance had changed drastically from a few days ago.

They didn't dare to ask, so they greeted people respectfully and left.

Cen Wen did not show up. At this time, she was also resting in the bedroom on the third floor. The next few days were her rest days, and she would wait until the same day next week for a second person to come to extend her life.

The lady caused a sensation when she returned home. Even the housekeeper, maid, and male servant couldn't help but walk around outside the hostess's door, trying to get a second look.

The children went crazy seeing their mother's rejuvenation effect so good.

Her current face does not look out of place among the youngest great-grandchildren of the family.

The noble lady didn't care about appeasing her family for the moment. She was busy contacting other nobles and made a group video to let everyone see her current state.

Her move really heated up the atmosphere and raised everyone's expectations for her life-extending effect. Especially the second person in the queue, who already felt that time was running so slowly, and it was not even the next week.

At the dinner table, the children watched their mother regain her youthful face and felt extremely uncomfortable. They directly talked about the topic that they also wanted to continue their lives at the dinner table.

The lady paid the bill directly to the children. It was easy to renew her life. All she had to do was pay the money and wait in line. As a mother, she would support a little, but she couldn't let the mother take the lead, or the children were willing to use their own assets to pay the mother. It is also possible to exchange some assets that can be easily divested.

That night, several children were uneasy all night, including their partners. They were planning to go home and find their parents to support them to continue their lives. The assets in their hands as husband and wife also had to figure out whether they were enough to support their children. If they didn't care, Will it cause a family war or something like that?

In the small single-family house, Cen Wen went out for a walk after a good sleep. In the central business district, as far as the eye could see were high-rise buildings, and those expensive high-end shops were located on certain floors of these buildings.

Cen Wen was full of interest in shopping but not buying. He was purely there to gain experience. By the way, he took advantage of the surveillance blind spot to visit the embassy, ​​drink tea with the ambassadors, and show them the first batch of information collected.

However, the matter of the fertility factory was not mentioned. It was just a speculation triggered by a piece of gossip. It was unconfirmed to avoid being scary.

The next week, the second nobleman came with something to extend his life. After Cen Wen restored his youth, he left happily.

The huge changes in the two nobles in a row were finally seen by the capitalists and chaebols who knew that something happened to the nobles recently but didn't know what it was.

They also began to ask around who had performed the miracle.

With the chaebol's connections in the aristocratic circle, he found out Cen Wen's name and current address in a matter of minutes, and rushed to his door to request a meeting.

People came one after another, and Cen Wen entertained them well every time and gave them a contract when they left.

When the first chaebol came to visit, the housekeeper who lent Cen Wen immediately reported it to her marquis.

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